Special Thanks Blog
8 years, 5 months & 11 days ago

17th Oct 2016 22:56
To people who've helped me out! I'm always updating!
[sorry if you have and aren't on my list, these are the ones I have a memory of]
ellendaisyp - Crow dress
Mortician - bunched skirt

koborikun- for the falling petals

MrPeaboddis- for Kaala poison for perseguitato
Asterisky- for a Frostfire costume, you doll!
Roadagain- for the lovely flaming Aries skirt
Midnight989- [i mean technically this wasn't for me, buuuuut] for hosting giveaways near the beginning of my time on Mara where I won 90% of the stuff I have that is valuable
mav8- for my little Toodles Minipet
leochick [cheye]- for all the Pokemon!
alda900- for the random but awesome gift of an Enchanted Fire Snookle Plushie!
Triforce- For giving me Jondar
Beezlebub - I got three (3) things from the 2023 giveaways including my lovely Semyazza, a Battle Mace, and a BZB stamp
Aplisk - got a potion during their farewell giveaway!
I am so sorry for the next one, but I have forgotten your name! Thank YOU, so much, for giving me most of my entire wardrobe from your own attic stocks, you are forever the best!