Random Acts of Kindness
15 years, 11 months & 18 days ago

22nd Mar 2009 19:35
-given 200k for DPF[more then once]
-During holidays spent over 6 million in random items sending to random people online.
-Given two w/n mordos
-Given a 25 stated Vortex huthiq
-Given a Daisy
-Given a troit
-Give witch Mordo worth 11 million
-Eleka Viotto for Yowwys birthday!
-Gave Whiterosesred a Checkered Peora!
-Gave away w/n Vortex Huthiq
-Gave away w/n white zoink
-anniehentzqueen-SENT CHIBS
-Sent haybug0722 a ice fairy mordo
-Sent laladecocoa Chocolate Chibs
-Gave grey zoosh potion to
-Gave Catena[red 300 instrument chibs] to Lydia
-Sent white troit to lala

-Sent Earth fairy viotto to Ekkii
-Sent explorere tasi to ikilledazebra
-Sent chloe and Seas. phanty
-Sent Viotto to lydia

-gave Witch Phanty
-Sent Einya the black chibs to Californiacutie8
-Sent Fauly the black chibs to Flain
-sent raisens ice fairy rusty
-Sent Casella the red chibs to ikilledazebra
-Gave flameswarren Earth Fairy Viotto
-Gave Lydia Fairy Chibs
-Gave Chloe Pensieve
-Gave away magicalbabe26 malfoy the middy chibs
-Gave away Burnt Zoink
-Gave away blue phanty
-Gave away Green rusty
-Gave away puchella Gizmo
-Gave away snow chibs
-Gave away voodoo troit
-Gave away mummy zoosh