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  1. Gigantic Paradise Goals
    26th Apr 2009 12:55
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  2. Puchalla Village Goals
    26th Apr 2009 12:54
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  3. Restock Times
    28th Mar 2009 09:20
    15 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  4. Temple of Transubstantiation
    22nd Mar 2009 15:25
    15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
  5. Enpiah Goals
    18th Mar 2009 04:58
    15 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  6. Lush Lake Goals
    9th Mar 2009 11:40
    16 years & 4 days ago
  7. Temple of Transformation
    21st Aug 2008 22:44
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  8. Minipet Island Goals
    19th Aug 2008 19:24
    16 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  9. Ziranek Goals
    18th Aug 2008 19:04
    16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  10. Dukka cave goals
    19th Apr 2008 05:45
    16 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
Jenoa Goals
16 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
13th Apr 2008 06:28

<done>1. Heal your pet at the bubble pit
Reward - Chocolate Whirlpool

<done>2.Restock an item from the Armour shop
Reward - 1,000MP

<done>3.You need to restock an item from the Sushi shop
Reward - Jenoa Balloon

<done>4. You need to create a new pet Paffuto or Equilor
Reward - Fish Bread

<done>5. Complete level 5 of clam missions
Reward - Jenoa shirt

<done>6.Feed a fish at the aquarium
Reward - 2,500MP

<done>7.Have an underwater coloured pet
Reward - Jenoa Gumball

<done>8.Complete 10 or more Clam Missions
Reward - 5,000MP

<done>9.You need to match 8 numbers in a game of Keno
Reward - Jenoa Potato

<done>10. You need to buy a piece of the Whirlpool Treasure Map from the Map Shop
Reward - 7,500MP

<done>11. You need to own any Water coloured pet
Reward - Jar of Fish Eyes

<done>12. You need to own limited edition Kronk pet
Reward - Pull Along Paffuto

<done>13. You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Clam mission
Reward - Jenoa Goals Plushie

<done>14. You need to restock a rarity 7 or higher item from the Sushi shop.
Reward - Jenoa Pearl

15. You need to buy a piece of the Fishing Treasure Map from the Map Shop
Reward - Jenoan Tales

16. You need to match 11 numbers in a game of Keno
Reward - 10,000MP

17. You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Clam mission
Reward: 20,000MP

18. You need to restock a rarity 7 or higher item from the Armour shop
Reward: Under the Sea

19. You need to restock an item from the Pearl shop.
Reward: Jenoan Shield

20. You need to complete level 25 or higher at the Clam mission
Reward: 30,000MP

21. You need to restock an item from the Cleaning Products shop.
Reward: Jenoan Sword

22. You need access to the Fishing game in Jenoa and go fishing.

Eleka Goals
17 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
7th Feb 2008 09:46

<done>Level 1: Use the Eleka tombola
Reward: Chocolate Eleka

<done>Level 2: Use the Eleka fountain
Reward: 1,000mp

<done>Level 3: Own a voodoo coloured pet
Reward: 2,000mp

<done>Level 4: restock an item from the cooking ingredients shop
Reward: Voodoo Cookie

<done>Level 5: Own a Dark pet
Reward: Elekas Castle Shirt

<done>Level 6: You need to feed one of your pets a Cooking Ingredient
Reward: 2,5000

<done>Level 7: You need to restock an item from the Voodoo Dolls shop.
Reward: Elekas Castle Gumball

<done>Level 8: You need to complete level 3 or higher at the Fates mission
Reward: 5,000mp

<done>Level 9: You need to feed one of your pets a Poison Potato
Reward: Elekas Castle Potato

<done> Level 10: You need to own any Eleka coloured pet
Reward: 7,500mp

<done>Level 11: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Fates mission
Reward: Jar of Eleka Castle Water

<done>Level 12: You need to save a minipet from Eleka's Prison
Reward: Eleka Teeth

<done>Level 13: You need to win a Eleka Tombola Book at the Eleka Tombola game
Reward: Eleka Gonk Plushie

<done>Level 14: You need to complete level 7 or higher at the Fates mission
Reward: Elekas Castle Pearl

<done>Level 15: Own a gothic pet
Reward: Voodoo Book

<done>Level 16: Gain a magic stat from Eleka fountain
Reward: 10,000mp

<done>Level 17: Complete level 10 or higher at fates mission
Reward: 20,000mp

<done>Level 18: Win an Eleka Tombola Stamp from the Eleka Tombola
Reward: History of Queen Eleka (DVD)

<done>Level 19: A pet must have listend to Poisionous Tunes
Reward: Horned Shield

