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  1. Restock Times
    1st Sep 2010 18:50
    14 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  2. My Mara Goals
    22nd Jan 2010 15:12
    15 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
  3. My roleplay characters. No stealing!
    22nd Dec 2009 18:18
    15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  4. My fave things! check if u want to be my friend!
    21st Dec 2009 10:13
    15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
  5. How Guys and Girls Flirt
    22nd Dec 2008 12:32
    16 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  6. Twilight Carols!
    21st Dec 2008 11:44
    16 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
Restock Times
14 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
1st Sep 2010 18:50

x0 :x5
Cleaning Products
Contact Lenses
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Musical Instruments
Pots of Paint

:x1 :x6
Factory Outlet
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Mini Pets
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:x2 :x7
Eye Make Up
Giant Vegetables
Gourmet Meat
Halloween Treats
Illegal Concoctions
Male Shoes
Soft Drinks
Wallpaper Wigs
* Charity Shop

:x3 :x8
Canned Food
Car Parts
Face Make Up
Fast Food
Giant Flowers
Gourmet Mutant Food
Hair Dye
Ice Cream
Voodoo Dolls

:x4 :x9
Cooking Ingredients
Female Clothing
Giant Fruits
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My Mara Goals
15 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
22nd Jan 2010 15:12

Get 1,000,000 mp [x]
Get 5,000,000 mp [ ]
Get a chibs [ ]
Get my dream pet [ ]
Get an LE [x]
Get five LE's [ ]
Finish all missions [ ]
Finish one set of missions [x]
Have a club with more than twenty active members [ ]
Win an award [ ]
Get 500 avvies [ ]
Get 300 avvies before the end of 2010 [ ]

My roleplay characters. No stealing!
15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
22nd Dec 2009 18:18

Just the first of many to come. Stay tuned!

Age- looks 17, but is actually 201
gender- female
species- vampire
Looks- Silver wavelets cascade down to about one quarter of the way down her back. She has a small heart-shaped face, with two large and wide green eyes. A small, perfect nose in the center of her face, and a pair of full, light pink lips complete her doll face. She's only 5 feet 4 inches, slightly small, but her height completes her doll image. She has a slight and slim figure, and she looks extremely fragile, and breakable. She's wearing a white long-sleeved t-shirt, with black sleeves, and a pair of black shorts that are frayed at the ends, and reach to about 2 inches above her knees.
Personality: Is extremely kind, and loving. Yet, despite that, she has no qualms over sucking human blood. Can become extremely vicious at times, if necessary, and has a temper. Is extremely fast and strong, like most vampires. She has been around for 200 years though, so she is much stronger than other vampires.

Age- looks 17, but is actually 201
gender- female
species- vampire
Looks- Silver wavelets cascade down to about one quarter of the way down her back. She has a small heart-shaped face, with two large and wide green eyes. A small, perfect nose in the center of her face, and a pair of full, light pink lips complete her doll face. She's only 5 feet 4 inches, slightly small, but her height completes her doll image. She has a slight and slim figure, and she looks extremely fragile, and breakable. She's wearing a white long-sleeved t-shirt, with black sleeves, and a pair of black shorts that are frayed at the ends, and reach to about 2 inches above her knees. Is wearing a pair of black sneakers, but prefers to run around barefoot.
Powers: can create a shield that blocks both physical and mental attacks, and can heal.Is extremely fast and strong, like most vampires. She has been around for 200 years though, so she is much stronger than other vampires.
Personality: Is extremely kind, and loving. Yet, despite that, she has no qualms over sucking human blood. Can become extremely vicious at times, if necessary, and has a temper.
Other: n/a

Looks(url or description please):Silver wavelets cascade down to about one quarter of the way down her back. She has a small heart-shaped face, with two large and wide green eyes. A small, perfect nose in the center of her face, and a pair of full, light pink lips complete her doll face. She's only 5 feet 4 inches, slightly small, but her height completes her doll image. She has a slight and slim figure, and she looks extremely fragile, and breakable. She's wearing a white long-sleeved t-shirt, with black sleeves, and a pair of black shorts that are frayed at the ends, and reach to about 2 inches above her knees. Is wearing a pair of black sneakers, but prefers to run around barefoot.
Personality:Is extremely kind, and loving. Can become extremely vicious at times, if necessary, and has a temper.
Powers(if Gifted):can create a shield that blocks both physical and mental attacks, and can heal.
Other:Is the most popular person in school, but couldn't care less. Aces all her classes, and is extremely athletic.

Age: 14
Power (small): can heal
Weapon (max 3): none. fights with her bare hands.
Other:has a black belt in every martial art known to man.

