A very honest introduction
1 year, 9 months & 19 days ago

24th May 2023 09:18

Apparently you have to introduce yourself to complete the starter guide , and I had already made a post before I started the guide, so now I make a new one.
I also decided, why not put it on my marablog as well.
Hi! I'm Mois, a swede who likes to play games.
I like Pokemon, Neopets, Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing and Zelda etc etc.
Other hobbies than gaming is Magic: The Gathering. I'm not a very good player, but I enjoy it. Favourite deck to play varies from time to time. Currently I really enjoy playing Osgir.
I love plants and animals. We have one cat and two bunnies at home. A Norwegian Forest cat, a mini lop bun and a dutch dwarf bunny.
I'm usually very shy and awkward, always being way too hard on myself, as one can be. But I like to socialise and make friends - preferably safe behind a screen like right now.
What else is there to say?
I don't know.
But this is what I've got.
A very honest introduction.
You're welcome.