Trade Records
8 years, 5 months & 11 days ago

29th Sep 2016 19:59
Sorted oldest to newest. If you see your name on here, but do not want it to be, mm me and I'll change it. This is for my own records, as well as records for the sellers. These do not have any bearing on todays prices, nor will they allow you to receive special prices on the same items from the individual sellers. Just because an item was (if it were) discounted at the time, doesn't mean you should expect the same discount.
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 147322797986338!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from Craig:
Armoured Costume
For the following items:
Premium Hair Treasure Map 3
Premium Hair Treasure Map 4
Premium Hair Treasure Map 5
Premium Hair Treasure Map 5
Premium Hair Treasure Map 7
Premium Hair Treasure Map 7
Premium Hair Treasure Map 7
Premium Hair Treasure Map 14
Your offer for Lot Number 147311986049684 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Libby2526:
Goblin Costume
With your offer of 500,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??11 AU and the following items:
Tanning Salon Ticket
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 1473379452741!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from HedgeHog90:
Enchanted Mummy Poera Plushie
For the following items:
Love Poera Potion
Speiro Magazine Aug 2016
Your offer for Lot Number 147344603266289 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from sarahluke:
Enchanted Black Figaro Plushie
With your offer of 3,000,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??2 AU and the following items:
Modest Megadrill
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 147345435526785!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from keat58:
Red Viotto Potion
For the following items:
Enchanted Chibi Quell Plushie
Your offer for Lot Number 147353153676477 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Killers:
Earth Fairy Costume
Earth Fairy Potato
Earth Fairy Gumball
Earth Fairy Book
Earth Stamp
Earth Fairy Chorus
With your offer of 2,700,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
Fake Five Dukka Coin
Your offer for Lot Number 147354191788648 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Adventure:
Elf Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??8 AU and the following items:
Gigantic Fairy Mallet
Your offer for Lot Number 147354852213426 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from lotusflowerbomb:
Hero Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??5 AU and the following items:
Modest Pickaxe
Your offer for Lot Number 147354931295314 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Adventure:
Angel Costume
Hobo Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??34 AU and the following items:
Blue Chibs Pen
Your offer for Lot Number 147265062422331 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Calculus:
Checkered Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??14 AU and the following items:
Tarquin Shirt
Your offer for Lot Number 147366187169946 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from cinnamongirlox8:
British Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??2 AU and the following items:
Blueberry Gummy Chibs Paws
Your offer for Lot Number 147365636968824 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Rob:
Camouflage Costume
Summer Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??17 AU and the following items:
Book of Daggers
Your offer for Lot Number 147369536137428 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Craig:
Essence of Daisy
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??9 AU and the following items:
Butternut Squash
Your offer for Lot Number 147274660741948 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from hex:
Winter Treasure Chest
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??15 AU and the following items:
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
Your offer for Lot Number 147388315496778 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Asterisky:
Blue Yuni Potion
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??20 AU and the following items:
Purple Rose
Your offer for Lot Number 147347806969323 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from norge:
Chocolate Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??1 AU and the following items:
Purple Rose
Your offer for Lot Number 147400891452036 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from hiphop14151415:
Fire Fairy Costume
With your offer of 3,000,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
Lush Tombola Stamp
Your offer for Lot Number 147406810786955 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Rin:
Enchanted Silver Viotto Plushie
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??7 AU and the following items:
Orange Healing Potion
Your offer for Lot Number 147408587757510 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Becky:
Funky Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??5 AU and the following items:
Lush Lake Ticket
Your offer for Lot Number 147408567074386 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Becky:
Devil Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??14 AU and the following items:
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
Your offer for Lot Number 147407349097329 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Becky:
Light Fairy Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??6 AU and the following items:
Gigantic Fairy Mallet
Your offer for Lot Number 147408580327315 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Becky:
Hobo Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??15 AU and the following items:
Mini Pet Island Stamp
Your offer for Lot Number 147425238573472 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Nutkins:
Valentine Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??2 AU and the following items:
Folk Tunes from Baspinar Castle
Your offer for Lot Number 147426315216806 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from buck2772:
Mafia Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??5 AU and the following items:
Hearty Ale
Your offer for Lot Number 147424942485941 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Snixie:
Fire Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??4 AU and the following items:
Tarquin Shield
