Twilight Carols!
16 years, 2 months & 21 days ago

21st Dec 2008 11:44
On the twelfth day of Christmas, Edward came to me,and gave me twelve kisses on the cheek! Twelve lovely kisses, eleven wolf generations, ten disgruntled guards, nine Cullens in the family, eight full vampires, seven wolves imprinting, six unlucky humans, five gifted Cullens, four newborns fighting, three Volturi leaders, two Cullens singing, and a werewolf in a pear tree!
On the eleventh day of Christmas, Edward came to me! Eleven wolf generations, ten disgruntled guards, nine Cullens in the family, eight full vampires, seven wolves imprinting, six unlucky humans, five gifted Cullens, four newborns fighting, three Volturi leaders, two Cullens singing, and a werwolf in a pear tree!