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  1. Preventative Measures
    21st Mar 2020 12:04
    4 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  2. I Listen To Almost Everything
    15th Mar 2020 02:55
    4 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  3. My Mental Health
    14th Mar 2020 04:34
    5 years ago
  4. Here We Go Again
    3rd Mar 2020 00:38
    5 years & 11 days ago
Preventative Measures
4 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
21st Mar 2020 12:04

With this new virus being spread, I thought it'd be a good idea to give you all a list of ways to stay safe and, hopefully, healthy. The following is not to alarm anyone, it's just medical information I've received from many doctors over the years. I'm posting this in hopes that it'll help.


Wash your hands with hot water and soap. Hand sanitizer is all well and good, but the bacteria it leaves behind are the heavy-hitting ones like E Coli. This information comes directly from a friend who has a degree in bioengineering. When washing your hands, make sure you wash all the way up to your elbows, like a surgeon. Use disposable towels to dry your hands.

Increase your vitamin C intake to 2000mg a day to help boost your immune system. Emergen-C is a great way to do this. It contains 1000mg of vitamin C per packet and has far less sugar than orange juice.

Make sure your environment stays clean. Wipe down surfaces with Lysol or Clorox spray/wipes as this virus is reported to have the ability to stay active on surfaces for up to 3 days. Keep used tissues in the trash, and gather up and dispose of trash as needed. Spray trash bins with Lysol or Clorox spray to keep germs and bacteria under control.

Wash your clothes, bath towels, washcloths, cleaning rags, dish towels, etc after you're done using them. Do not reuse bath towels or washcloths.

Change your bedding and pillowcases on a regular basis. Wash your pillows at least once a week.

Get some fresh air and sunshine. Medical studies have shown that fresh air and sunlight can actually reduce infection rates by 40% to 13% and that recovery times are shorter.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Soda pop, kool-aid, fruit juices, or anything else sugary doesn't count. The sugar will, in fact, make you more dehydrated. Dehydration alone can cause a fever, high blood pressure, infections, and sleep pattern disruptions.

Keep any open wounds/sores covered and clean. Having open wounds can increase your likelihood of becoming ill or developing Cellulitis (a severe and life-threatening skin infection).

Most of all, try to stay calm. Stressing out can put a strain on your immune system causing you to be more likely to get sick.


Know what your symptoms are and when they started.

Have a list of your medications, including dosage and frequency.

Have a list of your allergies, be it food, environmental, or medications.

If you've had previous surgeries, they'll want to know that as well.

Know your preexisting conditions. I.E.: High blood pressure, Diabetes, Fibro, etc.

Know the name of your Primary Care Physician and where they're located.

If you've taken anything for your symptoms before heading to the ER, know what it is, what the dosage was, and when you took it. Not informing the Triage nurse could be dangerous if they set you up in a room and start an IV with other meds that may interact badly with what you've already taken.

Please remember, I am NOT a medical doctor. This IS advice given to me by medical doctors, but if you have any concerns or questions please speak to your Primary Care Physician before taking any other actions.

I Listen To Almost Everything
4 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
15th Mar 2020 02:55

The best cure for feeling down, for me at least, is music and I listen to almost everything.

Ice Nine Kills
Blink 182
Three Days Grace
Eagle-Eye Cherry
Deep Blue Something
Jack Johnson
Jason Mraz
Billy Joel
Stevie Nix
Goo Goo Dolls
Blue October
Dixie Chicks
Diamond Rio
Nora Jones
Michelle Branch
No Doubt
Destiny's Child
John Denver
The Beatles
Queen (since I was like... 5 years old, not just because of the movie that came out recently)
Twenty One Pilots
David Bowie
The Carpenters
The Partridge Family
Matchbox Twenty
Christina Perri
James Blunt
Jamie Cullum
The Cranberries
Simple Plan
Avenged Sevenfold
Vanessa Carlton
The Gorillaz
The Fray
Verve Pipe
Citizen Cope
Third Eye Blind

And far too many others to name...

My Mental Health
5 years ago
14th Mar 2020 04:34

Why does no one talk about depression? Why do we avoid the "uncomfortable" conversation about mental health? Is it really that uncomfortable? Or do people find it scary because they don't know what to say?

Yes, I'm depressed. I have PTSD, social anxiety, mild agoraphobia, and insomnia with occasional bouts of hypersomnia.

Lately, the depression has been getting worse. I'm tired. Mentally, emotionally, physically wiped out. I feel like I'm drowning. I haven't stopped taking my meds. I am seeing a doctor, though I should probably see a counselor.

Mostly, I think I just need a break. I'd love to go somewhere where no one knows me. Where I don't have to worry about finances, or what to cook, or if I even have the groceries. Somewhere where someone else does the cooking and the cleaning. Somewhere like... an assisted living center.

How early can you move into one of those? I think I'd be cool with 3 square a day that I don't have to cook or think about. Tottling down the hall to put the puzzle together with the other old ladies. Maybe one of them could teach me how to crochet better.

Anyway, I'm depressed. I'll be ok eventually, but there it is. Right now, I'm not ok.

Here We Go Again
5 years & 11 days ago
3rd Mar 2020 00:38

Where do I even begin? I suppose I should start with a list of everything that's wrong with me, so here it is::

High blood pressure
Low thyroid
Social anxiety

And that's just on a good day, which seems to be far and few between these last 5 years.

Emergency gall bladder removal - 2015
Brown Recluse spider bite - 2015
Cancer diagnosis (2 surgeries, chemo, radiation) - 2016
Frequent flyer at the ER due to chemo - 2017
Hidradenitis (surgery) - 2018
Hidradenitis again (surgery) - 2019
Cellulitis (hospitalized) - 2019
Hidradenitis AGAIN (no treatment yet) - 2020

Can I just die now?

  1. Preventative Measures
    21st Mar 2020 12:04
    4 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  2. I Listen To Almost Everything
    15th Mar 2020 02:55
    4 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  3. My Mental Health
    14th Mar 2020 04:34
    5 years ago
  4. Here We Go Again
    3rd Mar 2020 00:38
    5 years & 11 days ago