Name; Allisyn

Age; 20

Gender; F

Species; Vampire

Looks [Description or URL];

Side [Good / Bad]; Good

Power; can create a shield that blocks both mental and physical attacks. Can also heal, but isn't very good at it

Weapon; A silver rapier that she keeps by her side at all times.

Personality; shy, sweet, kind and loving. Despite that, she has no qualms over sucking human blood. Also enjoys elf blood.

History [Opt.]; Was once evil, and enjoyed terrorizing villages. Then she was captured by Lyran, and became good.

Other" the guy she's chained to in the pipcture is her keeper, Lyran.

Name; Allisyn

Age; 20

Gender; F

Species; Vampire

Looks ;

Power; can create a shield that blocks both mental and physical attacks. Can also heal, but isn't very good at it

Weapon; A silver rapier that she keeps by her side at all times.

Personality; shy, sweet, kind and loving. Despite that, she has no qualms over sucking human blood.

Other; the guy she's chained to in the picture is her keeper, Lyran. They're both hunters.

Name; Lyran





Power; Can communicate with others mentally, but can also attack others mentally.

Weapon; A leather whip with a silver tip, and a sword that he usually has sheathed by his side.

Personality; kind, really understands people, has no trouble making friends, kind of oblivious sometimes.

Other; the girl he's changed to is Allisyn, his charge. They're both hunters.

Name; Drake
Age;15, almost 16
Parent; Son of Zeus
Personality; extremely conceited, also vain, short-tempered, bad liar, loves talking about himself.
Weapons; average swordsman and archer.
Other; has a huge crush on Caitlyn

Age;15, almost 16
Parent;Daughter of Athena
Personality; Extremely wise, loves everyone equally, an activist, veryn outspoken, also very patient. Is kind and caring.
Weapons;amazing swordswoman and archer.
Other; Drake likes her, but she doesn't feel that way about him.

Name: Nyla
Looks(url or description please):
Species(Gifted/human): Gifted
Personality:Curious, kind, out going, serious, has a temper.
Powers(if Gifted): can create a shield that blocks both mental and physical attacks, and can heal.

Looks:Silver wavelets cascade down to about one quarter of the way down her back. She has a small heart-shaped face, with two large and wide green eyes. A small, perfect nose in the center of her face, and a pair of full, light pink lips complete her doll face. She's only 5 feet 4 inches, slightly small, but her height completes her doll image. She has a slight and slim figure, and she looks extremely fragile, and breakable. She's wearing a white long-sleeved t-shirt, with black sleeves, and a pair of black shorts that are frayed at the ends, and reach to about 2 inches above her knees. Is wearing a pair of black sneakers.
Power:can create a shield that blocks both mental and physical attacks. Can also heal, but isn't very good at it.
Personality:Is extremely kind, and loving. Can become extremely vicious at times, if necessary, and has a temper. Is also very curious and outgoing.
Other:She's the most popular girl at school, and aces all her classes. At the same time, she could care less about it all, and just wants to go back to being a normal teenager.

Age-looks 17, but is actually much older
Personality-You are Castiel, a moody guy who really doesn't care about a lot. You'd much rather spend your time playing your guitar or listening to one of your favorite bands then making any kind of effort. You're a slacker, and really hate having to do any type of work. If it were up to you, the whole world would be as lazy as you are. You are a bit dark, a side effect of you being a demon, and so people tend to think of you as scary and avoid you. You've scared off plenty of people that way, even if it wasn't your intention. You can come across as a bit of a jerk at times, but you don't really mean it. On the inside, you'd love to have someone who really gets you. As a demon, you dislike angels and any good people.

Age-16, but is much older
Personality-You are Allayna, a shy girl who doesn't really know how to connect with people. You are kind to everyone, always trying your best to help others and give advice when possible. You are not good at dealing with anybody who has a rebellious personality, and when it comes to conflict, you duck your head and run in the opposite direction. You are a bit OCD, and like everything to be as neat and clean as possible. Loud and outspoken are two foreign words to you, and if at all possible, you enjoy spending time on your own. As an angel, you are always trying to do good, and can`t stand demons. You feel it is your job to try and reform them.
Other?- N/a

Name: Alianna Nightingale
Race: Human
Age: 17
look: [img][/img]
can kill: Ask me first.
power: Has extraordinary healing powers, but uses her own life force to heal, and as such can kill herself in the process.
side: Slayers
Personality: You are Alianna, a pure blood slayer, and a member of a dying race. The Nightingale family was one of the largest slayer groups, but has slowly begun to be hunted down. Whole branches have been hunted down, but your family, a part of the main one, has yet to be touched. You have been raised to view creatures as cruel beasts who have no morals or values, and you believe this wholeheartedly. You can be kind to those around you that you trust, but have something of a cold and frigid personality the rest of the time. You're not particularly approachable, and prefer spending time on your own then in groups of people.
other: She's been trained to fight in close combat, and prefers using her double silver daggers in fights. Her glass pendant is filled with a potion that can be used to kill herself if she is ever captured by the enemy.

