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  1. Amnity Wolf Bios
    10th Jul 2007 13:15
    17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
Amnity Wolf Bios
17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
10th Jul 2007 13:15


Name: Dazar
Age: Unknown
Birth Month: (Amnity month)October
Element: Hidden
Eye Colour: Black
Base Coat Colour:Red, yellow, blue, black, orange and white.
Markings: Look at picture.
Build: (Muscles? skinny? etc) Muscular
Size: (Medium... Medium to large? etc) Medium to large.
Personality: Mysterious, down to earth and observative. He doesn't talk much, unless talked to. He prefers to work alone. So the independant type.
Deion: He has long, pointy ears, instead of the small, round ones.
Parents: Fierrow and Crire
Siblings: No siblings
Mate: None
Pups: None
History: History? He keeps that a secret.
Rank: Head Warrior
Other:Colorful wings, a marking on his forehead, large paws.


Name: Aztrimueth(Aztri for short)
Age: 3
Birth Month: (Amnity month)
Gender: Male
Element: Earth
Eye Colour: Green
Base Coat Coloue: White and Lime Green
Markings: He has four stripes on each side of maw that are black and green. He had dlmation spots everywhere.
Build: (Muscles? skinny? etc)Built
Size: (Medium... Medium to large? etc) Medium
Personality: Sweet, kind and protective. Sometimes a little confused, but he catches onto things prety quickly.
Deion: His spine is lime green, down to his tail tip, he also has green socks. Black outlines the green, before going into white. He has dalmation spots.
Parents: Corik and Denri
Siblings: Eros, Artemis and Alaska.
Mate: None
Pups: None
History: Left pack to survive alone(Being the most probable to, out of his siblings)
Rank: (Added when you get one)
Other: Has four spikes on each side of spine. Two horns on his forehead. Wears a spiked collar that has two spikes on top, and four longer ones on bottom. Wears bracelets, with blades on each, facing up.

Kunora: know, it says Jullian)

Name: Kunora(Nickname 'Reaper'(hence Scythe)
Age: 2
Birth Month: (Amnity month)Late May
Element: Soul
Eye Colour: Gold
Base Coat Colour: Black
Markings: No markings
Build: (Muscles? skinny? etc)Very skinny, built legs because she is very fast.
Size: (Medium... Medium to large? etc)Medium
Personality: Sweet, dispite her nickname. She often is seen having a pleasant conversation, or being alone, enjoying the world.
Deion: She has longer fur on the back of her neck, like a horse mane.
Parents: Sorin and Lithi
Siblings: Cora
Mate: None
Pups: None
History: Coming later!^^
Other: Usually carries around a scythe she found outside a human camp.


Name: Tabror
Age: 7 months
Birth Month: (Amnity month)July
Gender: Male
Element: Stone
Eye Colour: Blue
Base Coat Colour: White
Markings: He has violet rings around his elbows, his chest, his undertail and the back of his neck, along with a splotch on his sides and on his rump, and paws. Then he has repetitive gold symbols that resemble a V with a diamond in the middle on his shoulder blades, hind legs, shins, back and under his eye.
Build: Skinny
Size: Small, since he is a pup.
Personality: Rude, disrespectful, but when he admires someone, he REALLY admires them and will do anything they say without question. Often percieved as shy, he can really be open with someone he knows or is close to him.
Deion: He has rounded ears, rather then pointed ones, and long legs, like a Maned Wolf.
Parents: Kala and Mortick
Siblings: Desra
Mate: None
Pups: NONE
History: Coming soon.
Rank: (Added when you get one)
Other:Coming soon.


Name: Desora
Age: 7 months
Birth Month: (Amnity month)July
Gender: Female
Element: Energy
Eye Colour: Blue
Base Coat Colour:
Build: Skinny
Size: Small
Personality: Just like her element. Energetic, hyper and tiresome!
Deion: No deion.
Parents: Kala and Mortick
Siblings: Tabror
Mate: None
Pups: None
History: Coming soon.
Rank: (Added when you get one)
Other:Coming soon.


Age: 4
Birth Month: (Amnity month)February
Gender: Male
Element: Strength
Eye Colour: Brown
Base Coat Colour:
Build: Muscle
Size: Very large.
Personality: Doesn't have much of one. Is just there. He's loyal and always willing, but sometimes he's a useless wolf to talk to.
Deion: No deion.
Parents: He can't remember.
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Pups: None
History: Coming soon.
Rank: (Added when you get one)
Other: He's a mute.

  1. Amnity Wolf Bios
    10th Jul 2007 13:15
    17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago