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  1. Notes to Self
    19th Jun 2022 18:03
    2 years, 8 months & 29 days ago
Notes to Self
2 years, 8 months & 29 days ago
19th Jun 2022 18:03

Hi , this is just a list of my random thoughts about what I need to do around Marapets.

- Sulfurious NEEDS to be a Werewolf Quell, Nightmare Raulf***, Vampire Raulf or Halloween Bolimo.
- Mykvet options: Witch Lati, Anime Chibs, Black Speiro, Desert Chibs***
- Saffronne options: Lightning Fasoro, Lightning Viotto
- Khoshekkh NEEDS to be a Mutant or Nightmare Chibs

Potential Pet Colours for Unmade Pets
- Anime Nino
- Baby Chibs
- Black Figaro
- Calico Fasoro, Viotto
- Candy Ushunda
- Chibi Chibs, Vlad
- Dalmatian Walee
- Doll Sindi
- Dragon Quell, Raulf, Zola
- Eleka Chibs, Viotto
- Fairy Zola
- Galaxy Figaro, Viotto, Zola
- Gothic Gonk
- Halloween Chibs, Pucu ***, Sindi, Viotto***
- Leopard Figaro, Jessup, Speiro
- Midnight Chibs, Daisy, Fasoro, Lati ***, Sindi
- Minipet Limax, Quell, Ushunda, Vlad
- Monster Viotto, Zola
- Moonlight Quell, Vixen, Zola
- Mummy Chibs, Figaro, Sindi, Viotto
- Mutant Fasoro, Figaro, Nino, Sindi, Zola
- Nefarious Quell
- Nimbus Zola
- Origami Zoi (hilarious!)
- Pampered Murfin
- Party Kaala, Quell, Yuni
- Poison Zola
- Punk Dakota
- Rainy Fasoro, Snookle
- Recycled Fasoro
- Robot Jessup
- Sad Quell
- Skeleton Ike, Ushunda, Zola
- Sleepy Leido
- Space Fairy Equilor
- Space Equilor, Quell, Ushunda
- Staff Figaro, Sindi ***
- Stone Age Chibs, Equilor
- Strobe Nino, Straya
- Summer Jessup
- Thunder Chibs, Fasoro, Figaro, Speiro, Straya, Ushunda, Viotto, Vlad
- Tiger Chibs, Figaro, Nino, Speiro, Ushunda, Viotto, Vlad, Zola
- Toy Poera (hilarious), Viotto ***
- Tundra Fasoro, Jessup
- Valentine Basil, Chibs, Straya, Zola
- Vampire Fasoro, Nino, Raulf
- Villain Vlad
- Werewolf Tantua, Tasi, Vlad, Zola
- Witch Straya

... to be continued

  1. Notes to Self
    19th Jun 2022 18:03
    2 years, 8 months & 29 days ago