I'm in a pickle.
16 years, 6 months & 12 days ago

30th Aug 2008 19:34
Yeah, I'm stuck between joining two clubs. One is with 10 of my old club friends. The old club was deleted and they made a new one.
The other club is the club that I joined after that club got deleted. I really like it, and I don't know if its fair to leave it. On the other hand, the leader was banned and we're not sure if she's coming back.
1st club - Causerie
Good things: Old friends, best friend from real life is in it. And its really active.
Bad things: It only has 10 members.
2nd club - Marahangout
Good things: Made new friends and I don't think its fair if I leave.
Bad things: Leader was banned and we're not sure if she's coming back. And its really unactive.
Please vote to get me out of the pickle.
16 years, 7 months & 23 days ago

20th Jul 2008 19:13
I need 5 more pearls to complete my collection. Here are the pearls I don't have.
Recycled-Pirates ship
Princess-Not in shops
Robot-Pirates ship
Halloween-Not in shops
Light-100k+ in shops
Devil-Not in shops
Seasonal-Don't remember
Inside Out-100k+ in shops
Broken Egg-100k+ in shops
Pixie-Not in shops
Skater-Don't remember
School-Not in shops
Eleka-Not in shops
Baspinar-If Eleka isn't, Baspinar isn't
Nefarious-DONOR GAVE ONE! =]
Undying woods-Think I have it, too lazy to check
Funky-Not in shops
With Hat-Not in shops
Digital-Pirate's ship
Tomato-Pirate's ship
Fairy-Maybe in pirates ship
Ice Fairy-100k+ in shops
Snowflake-Not in shops
Christmas Gift-ANOTHER DONOR! =]
Jenoa-Didn't check
Baspinars Castle-Not in shops
Elekas Castle-Not in shops
Dukka Cave-Forgot
Can I have some donations please?
Goals (like I'll ever complete them)
16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

20th Jun 2008 09:32
-Get 650 dukka coin (For stuff from the Pirates ship)[I have...14]
-Get 1,000,000 mp [Ugh, just had it until I did a couple Blitzen, but getting it again]
-Get 10,000 rp [Oh, no where near]
-Get 10,000 bp [No where near either]
-Make a few of my pets LE's (I like some of them non-LE's) [*snort* I doubt it]
-Complete my nest [I haven't even tried xD]
-Collect all pearls [Really, really close! *crosses fingers*]
-Complete the volcano map [Pretty close, just missing a few]
To staff
16 years, 10 months & 18 days ago

24th Apr 2008 16:09
My real life friends/family--jen10, thefuzzbuzzmuzzbcuzz, and furryfeline.
We sometimes log in on each other's computers, and I have 3 computers that I have at home that I play on.
Please don't ban me and my friends! Thank you!
Edit: Now why is furryfeline banned?