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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
umm click here I guess :)

The name Alcyone is pronounced "all-sigh-on" and is a star.

Hi I'm Dave and proudly Canadian.
There's a 99% chance I'm much older than you but I am young at heart and have a youthful spirit.
It also means I reserve the right to be contentious and cranky lol.

I've played Mara off and on for many years and am always happy to help
if you have questions or need help with Goals or Missions.

My pets are happy to visit other players for a very short time to pass Goals.

None of my pets can help anyone with Knutt Knight Quests or Sumo Sally
They would love to help but aren't nearly strong enough
and they also need to pay me back for training by earning Olympic Points.

Melitza is my first pet and my main collections and battle pet.

Netflix can beat a few easy opponents but he is busy being trained at the gym, going to school, working,
and paying me back what he can in the Olympics. He can help you if it's just a few quick battles.

This means NOT for battling the Knutt Knight for Goals.

My pet Dave is available to help with any Goals requiring an Olympic pet. He also has a lot of aged minis for avvies.
He is Ultimate level but having said that he's still on the cheaper side of many trained pets.
If you borrow him he can give LOTS of aged minipet avvies.

Most of my pets are works in progress as I tend to focus on pet training rather than costumes,
and they've been changing lots to make me dna minis for the temple.
It's also possible I am indecisive and have comittment issues haha.
Someday they will look fabulous.
That's what I keep telling them anyways ;)

I am a friendly and fair player so always feel free to message or mail any game related questions,
but please keep in mind most of the time I'm here mindlessly clicking around watching Netflix or TV
or maybe just here to do a few dailies then get back to life.
I'm generally not a chatty person so please don't take offence if I don't carry on conversations unless I really know you.

NO, I really didn't hack my fitbit to play mara and watch GOT.
It's hard enough playing on our phones eh?

Have a fantastic day :)

  1. Missing Photos - Apr 29 2020
    30th Apr 2019 12:54
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  2. Missing Plates March 2020
    30th Apr 2019 13:14
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  3. Missing Stamps - Apr 21 2020
    4th Apr 2019 15:15
    5 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  4. Missing CDs - May 2020
    6th Dec 2016 09:52
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  5. Missing Glowing Eggs - Apr 21 2020
    22nd Feb 2019 19:35
    6 years & 20 days ago
  6. Missing DVDs - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:12
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. Missing Books - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:27
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  8. Missing Plushies - Sep 2019
    25th Apr 2019 22:19
    5 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  9. Minipet Swapping
    3rd Jun 2020 17:42
    4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  10. Marapets Top 50 statted pets
    17th Nov 2019 18:59
    5 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
Missing Swimwear - April 2019
5 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
25th Apr 2019 22:33

Black Polkadot Circle Swimsuit
Black Polkadot Criss Cross Swimsuit
Black Polkadot Ruched Swimsuit
Black Polkadot V Neck Swimsuit
Black Strip Swimsuit
Black Stripe V Neck Swimsuit
Black Sunburst Swimsuit
Black Vertical Stripe Jammer
Blue Vertical Stripe Jammer
Camouflage Jammer
Camouflage Swim Briefs
Camouflage Swim Shorts
Circle Swimsuit
Criss Cross Swimsuit
Float Bands
Gingham Speedo
Leido Float Bands
Metalic Swim Briefs
Navy Checkered Jammer
Navy Stripe Jammer
Ombre Wrapped Swimsuit
Pretzel Swimsuit
Rainbow Bikini
Rainbow Mankini
Rainbow Stripe Swimsuit
Rainbow Stripe V Neck Swimsuit
Rose Swim Shorts
Ruffle Top Swim Dress
School Swimsuit
Summer Bikini Bottoms
Summer Bikini Top
Summer Swimwear
Swim Shorts
Tagged School Swimsuit
Tuxedo Swim Briefs
V Neck Swimsuit
White Checkered Jammer
White Polkadot Circle Swimsuit
White Polkadot Ruched Swimsuit
White Polkadot Ruffle Swimdress
White Polkadot Ruffle Top Swimsuit
White Polkadot Speedo
White Polkadot Swim Briefs
White Polkadot Swimsuit
White Polkadot V Neck Swimsuit
White Strip Swim Shorts
White Strip Swimsuit
White Stripe Speedo
White Stripe Swim Briefs
White Stripe Swim Shorts
White Stripe Swimsuit
White Stripe V Neck Swimsuit
White Wave Jammer
Wrapped Swimsuit

Battling Tips For Beginners
6 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
22nd Nov 2018 19:34

If you're new to battling and want to learn how to battle Talon, or other opponents for Events or Goals here are some basic tips to get started. This is just meant to cover the basic strategies to get started. For Mara's best Battle Guide with all the best weapons, opponent stats, and other info about Olympics, Boosters and all things battle related please see Gennie's Battle Guide here:


The short answer to what you need to win a battle is a pet that has begun training it's stats and is equipped with two Leaf Swords as weapons, or any similarly strong weapons within an affordable price range. You can also add two Kirin Horn Wands to be used later when you battle tough opponents and need to heal your pet. Of course there are a few different weapons and healing items to pick and choose from but these are good enough to start and are affordable to begin with until you need more.

