7 years & 25 days ago

16th Feb 2018 13:46
Limitless... A wonderful kingdom that was every persons dream! It was, in fact, a kingdom that was created from dreams themselves. There were three main dreams that tended to come to the kingdom. They were dreams of wondrous feasts of foods that the dreamer delighted in, dreams of being free from work and being able to play in this dream kingdom however the dreamer wished, and dreams of jewels and fine clothing being bestowed upon the dreamer in whatever fashion their heart desired. The power of these dreams caused the dreamland to create three deities that were created to oversee these dreamers and to take care of them in their dreams.
The first deity was Casey, a playful and energetic goddess who delighted in giving dreamers their wildest imaginations free roam of the fields and play houses scattered across the dreamscape. There is never a dull moment under her care, as she knows just what to keep you happy and will stop at nothing to do so! She chose the Chibs species and the Toy pets to be companion the dreamers in her care, their playful nature a perfect complement to her.
The second deity was Monika, she radiated fashion, beauty, and grace. Her ultimate taste in color and design gave her dreamers only the finest of clothing she could muster. You could never catch this goddess taking a cheat day on her fancy dress, you must be mad to think so! She chose the Sindi species and the Fancy pets to assist her dreamers in their dreams to become just as fashionable as Monika herself.
The third deity was Malon, the chef of dreams, unmatched and undefeated in her culinary and confectionery skills, even though she could be a bit lazy. Her taste was so refined not one dreamer under her care has ever even slightly disliked something she had created for them to feast upon. She could sometimes be found sampling her own wares if you were sneaky enough... She chose the Gonk species and the Fat pets to help serve and feast with the dreamers who came to her, seeking the delicacies she provided.
Limitless, the kingdom of dreams, created by the dreamers, was bustling with wonderful dreams with the help of the three deities... But one day, this was not so...
Malon had been walking through the Limitless Palace with a bowl full of cake batter in her arms, whisking furiously. The sweet deity had accidentally knocked into Casey, sending the whole bowl right onto her head. Malon tried to help Casey, getting the bowl off of her head and walking her over to a bathroom to clean the sugary mess, as Monika walked out. Malon was scolded by Monika for ruining Casey's brand new dress, she had a habit of not looking where she was going with her batter. Casey tried to speak up but Malon had beaten her to it, declaring it wasn't her fault. After a heated debate, an unsaid tension began to grow.
Soon the deities began to pick at each other, making not so nice comments about each others work, fighting over dreamers and accidentally ruining dreams in the process. After a few nights of this, they had all had enough...
Limitless was now in war. Three teams emerged...
Team Vanity, headed by the elegant deity Monika.
Team Playtime, created by the hyperactive deity Casey.
Team Eats, whipped together by the delicious deity Malon.
None of them wanted to give up the Palace, so a plan emerged, the deity who could get their dreamers to fill the palace up with items from their world that gave them power would own the castle. Anything edible gave Malon the magic to slice away the other goddesses, any kind of toy gave Casey the power to claim the palace rooms for playtime, and anything you could possibly fit into a wardrobe gave Monika the power to dazzle the other deities out of the palace in shame of their own clothes.
Now they turn to you. Dreamers of Mara! Pick the deity you would like to watch over your dreams, and help them win the Palace of Limitless!
Where all of your dreams, will become true.