<done>Level 20: complete level 13 or higher at the Fates mission
Reward: 30,000MP

<done>Level 21: Have a pet that has read book of fate
Reward: Spiked Axe

<done>Level 22: You need to buy a Knutt Poison item from the Poisons shop
Reward: Shilpy

Level 23: You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Fates mission
Reward: 40,000MP

Level 24: You need to win a Eleka Tombola CD at the Eleka Tombola game
Reward: 50,000MP

Level 25: You need to complete level 17 or higher at the Fates mission
Reward: Queen Eleka Female Costume

Level 26: You need to buy a Quell Poison item from the Poisons shop
Reward: Queen Eleka Male Costume

Level 27: You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Fates mission

Baspinar Castle Goals
17 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
16th Jan 2008 07:29

<done>level 1: You need to change your doll's hair style.
Reward: Chocolate Sword

<done>Level 2: You need to restock an item from the Wallpapers shop.
Reward: 1,000MP

<done>Level 3: Play a game of Sword in the Stone.
Reward: Blue Crindol Balloon

<done>Level 4: You need to restock an item from the Sunglasses shop.
Reward: Grass cookie

<done>Level 5: Complete 25 Knight Knutt quests
Reward: Baspinars Castle Shirt

Level 6: You need to own any Royal coloured pet
Reward: 2,500MP

Level 7: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Troll mission
Reward: Baspinars Castle Gumball

Level 8: Complete 45 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: 5,000MP

Level 9: You need to own any Armoured coloured pet
Reward: Baspinars Castle Potato

Level 10: Complete 65 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: 7,500MP

Level 11: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Trunx's Theatre mission
Reward: Jar of Worms

Level 12: You need to own limited edition Oglue pet
Reward: Newth Flippers

Level 13: Complete 85 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: Baspinar Sword Plushie

Level 14: You need to win a Tombola DVD at the Tombola game
Reward: Baspinars Castle Pearl

Level 15: Complete 105 or more Knutt Knight Quests
Reward: Gardening Book

Level 16: Buy Pisces from Princess Rapunzel
Reward: 10,000MP

Level 17: You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Troll mission
Reward: 20,000MP

Level 18: Complete 125 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: Last Battle

Level 19: You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Trunx's Theatre mission
Reward: Grassy Shield

Level 20:
You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Troll mission
Reward: 30,000MP

Level 21: Complete 150 or more Knutt Knight Quests.

Biala Goals
17 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
24th Dec 2007 07:19

<done>Level 1 - Buy a lottery ticket at the Lottery Game in Biala.
Reward: Chocolate Snowman

<done>Level 2 - You need to restock a rarity 5 or more item from the toy shop
Reward: 1000 MP

<done>Level 3 - Complete 25 or more Snowman Quests.
Reward: Blue Newth Balloon

<done>Level 4 - You need to collect 15 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album.
Reward: Christmas Tree Biscuits

<done>Level 5 - Complete 35 or more Santa Claws Quests.
Reward: Biala Shirt

<done>Level 6 - You need to win a game of Newth Racing.
Reward: 2500 MP

<done>Level 7 - You need to win a prize in the Christmas Tree game
Reward: Biala Gumball

<done>Level 8 - You need to collect 25 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album
Reward: 5000 MP

<done>Level 9 - Complete 50 or more Snowman Quests.
Reward: Biala Potato

<done>Level 10 - Complete 65 or more Santa Claws Quests.
Reward: 7500 MP

<done>Level 11 - You need to own any Snow coloured pet
Reward: Jar of Ice

<done>Level 12 - You need to own limited edition Viotto pet
Reward: Blitzen Horns

<done>Level 13 - You need to collect 40 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album.
Reward: Snowball Plushie

<done>Level 14 - Complete 75 Snowman quests.
Reward: Snowflake Pearl

<done>Level 15 - Complete 100 Santa Claws quests
Reward: Snowball book

<done>Level 16 - View your Ice Fairy pet
Reward: 10,000MP

<done>Level 17 - complete level 4 or higher of Blitzen
Reward: 20,000 MP

<done>Level 18 - You need to collect 50 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album.
Reward: Biala is Melting

<done>Level 19 - View your Ice coloured pet's profile
Reward: Biala Sword

<done>Level 20 - You need to complete level 8 of Blitzen
Reward: 30,000MP

<done>Level 21 - Complete 125 Snowman Quests
Reward: Biala Shield

<done>Level 22 - View your Elf pets Profile
Reward: Flaydor

<done>Level 23 - Have 60 stamps in your stamp album
Reward: 40,000 MP

<done>Level 24 - Win a prize at the fruit machine
Reward: 50,000 MP

<done>Level 25 - Complete 200 or more Santa Claws Quests
Reward: Blitzen Male Costume

