Trades and Swaps
6 years & 18 days ago

24th Feb 2019 11:01
Rules of my Swaps and Trades.
For a Swap any item that is similar to the swapped item will be accepted OR an item of similar value. (Value being what the item is, Mp worth usefulness)
I will sometimes accept a bunch of items for one item, but the items have to be assorted and add up closely to the trade item you are offering on.
I will also change the price I sell an item for based on the current lowest ISP at the time.
For Trades I will trade item to item or any currency AU, Dukka, MP, RP, BP at the accepted ratio's.
RP at a 1:10 ratio
BP at 1:3 ratio
Dukka at current value
Au at 1:1000000
And remember wardrobe items are my weakness

Snakes SUPER Wardrobe Instructions!
6 years, 4 months & 10 days ago

2nd Nov 2018 20:30
Each number that is under an item in the wardrobe means its a different layer. 1 is closest to the skin, 2 is the middle 3 is the farthest.
This is the same for every clothing article. Shirts are 1,2,3, pants are 1, 2, coats are 1, 2, 3, and so on and so forth. What you have to understand is this. If i put a dress on number 2 and then i put a shirt on number 2 the dress will disappear, BUT if i put the shirt on number 3 it will layer over it and the dress will stay. The same can be said for hairpieces. You can only wear 1 wig. But there are at least 1, 2, 3 slots for hair pieces! And another 1, 2, 3 for Hats!
Makeup is a little different, Lets say I want to put eyeliner on my character AND I want to change the colour. I will put the eyeliner on by pressing the number 1, save it. Then go to eye makeup colour, choose the colour then press the 1 underneath the colour of choice. It will make the eyeliner become that colour. This is the same for face makeup.
Things like Scarves take up one Layer no matter what. And Masks and Glasses take up the same space. Jewellry has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, slots that you can layer 5 pieces of jewelry as long as they are assigned to there own number!
Any wardrobe item you see that has a number under it can be layered. Even wings, capes and the like.