To beat Talon your pet must have 11 health points and a point each for speed and strength. Talon will attack with ten damage points at the beginning but his damage gradually increases the more times you beat him, as well as his health points, so make sure to keep training your pet's strength and speed so your damage increases too. If you're training a new battle pet train the level up to five, health up to 11 and you can battle. After that train all your stats up to ten, then train them all evenly up to 20 until increasing your level and training more!


Before you are able to battle the weakest battle opponent (Appy Trading Card)
your pet must have at least four health points and be able to attack for five damage points.
This is easily achieved with two basic weapons and by having your pet's health stat up to four points and both strength and speed stats up to two points each. How to train your pet is covered shortly. You win the battle when your opponent's health points are reduced to zero and your pet still has health points remaining. This simple battle will only take one round. I recommend the Leaf Sword for a good starter weapon:

For a full list of all the best weapons visit Gennie's Battle Guide:

Your pet will only need to be equipped with two weapons along with being properly statted.
Armour or any other defensive items don't have any affect at this time.

The battle opponents Appy and Mara are the two easiest for beginners. You can see a list of all battle opponents ranked from lowest health points (Difficulty) or how they rank for most damage also on Gennie's battle quide. The easiest restockable Trading Cards are: Pop, Appy, Mara, Uayl, Lunar, Halloween Alien and Pepperoni.
You can see all the information you need on Gennie's Guide such as a list of all the battle opponents and relevant info.


When you're battling an opponent for Goals you'll need to battle a certain "difficulty". A Trading Card's "difficulty" is just another way of saying how many health points it has. Every time a Trading Card/battle opponent loses a battle it's health points go up by one to make it more challenging for you. When Goals ask you to battle an opponent of a certain difficulty just look at your battle list and all their health points to see their difficulty level.


At some point your pet will need to heal during a battle. Remember you still get attacked and lose points as you heal, so you need to always heal at least double what an opponents hits with for damage against you. As long as you heal your pet more than what your opponent attacks with PLUS ENOUGH EXTRA TO SURVIVE ANOTHER ATTACK AFTER THE HEALING ROUND you will win. You should just use the Kirin Horn Wands for now but you will need magic stats to beat tougher opponents when you need to heal more than Wnads can do for you.
Your pet can heal by using Wands or other Healing Items at the beginning until your pet has trained in Magic, which is another way of healing for pets who have trained in Magic stats by doing Computer Repair Quests. I suggest two Kirins Horn Wands:

I will discuss magic in another section for those interested.


You don't really need a top weapon to battle for site events or goal levels. Better weapons will help you beat stronger opponents if your pet is trained high enough. Weapon damage is meaured by icons which for all intents and purposes are basically equal so just know a "14 icon weapon" is substantially stronger than a "3 icon" weapon. When your pet attacks, damage is calculated by the weapon's icons multiplied by the combined total of speed and strength stats of your battle pet. It is this very reason that highly statted pets can attack for more damage than low statted pets even with the same weapon.


A well trained battle pet is essential to battling. Pets can be trained at the gym for Level, Strength, Speed, Defence and Health. Each stat takes a certain amount of time and costs a certain amount of crystals. This time and cost gets higher as your pet level gets higher. There is an Elite Gym requiring Diamonds instead of crystals where pets do Olympic Training in Coordination, Balance, and Stamina. Here is what the different stats do for your pet.

Level - Your pet's level is only used to determine how long a training session takes at the gym and how many crystals it will cost. For this reason you never want to train in level until the your stats are all as high as they can be first because high level pets takes longer and cost lots more to train. Your pet's stats can be trained as high as double your pet level plus one. Some pets have low levels with high stats sometimes but this is due to Fairy Rewards, not from training at the gym.

Health - when your pet's health points are reduced to zero the battle is lost and your pet can't battle again until healed. If your pet is low on health it won't even show up in the battle arena. Pets can Heal at the Bubble Pit:

Speed and Strength - these starts are combined to increase a weapon's damage as your pet gets stronger. Getting these stats is just as important, or more, than getting "the best" weapons. A weakly statted pet won't be able to take advantage of a strong weapon.