Your offer for Lot Number 147371747874067 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Patti:
Blitzen Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??4 AU and the following items:
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
Your offer for Lot Number 147407747336680 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Thekiller:
Earth Fairy Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??2 AU and the following items:
Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon
Your offer for Lot Number 146834867389560 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Delcatty:
Headless Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??2 AU and the following items:
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
Your offer for Lot Number 147327887984313 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from lilsabeth:
Steampunk Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??3 AU and the following items:
Gigantic Fairy Mallet
Your offer for Lot Number 147444020057941 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Demortalized:
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??2 AU and the following items:
Leprechaun Trading Card
Your offer for Lot Number 147444309985891 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from honolulu:
Enchanted Earth Fairy Nino Plushie
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??6 AU and the following items:
Tanning Salon Ticket
Your offer for Lot Number 14744964847519 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Fairytale:
Orange Gobble Potion
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??12 AU and the following items:
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
Your offer for Lot Number 14741775197787 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from RainbowTiara:
Winter Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??5 AU and the following items:
Chill #46
Your offer for Lot Number 147457162399348 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Kem:
White Gobble Potion
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??7 AU and the following items:
Sand Shield
Your offer for Lot Number 147145060547403 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Punk:
Plant Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??3 AU and the following items:
Undying Tombola Book
Your offer for Lot Number 147461218448540 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Tannybum:
Earth Fairy Costume
Earth Fairy Potato
Earth Fairy Gumball
Earth Fairy Book
Earth Stamp
Earth Fairy Chorus
Enchanted Earth Fairy Tantua Plushie
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??5 AU and the following items:
Heart and Bones
Your offer for Lot Number 14749736143497 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Badger:
Ice Fairy Mordo Potion
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??8 AU and the following items:
Staff of the Undying Fairy
Your offer for Lot Number 147473932088772 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Dar:
Green Eyru Potion
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??12 AU and the following items:
Catalytic Converter
Your offer for Lot Number 147509345531402 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from GutterxFlower:
Summer Costume
With your offer of 8,000,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??7 AU and the following items:
Orange Chocolate Equilor
Your offer for Lot Number 147509812592351 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Nad:
Gemini Treasure Chest
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??16 AU and the following items:
Orange Chocolate Equilor
Your offer for Lot Number 147500754251403 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from dachshund:
Grey Vlad Potion
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??7 AU and the following items:
Dark Chocolate Rusty
Your offer for Lot Number 147510288640326 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from lorraineparkx:
Voodoo Fasoro Potion
Vortex Fasoro Potion
Headless Fasoro Potion
With your offer of 1,200,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
One Slice of Pepperoni Pizza
Dear meganmm You have been sent a Genie Costume from lorraineparkx!
Your offer for Lot Number 147510433296623 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from whitedasies:
Light Costume
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??7 AU and the following items:
Mint Chocolate Equilor
Your offer for Lot Number 147510427525176 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Rin:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 6
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 9
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 147510530580896!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from Roadagain:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 5
For the following items:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 11
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 147510748574731!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from Spyro:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 3
For the following items:
Light Fairy Costume
Earth Fairy Costume
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 147510772377277!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from Dionysus:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 16
For the following items:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 1
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 14751114971361!
You have received the following items, 0MP, 0RP, 0BP and ??0 AU from Mps:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 7
For the following items:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 4
Werewolf Costume
Your offer for Lot Number 147511132449663 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Londonboss:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 13
With your offer of 0MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 16
Your offer for Lot Number 147516944717666 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Wednesday:
Mummy Plushie
With your offer of 250,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
Female Concoction
Your offer for Lot Number 14752011737350 has been accepted!
You have received the following items from Cappygirl:
Starry Viotto Potion
With your offer of 12,000,000MP, 0RP, 0BP, ??0 AU and the following items:
Enchanted Earth Fairy Nino Plushie