Current Pet Goals Part 1
2 years, 2 months & 28 days ago

15th Dec 2022 08:22
Pet Goals I am currently working on...
Alicyn - Gothic Arinya *need costume
Bheatrix - ?? Chibs *Cursed or Hobo need Chibs *COMPLETED
BilboHissins - Gnome Poera *have Poera need costume *COMPLETED
Bugaloo - Cartoon Mordo *need Mordo and costume
Capers - ?? Tasi- *need one of the following Easter, Gingerbread, Hairy, Safari or Valentine *COMPLETED
Chavon - ? Lati *need either Plushie or Cartoon costume *COMPLETED
Consus - Rainy Gizmo *need costume
Eurig - ? Vlad *need one of the following Chibi, Minipet, Nightmare or Werewolf costume *COMPLETED
Fiddlys - Cartoon Wallop *have Wallop & costume *COMPLETED
Fungalicious - Poison Limax*need Limax have costume *COMPLETED
Fungas - Poison Xoi *have Xoi need costume *COMPLETED
Grimhild - Witch Straya *have Straya need costume
Gurwin - Cartoon Rofling *need Rofling and costume
Hopalong - Cowboy Sybri *need Sybri and costume *COMPLETED
Knobbie - ??
Kurmudgeon - Cartoon Crikey *have Crikey need costume *COMPLETED
Kuzey - Winter Willa *need Willa and costume *COMPLETED
Louellen - Polar Viotto *Almost have Viotto need costume *Have costume need Vitto *COMPLETED
Luciifur - ?? Devil Daisy ?? *Need Daisy and costume
Lunahtic - Mad Scientist Sindi *have sindi need costume *COMPLETED
Magdalin - Fat Raulf *Have Raulf need costume *COMPLETED
Meriah - Fairy Eyru * need Eyru and costume * Have Eyru need costume *COMPLETED
Ommin - Zombie Zola *need Zola and costume
Ooglie - ?? Stone Age Decadal ?? *need Decadal and costume
Oorie - Sad Poera *need Poera and costume *have Poera need costume *COMPLETED