Yeah, I know, the title kind of sucks, but it was the best I could come up with on short notice. Mara rules apply, so let me begin by explaining the plot.

Humans just recently discovered that a percentage of their population had special powers. These "Gifted" have been taken from their families, friends, and placed into a special school by their governments, all in an attempt to teach them how to control their powers and one day use them for their own special needs. "Gifted" powers normally manifest at the age of 13, and grow stronger as you grow older. This special school is like a paradise to all who live in it, except for those select few who know its true purpose. These few people are trying to escape, and tell the world what this school is really about. Will they be able to, or will their governments silence them in an effort to keep their secrets hidden?
You can be either a Gifted, or a government agent. Gifteds are only allowed to have up to three powers, and government agents can have special skills, like having a black belt in karate or something like that. Only five Gifteds in the school know about the truth, and all the government agents do. I''l post my form when someone else joins. These are the five Gifteds who know the truth:

Oh, and here's the form for your character:

Looks(url or description please):
Job(student/government agent):
Powers(if Gifted):
Knows the truth:
Post "Purple Pwns" if you've read all this.

My fave things! check if u want to be my friend!
15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
21st Dec 2009 10:13

Hey! SO, I don't think that I really gave enough info about what I like and stuff, cuz I'm still getting random friend requests. So, here's a better description of things I like. Wanna be my friend? Well, make sure you and I like some of these things together. Otherwise, nuh-uh.

Fave novel genres: romance, fantasy, vampire(duh!wink.gif, and medieval.
Fave novel(currently):Mimus
Fave manga genres: shoujo, romance, magic, action, fantasy.
Fave music types: pop, rock, alternative, sometimes country.
fave sports: swimming(fastest in my class! yay me!wink.gif, soccer, baseball and basketball.
fave bands(ever changing): Owl City, Faberdrive, Daughtry, Hedley, Rise Against, Jack's Mannequin, and The New Cities!!
fave songs(as of now): 'Give him up' Faberdrive, 'Leaders of the Misled' The New Cities, 'According to you' Orianthi, and 'Oh Oh Oh Sexy Vampire' Fright Ranger, 'Tongue Tied' Faberdrive, 'Old School' Hedley.
fave color: PURPLE! YEAH!!wub.gif
Fave things to do: read, write, draw, swim, dance, sing, surf the web, roleplay!!

So, now that you know more about me, I'm hoping you'll really think about it before you decide to randomly friend request me!tongue.gif Oh, and if you and I share some of these common interests, why not mm me, and we'll talk? haha! Till then! see you!wub.giftongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gifrolleyes.gif

How Guys and Girls Flirt
16 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
22nd Dec 2008 12:32

How Guys/Girls Flirt


1.She calls you by your full name not just a nick name.
2. She hits you softly on the arm and laughs when you say something funny.
3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.
4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.
5. She says, "No, I'm not telling you who I like!" with a big smile on her face.
6. She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seemingly interested.
7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends and she is almost always next to you.
8. She criticizes you on a girl you like.
9. You catch her staring at you.
10. She plays with your hair or tries to put make up on you.
11. Her friends outside of school and in school know about you, and says she talks about you a lot.
12. She knows your phone number and address. ( stalker much? )
13. She will try and talk, and spend time with you as much as possible


1. He stares at you alot.
2. He hits you alot. (just play hitting )
3. He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a converstaion with you
4. He yelled, "Hi!", to your mum that day she picked you up from school.
5. He blew off his buds to go see "Brown Sugar" with you cuz you couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone.
6. He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process
7. His voice gets softer when ever you two talk.
8. You hung up on him. He called you back.
9. You were invited by him to a group outing.
10. He called you to talk about nothing at all.
11. He imitates your laugh. OK, you do laugh PRETTY LOUD. Which makes you laugh even harder...
12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation
13. He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
14. He uses every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, KNEES,ect.)

If you've seen this before you might notice that I took off the wishing part.

  1. Restock Times
    1st Sep 2010 18:50
    14 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  2. My Mara Goals
    22nd Jan 2010 15:12
    15 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
  3. My roleplay characters. No stealing!
    22nd Dec 2009 18:18
    15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  4. My fave things! check if u want to be my friend!
    21st Dec 2009 10:13
    15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
  5. How Guys and Girls Flirt
    22nd Dec 2008 12:32
    16 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  6. Twilight Carols!
    21st Dec 2008 11:44
    16 years, 2 months & 21 days ago