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  1. An old friend and pressies.... Gratitude.
    5th Dec 2007 13:22
    17 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
  2. Stating and updating Foozzeell
    27th Nov 2007 19:40
    17 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  3. quest for the new cards
    27th Nov 2007 02:45
    17 years, 3 months & 29 days ago
  4. Trading Cards Needed: See below
    23rd Nov 2007 08:26
    17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  5. Welcome to my marablog
    23rd Nov 2007 08:23
    17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
An old friend and pressies.... Gratitude.
17 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
5th Dec 2007 13:22

I ran across an old friend today... It was really great to see you barb... It's been far too long... and thank you so very much for the help in completeing my tc deck... I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to find those tc's and they were so very precious in the trades...

I now have been able to add:
crinkel tc
eleka minions tc
kevadra tc

to my tc deck! I am soooooo thrilled!
Thank you again Luv.

Stating and updating Foozzeell
17 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
27th Nov 2007 19:40

Currently I'm in the process of working to make sure he has every dvd and cd available. If you have one that I don't have for him feel free to mm me ...

I also am working diligently to get him stat'd up both in the regular gym and the elite gym but this is taking a great deal of time so it is a slow process, that I am dedicated to.

I applaud those who have worked so hard on their stats for there pets. I used to stat up each one. Now i'm concentrating only three: foozzeell, suikaro, and annie_bananiee.

I know it's been said that the names of my pets are odd... Most of them i've not chosen as each was adopted from the pound. I wish there was a way to change the pets name but I'm not sure how to do that if there is. I especially would love to change weirdo's name LOL...

quest for the new cards
17 years, 3 months & 29 days ago
27th Nov 2007 02:45

I am currently in a snowman quest frenzy... trying to get the new snowman card. If you have been lucky enough to get one of them would you mm me... I'm curious how long it took you to get one.

But I must admit this is getting me closer to reaching my goal of doing 1000 snoman quests so it's all good. Also if you have had luck with Santa Claws please let me know. I've not done many of his quests before.

Trading Cards Needed: See below
17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
23rd Nov 2007 08:26

Gross Trading Card [X]
RIP Trading Card [ ] Still desperately need this one... any suggestions?
Rusty Trading Card [X]
Wizardrip Trading Card [X]
Crinkal Trading Card [X]
Kevedra Trading Card [X]
Eleka Minion Trading Card [x]

I am willing to trade something in my gallery that I have more than one of, rps, bps and mp's for the cards listed above or any combination there of that is reasonable for the current market.

Welcome to my marablog
17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
23rd Nov 2007 08:23

I've been playing Marapets a long time! I love to hear from new people playing. If you need help with something feel free to ask. Please don't beg for items though. It is up to my discretion to share my items with people. Especially the items i've worked hard for.

But if you don't know where to find something or have a question feel free to mm me.

I love to chat and meet new friends.

  1. An old friend and pressies.... Gratitude.
    5th Dec 2007 13:22
    17 years, 3 months & 21 days ago
  2. Stating and updating Foozzeell
    27th Nov 2007 19:40
    17 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  3. quest for the new cards
    27th Nov 2007 02:45
    17 years, 3 months & 29 days ago
  4. Trading Cards Needed: See below
    23rd Nov 2007 08:26
    17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  5. Welcome to my marablog
    23rd Nov 2007 08:23
    17 years, 4 months & 3 days ago