Being more active here!
6 years & 30 days ago

12th Feb 2019 08:05
When I first made my account here, I fully intended to just make a cute lil avatar and some pets without really getting too into this. But seven months later, I love doing my dailies while I have my morning coffee, and I keep finding more parts of this site to enjoy. I've finally started being more active in my club on here, and bought access to Maratalk, so I'm hoping to continue that trend and keep finding more ways to enjoy all Marapets has to offer

New User!
6 years, 7 months & 5 days ago

7th Aug 2018 10:04
Hi everyone!
I've been playing marapets for a few weeks nows, but am still quite new to a lot of things on the site, like this blog that I didn't know existed till today xD Just posting this as a text to see how it looks