6 years, 5 months & 29 days ago

13th Sep 2018 11:58
Baspinar's Castle You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Trunx's Theatre mission.
Biala Mountain You need to own limited edition Viotto pet.
Candyand You need to find a Nut item from the Nutty Tree.
Once you have, come back here to complete your goal.
City Sewers You need to complete 50 or more Sewer Monster quests.
City of Marada You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission
Dukka Caves You need to use a rarity 10 or more Potion on your pet.
Eleka's CastleYou need to own any Dark coloured pet
Once you own a voodoo pet, view its profile and then come back here to complete your goal
EnpiahYou need to own any Space Fairy coloured pet
Once you own a space fairy pet, view its profile and then come back here to complete your goal
Gigantic ParadiseYou need to complete level 10 or higher at the Rubbish Dump mission
JenoaYou need to complete level 5 or higher at the Clam mission
Kamilah DesertYou need to complete 100 or more Talon quests.
LowlywoodYou need to complete level 4 or higher of the Priscilla mission.
Once you have done so, come back here to complete your goal
Lush Lake ☆
You need to take a Photo of a Chibs pet at the Photo Parlour
Once you have, come back here to complete your goal.
Minipet Island You need to win a battle with a difficulty over 50
NimbusYou need to complete level 5 or higher at the Greedy Gertrude mission.
Puchalla VillageYou need to complete level 6 or higher at the Bumpkin mission
Simeria You need to complete a level of the Temple of Transformation
Slater ParkYou need to complete level 5 or higher at the Circus mission
Undying WoodsYou need to win an Undying Tombola DVD at the Undying Tombola game
When you have, come back here to complete your goal.
Vortex ParkYou need to complete 10 or more mission levels for the Peasant Fairy.
ZiranekYou need to use a Digital Costume on one of your pets.