RANTING/VENTING: Updated July 3rd
17 years & 24 days ago

19th Feb 2008 10:38
This is where I post my ranting and venting.
July 3rd 08:
UGH. Moving REALLY sucks. I just moved all the way from California, to Washington state...in a CAR! D= Two days drive. And then, when we get here, it's burning hot for several days. x_x Finally it's cooled down. We just had a bit of thunder and rain. It's very gorgeous up here. Lots of scenery, and /lots/ to do. Mount St. Helens, Mount Renier, the beach, Seattle [space needle!] etcetera. Anyway...I'm so tired. Finally got most everything un packed and put away. My room is put together and the boxes have been recycled instead of cluttering in my closet. >.< Coco is happy. [He lost his baby teeths! >w<] Sophia is being a brat. Chia bit my thumb ]= and yeah. My mom is at work. So like...thats it for now. Just wanted to rant.
Bye! XD