FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. Updated July 3rd
17 years & 24 days ago

19th Feb 2008 10:55
I love maramail so please maramail me if you have to, but here are some questions that I get a lot, to save your time and my time.
Q: Are you [insert label here]?
A: A lot of people label me like a can of soup. The most used are: Emo, Goth, Scene, and loner. I am here to tell you, I am rather proud of my labels. Love me or hate me. But I will not admit to being any of the mentioned.
Q: Can we one on one?
A: That depends. Do you put effort into your writing and try to use the best grammar you can? If so, sure!
Q: Join my club?
A: Sorry, I belong to a good club already. Thanks though.
Q: Join my roleplay!?
A: Depends. You should just maramail me for this one.
Q: Support my cause!
A: If you want me to support anything, like a group or a person then present to me this person or group. Mara mail me.
Q: Can I have your myspace url?
A: If I wanted you to have it, you'd have it already. If you still think you should have it, mara mail me.
Q: Do you have [insert web name here]?
A: I have myspace, youtube, marapets, neo, photobucket, msn, yahoo, meebo, a number of proboards, facebook, free webs, zombie adds, zomg adds, candy adds, gmail, myspace, myspace IM, cookie-bits.net and more.
Q: Whats your favorite genre to roleplay?
A: Medieval/Modern: Vampire/Supernatural/Religious or Romance.
Q: Can I have your pets or items?
A: No. Work for what you want.
Q: You are so cool! Will you w.hore me to the advanced forums?
A: No. Don't use me to become known. I hate that.
Q: Will you rate my work/writing?
A: Yes. Send it over.
Q: Will you be my girlfriend?
A: Any pathetic person to want to date a pixel is completley out of their mind. NO NO NO NO NO. If you mail me with this or something similar I will block you, and report you.
Q: What do you look like?
A: Mostly like my character...but if you want my picture, get to know me.
Q: Are you single?
A: NO! I am in love with John Foley. We got together 4/18/08 and he is my life, my world and my universe. <3
Q: Be my friend?
A: I will befriend all.
Q: Favorite animal?
A: Rabbit.
Q: Favorite color?
A: Black, Red, metalics and dark colors.
Q: Obsessions?
A: Blood, black, sparkly icons and pixels, scene kids, writing, drawing, guitar hero, friends, myspace, and boys. xD
Thats about it, I believe. :\