Not in yer life!
6 years, 8 months & 18 days ago

24th Jun 2018 11:35
I may be just a Knutt, but I know silly games when I see them and this is just a ...
What's a "hidden avatar"? Oh goodness I love to find things that are hidden, I hope I find one.
As I was saying, this Mara world is obviously a bit beneath my superior game skills.
Stamps? I have always wanted a collections of stamps, all different and colorful and organized, Oh stamps are neat! Look here a whole shop full of them and I have lots of Marapoints from all these things...
I have lots of stamps now. What was I telling you?
I have always been a superior Knutt. I give back to others..
Hungry? There are hungry fish in an aquarium? I will race right over and feed them!! Worms, I can find worms, I can find anything!! I'm a Knutt!
Good thing I fed that poor fish, he looked very hungry.
I should probably go clean my house. I just bought a new shield and it's a bit dusty. I hear that I can take my new shield and go fight in an arena for glory. I do love glory

I have a computer now. What does that do? If it attacks me I shall protect myself with my shield!
It's a very busy day, I must go now, so much to do, no time for this silly "Mara" exploration.