Defence - not usable at this time. It's still important to train so you're not behind if needed.

The main thing to remember is be patient because training does take a long time but if you just chip away at it you can always steadily improve your pet. Always make sure to train everything as high as you can until the gym insists you raise your pet level first.


Magic is without any doubt the most confusing part of battling. Your pet's magic is a stat earned mainly due to completing Computer Repair Quests. It's a way to heal your pet above and beyond what Wands will heal. When figuring out healing and magic there is an interesting weirdness you should know. If you use two Wands or Healing Items without using any magic, the game counts that you have actually used three! A Kirin Horn Wand only heals 24 points but if you analyze the battle summary you'll see that your pet actually gained 76 (24+24+24) points. If you use magic under the healing option in a battle (that percentage in a drop down box) then you only get the value of two healing itmes (28 for two Kirin Horn Wands)plus whatever magic points you used. You can heal one point for every magic point used. If you use 24 magic points it's the same as using a Wand.
You are allowed to utilize five times your pet level in magic. This replenished automatically after a battle.
Although Magic isn't necessary at the beginning of battling it's vitally important in battling a good portion of strong opponents. It's a good habit to try and keep your magic five times higher than your pet level. You can have more magic than what you're allowed to use which results in your stats looking like magic isn't full even at the beginning of a battle.

Missing Treasure Chest Items - Oct 2019
5 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
3rd Oct 2019 14:37

Apocalypse Treasure Chest

Combat Boots
Dead Inside Tank Top
Dirty Face Makeup
Dirty Jeans
Full Face Gas Mask
Gear Belt
Half Face Gas Mask
Torn Shirt
Undead Contact Lenses
Worn Camouflage Jacket

Aquarius Treasure Chest

Aquarius Contact Lenses
Aquarius Pants
Aquarius Sea Ears

Arctic Treasure Chest

Aura Pearl
Baggy Pants
Double Braid Wig
Embroidered Bodice
Embroidered Boots
Embroidered Skirt
Heart Shaped Sandwich
Ice Bodice
Ice Heels
Lace Capelet
Leather Overshirt
Pointy Boots
Royal Jacket
Satin Pants
Snowy Overshirt
Snowy Skirt
Tall Boots
The Frost Princess
Unruly Locks
Vested Sweater
Well Groomed Locks
Winter Hat
Wooly Sweater

Aries Treasure Chest

Aries Belt
Aries Bodice
Aries Boots
Aries Eye Shadow
Aries Flame Cape
Aries Flame Chopped Wig
Aries Flaming Hair Extension
Aries Heels
Aries Jewel Belt
Aries Skirt
Aries Wig
Fire Berry

Cancer Treasure Chest

Cancer Book
Cancer Booster
Cancer Contact Lenses
Cancer Shirt
Cancer Tattoo
Cancer Top

Capricorn Treasure Chest

Carnival Treasure Chest

Carnival Feliz Costume

Desert Treasure Chest

Ancient Kamilah Contact Lenses
Ancient Kamilah Dress
Ancient Kamilah Necklace
Ancient Kamilah Shawl
Ancient Kamilah Skirt
Ancient Kamilah Veil
Ancient Kamilah Wig
Ancient Kamilah Wings
Anubis Mask
Bastet Statue
Divine Headdress
Eye of Horus Sleeve Tattoo
Golden Anklets
Golden Arm Bands
Green Gummy Hump
Horns of Hathor
Orange Gummy Hump
Red Gummy Hump
Scarab Tiara
Wadjet Eye Makeup

Eleka Treasure Chest

Ball and Chain
Eleka Amulet
Eleka Macaron
Lifeless Hake Contact Lenses

Galactic Treasure Chest

Galactic Boots
Galactic Costume
Galactic Suit
Starry Wig

Gemini Treasure Chest

Halloween Treasure Chest

Harmony Treasure Chest

Classical Melodies
Harmony Boots
Harmony Cape
Harmony Dress
Harmony Loafers
Harmony Pants
Harmony Shirt
Harmony Shoes
Harmony Shorts
Harmony Top
Harmony Wig
Melody Boots
Melody Dress
Melody Loafers
Melody Shirt
Melody Shoes

Haunted Treasure Chest

Heartless Treasure Chest

Imperial Treasure Chest

Demon Mask
Imperial Wig
Warrior Gauntlets

Leo Treasure Chest

Black Leo Shoes
Black Whistle Leo Pants
Book of Leo Fashion
Leo Contact Lenses
Leo Jacket
Leo Pants
Leo Shirt
White Leo Shoes

