The LONGEST lasting games
1 year, 7 months & 19 days ago

24th Jul 2023 17:27
I just got back from the marapets arcade (I tried to play EVERY SINGLE GAME in there...almost succeeded...not quite) and There are four particular games that just went on and on and on...
#1: Word shark(s?) I think that part of WHY it lasted so long is because it lasts as long as you can hold out in it...I am an incredibly fast typer. (Note from the future: this post took 3 Minutes for me to type.) This is strange because I never made it a point to learn how to type, I just memorized the keys.
#2: Memory. Again, this one just lasts as long as you can. I have a massive talent for memory and recall. Once I played a game of memory with four decks of cards and finished it in about an hour.
#3: Echo And last only as long as you can keep playing. And again, My memory helps, plus i really love music
#4: Space Rocks (or was it blocks? whatever, my brain is numb after playing it for 3 hours straight -_-) This one i owe to my own determination...I kept resetting the game until I got a good score.

Current status: HAPPY!!!
1 year, 7 months & 20 days ago

24th Jul 2023 13:45
This is my first blog post, and I'm sick. Which means I have to stay home. WHICH MEANS that I can take things easy and go as slow as I want

It's not fun being sick but I'm glad I can have a break.

Also, hooray for my first post, thank you very much for reading this boring little slice of my life, !