<done>Level 26 - Complete 250 or more Snowman Quests
Reward: Blitzen Female Costume

<done>Level 27 - You need to complete level 12 or higher at the Blitzen's Grotto mission
Reward: 75,000MP

<done>Level 28 - Complete 300 or more Santa Claws quests
Reward: 100,000MP

<done>Level 29 - Complete 350 or more Snowman Quests.
Reward: Biala Wig

<done>Level 30 - Complete 16 levels of Blitzen missions.
Reward: 125,000MP

<done>Level 31 - Complete level 20 or higher of Blitzen missions
Reward: 150,000MP

Undying Woods Goals
17 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
24th Dec 2007 07:12

<done>Level 1 - You need to offer 25,000MP or more on any item currently in the Auctions.
Reward: Chocolate Pumpkin

<done>Level 2 - You need to restock a rarity 5 or more item from the Weapons shop.
Reward: 1,000 MP

<done>Level 3 - You need to find the Bolimo in the Open Graves game.
Reward: Undying Woods Balloon

<done>Level 4 - You need to collect 10 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck.
Reward: Ghost Biscuit

<done>Level 5 - Complete 25 or more Elger Quests.
Reward: Undying Woods Shirt

<done>Level 6 - You need to gain a stat at the Clock Tower.
Reward: 2,500 MP

<done>Level 7 - You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Trotter's Movies mission
Reward: Undying Woods Gumball

<done>Level 8 - You need to collect 20 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck.
Reward: 5,000 MP

<done>Level 9 - You need to dig up any White Bone from the
Grave Robbing game
Reward: Undying Woods Potato

<done>Level 10 - Complete 50 or more Elger Quests
Reward: 7,500 MP

<done>Level 11 - You need to own a Zombie coloured pet
Reward: Jar of Ghosts

<done>Level 12 - You need to own limited edition Daisy pet
Reward: Daisy Horns

<done>Level 13 - You need to collect 30 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck
Reward: Ghost Fasoro Plushie

<done>Level 14 - You need to win an Undying Tombola DVD at the
Undying Tombola game.
Reward: Undying Woods Pearl

<done>(OK)Level 15 - Complete 100 or more Elger Quests
Reward: Blood Stained Book

<done>Level 16 - You need to own any Nefarious coloured pet
Reward: 10,000 MP

<done>Level 17 - You need to offer 100,000MP or more on any item currently in the Auctions
Reward: 20,000 MP

(done)Level 18 - You need to collect 40 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck.
Reward: Bat Attack

(done)Level 19 - You need to own any Halloween coloured pet
Reward: Pumpkin Sheild

<done>Level 20 - You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Trotter's Movies mission
Reward: 30,000MP

<done>(OK)Level 21 - complete 150 or more Elger quests
Reward: Pumpkin Bow

<done>Level 22 - View your ghost pets profile
Reward: Treat the minipet

(done)Level 23 - Have 50 or more trading cards in your deck
Reward: 40,000 MP

<done>Level 24 - Resurrect any undying minipet
Reward: 50,000MP

<done>Level 25 - Complete 250 or more Elger Quests
Reward: Zombie Male Costume

<done>Level 26 - Offer 250,000MP or more on any item currently in the Auctions
Reward: Zombie Female Costume

<done>Level 27 - Complete level 15 or higher at the Trotter's Movies mission
Reward: 75,000MP

<done>Level 28 - Complete 350 or more Elger Quests
Reward: 100,000MP

<done>Level 29 - Offer 500,000MP or more on any item currently in the Auctions
Reward: Undying Woods Wig

<done>Level 30 - You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Trotter's Movies mission
Reward: 125,000 MP

Level 31 - Win a game prize from undead billiards
Reward: 150,000 MP

  1. Gigantic Paradise Goals
    26th Apr 2009 12:55
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  2. Puchalla Village Goals
    26th Apr 2009 12:54
    15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  3. Restock Times
    28th Mar 2009 09:20
    15 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  4. Temple of Transubstantiation
    22nd Mar 2009 15:25
    15 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
  5. Enpiah Goals
    18th Mar 2009 04:58
    15 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  6. Lush Lake Goals
    9th Mar 2009 11:40
    16 years & 4 days ago
  7. Temple of Transformation
    21st Aug 2008 22:44
    16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  8. Minipet Island Goals
    19th Aug 2008 19:24
    16 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  9. Ziranek Goals
    18th Aug 2008 19:04
    16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  10. Dukka cave goals
    19th Apr 2008 05:45
    16 years, 10 months & 22 days ago