Libra Treasure Chest

Libra Contact Lenses
Libra Feathered Brooch Top
Libra Tattered Cloth
Tall Libra Boots

Love Treasure Chest

Musical Treasure Chest

Noble Treasure Chest

Contact Lenses
Flower Crest
Glam Contact Lenses
Gold Flake Dress
Half Armour
King Cape
Laced Skirt
Laced Top
Noble Dress
Royal Sash
Skull Fire

Party Treasure Chest

10th Birthday Hat
Birthday Dress
Party Belt
Party Contact Lenses
Party Flower
Party Jacket
Party Pants
Party Runners
Party Shoes
Party Skirt
Party Tiara
Party Top
Party Trousers
Party Wig

Pisces Treasure Chest

Fishnet Arm Warmers

Safari Treasure Chest

Crate of Addows
Deep in the Jungle
Lion Jacket
Moonrise Contact Lenses
Moonrise Wig
Pea Skirt
Safari Boots
Safari Goggles
Safari Hat
Safari Jewellery
Safari Shirt
Safari Shorts
Safari Sleeves
Safari Tree
Sybri Doll

Sagittarius Treasure Chest

Archer Belt
Archer Boots
Forest Berry Makeup
Sagittarius Shirt
Wing Hair Clips

Scorpio Treasure Chest

Bedazzled Arm Bands
Gothabilly Heels
Gummy Scorpion
Scorpio Magic Staff

Spring Treasure Chest

Floral Romper
Maxi Skirt
Sporty Socks
Spring Jacket

St Patricks Day Treasure Chest

Steampunk Treasure Chest

Steampunk Mini Dress

Summer Treasure Chest

Cover Up Dress
Fishnet Tank Top
Hairy Socks
Open Summer Shirt
Sea Salt Ice Cream
Sea Salt Wig
Shell Anklet
Summer Bikini Bottoms
Summer Bikini Top
Summer Princess Summoning Stone
Summer Sybri Eyepatch
Very Hairy Socks

Taurus Treasure Chest

Taurus Blouse
Taurus Trousers

Underwater Treasure Chest

Merman Tail Fin
Sea Water Sash
Sticky Starfish

Virgo Treasure Chest

Virgo Shirt

Winter Treasure Chest

Frosty Adventures Book
Gentle Blush
Pixie Wand
Winter Kujo Onesie
Wool Sweater

Wonderful Wizard Treasure Chest

Wonderland Treasure Chest

Alice Dress
Alice Shoes
Alice Smock
Cheshire Cat
Doll Vial
Drink Me Vial
Eat Me Cake
Mary Janes
Mr Rabbit
Tea Party Set
Tweedle Bowtie
Tweedle Hat
Tweedle Shoes
Wonderland Bodice
Wonderland Book
Wonderland Boots
Wonderland Door
Wonderland Jacket
Wonderland Shirt
Wonderland Skirt
Wonderland Top Hat
Wonderland Trousers
Wonderland Wig

Goal levels
7 years & 1 day ago
12th Mar 2018 16:48


My pets for lending
7 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
18th Dec 2017 17:07

Battle Pet: 140,000 mp

My battle pet Neflix can beat any opponent needed for Goals.
He does not like leaving for very long so he CAN NOT help with Knuttt Knight quests or Battle Challenges.
He is very happy to visit anyone for a couple of hours to help you pass Goals or just
to battle a little bit to earn avatars.

Mafia Pet: 168,000 mp

Defective Pet: 263,000 mp

Intermediate Olympics/Gothic Pet: 397,000 mp


My main pet Melitza is regrettably not available for helping out with Missions
because she is always in the Trading Card Temple and Slate Pyramid.

  1. Missing Photos - Apr 29 2020
    30th Apr 2019 12:54
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  2. Missing Plates March 2020
    30th Apr 2019 13:14
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  3. Missing Stamps - Apr 21 2020
    4th Apr 2019 15:15
    5 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  4. Missing CDs - May 2020
    6th Dec 2016 09:52
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  5. Missing Glowing Eggs - Apr 21 2020
    22nd Feb 2019 19:35
    6 years & 20 days ago
  6. Missing DVDs - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:12
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. Missing Books - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:27
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  8. Missing Plushies - Sep 2019
    25th Apr 2019 22:19
    5 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  9. Minipet Swapping
    3rd Jun 2020 17:42
    4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  10. Marapets Top 50 statted pets
    17th Nov 2019 18:59
    5 years, 3 months & 25 days ago