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09:10:50 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
umm click here I guess :)

The name Alcyone is pronounced "all-sigh-on" and is a star.

Hi I'm Dave and proudly Canadian.
There's a 99% chance I'm much older than you but I am young at heart and have a youthful spirit.
It also means I reserve the right to be contentious and cranky lol.

I've played Mara off and on for many years and am always happy to help
if you have questions or need help with Goals or Missions.

My pets are happy to visit other players for a very short time to pass Goals.

None of my pets can help anyone with Knutt Knight Quests or Sumo Sally
They would love to help but aren't nearly strong enough
and they also need to pay me back for training by earning Olympic Points.

Melitza is my first pet and my main collections and battle pet.

Netflix can beat a few easy opponents but he is busy being trained at the gym, going to school, working,
and paying me back what he can in the Olympics. He can help you if it's just a few quick battles.

This means NOT for battling the Knutt Knight for Goals.

My pet Dave is available to help with any Goals requiring an Olympic pet. He also has a lot of aged minis for avvies.
He is Ultimate level but having said that he's still on the cheaper side of many trained pets.
If you borrow him he can give LOTS of aged minipet avvies.

Most of my pets are works in progress as I tend to focus on pet training rather than costumes,
and they've been changing lots to make me dna minis for the temple.
It's also possible I am indecisive and have comittment issues haha.
Someday they will look fabulous.
That's what I keep telling them anyways ;)

I am a friendly and fair player so always feel free to message or mail any game related questions,
but please keep in mind most of the time I'm here mindlessly clicking around watching Netflix or TV
or maybe just here to do a few dailies then get back to life.
I'm generally not a chatty person so please don't take offence if I don't carry on conversations unless I really know you.

NO, I really didn't hack my fitbit to play mara and watch GOT.
It's hard enough playing on our phones eh?

Have a fantastic day :)

  1. Missing Photos - Apr 29 2020
    30th Apr 2019 12:54
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  2. Missing Plates March 2020
    30th Apr 2019 13:14
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  3. Missing Stamps - Apr 21 2020
    4th Apr 2019 15:15
    5 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  4. Missing CDs - May 2020
    6th Dec 2016 09:52
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  5. Missing Glowing Eggs - Apr 21 2020
    22nd Feb 2019 19:35
    6 years & 20 days ago
  6. Missing DVDs - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:12
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. Missing Books - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:27
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  8. Missing Plushies - Sep 2019
    25th Apr 2019 22:19
    5 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  9. Minipet Swapping
    3rd Jun 2020 17:42
    4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  10. Marapets Top 50 statted pets
    17th Nov 2019 18:59
    5 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
Missing DVDs - Apr 21 2020
8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
6th Dec 2016 10:12

Anagram Sam
Beach Party
Bed Time Monsters
Blittle Christmas
Boot Camp
Check Price
Deep in the Jungle
Did Someone Say Jelly
Dumpster Diggers
Easter Eggs
Firework Display
Forever Searching
Gingerbread Movie
Giving Thanks
Gobble Trouble
Great Depression
Grumpy Old Chibs
Hollow Inside
Julius Caesar
Lady and the Doyle
Late Advent Tree
Mahjong Tiles
Make a Snowman
Marada at War
Midnight Howlers
Mission Impossible
Nightmare in Puchalla
Oasis Mornings
Oley Escape
Olympic History
Our 9th Birthday
Power Station
Rays of Light
Safe Quacking Guide
Save A Gobble Eat A Troit
Seasonal Fairy Biopic
Second Place
Singing in the Rain
Stamp Collecting
The Hunt for the Golden Carrot
The Three Scavengers
This is War
Transvaluation Tales
Trumpet Solo
Underwater Creatures
Yo Yo Yo

Missing Books - Apr 21 2020
8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
6th Dec 2016 10:27

10 Years Book
1000 Easter Egg Recipes
101 Summer Bucket List Ideas
5000th Century Tales
8th Birthday Book
Advent Tree Book
Anagram Sam Book
Ancient Writing Book
Arcade Strategy Guide Book
Baking Gingerbread Book
Bankruptcy Book
Baseball Book
Beach Ball Book
Beach Book
Being Elger
Biala Book
Big Book of Leaves
Biography of Elger
Biography of Fugunzel
Biography of Plushie Fairy
Biography of Sultan
Book of Advanced Mathematics
Book of Beaches
Book of Bees
Book of Candles
Book of Clouds
Book of Easter Eggs
Book of Elements
Book of Flowers
Book of Great Escapes
Book of Holiday Poems
Book of Ice Cream
Book of Leo Fashion
Book of Lost Ducks
Book of Money
Book of Olympic Winners
Book of Plushies
Book of Pumpkins
Book of Road Closures
Book of Snow Fights
Book of Snow Storms
Book of Sports
Book of Sweets
Book of Toys
Book of Valentines
Book of Villains
Book of Wings
Book of Wishes
Book of Wizards
Camp Fire Book
Cancer Book
Candycane Book
Capsule Prize List
Christmas 2012 Book
Christmas Carol Book
Christmas Lights Book
Christmas Tree Book
Classic Comics
Classic Love Stories
Crazy Science Book
Creepy Book
Creepy Tree Book
Cursed Book
Daylight Book
Earth Book
Earth Fairy Book
Easter Egg Pop Up Book
Egg Painting Guide
Eggcelent Jokes
Electronic Book
Elegant Writings
Elger Cookbook
Enpiah Book
Error Book
Evil Eye Book
Evil Genius Book
Eye See U Book
Flaydor Book
Four Leaf Clover Book
Fried Eggs Book
Frosty Adventures Book
Frosty Tales
Full Moon Book
Full Moon Chronicles
Gift Wrapped Book
Gingerbread Cookie Book
How to Fish
Law Basics for Airheads
Leaf Book
Mahjong Guide Book
Marapets Memories Book
Naughty List
Naughty or Nice Book
On Fire Book
Peppermint Fancy
Phantom Book
Pilgrim Book
Polar Book
Pool Rules
Puchalla Village Book
Queen Eleka Rule Book
Rainbow Fairy Book
Rainy Book
Raising A Quell Book
Reindeer Games
Roman Numerals Book
Royal Fairy Book
Santa Claws Book
Scarf Book
Shipping for Airheads
Snow Flurry Book
Snowman Hats Book
Splatter Book
Spy Guide Book
Spying for Airheads
Stock Market Crash Book
Sultan Tax Guide
Summer Vacation Book
Sumo Sally Story
Surviving 9 Years Book
Tales Of Undead
Tea Party Book
Team Maple Leaf Diary
The Last Word
Turkey Troubles
Undying Festival 2012 Book
Viotto Book
Waffle Recipe Book
Whale Tales Book
Winter Book
Witch Cook Book
Wonderland Book
Word Search Solutions

Missing Plushies - Sep 2019
5 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
25th Apr 2019 22:19

10th Birthday Plushie

Advent Echlin Plushie

Anagram Sam Plushie

Angel Echlin Plushie
Angel Kaala Plushie
Angel Vixen Plushie

Anime Chibs Plushie
Anime Raulf Plushie

Aqua Echlin Plushie
Aqua Eyru Plushie
Aqua Figaro Plushie
Aqua Gizmo Plushie
Aqua Hump Plushie
Aqua Huthiq Plushie
Aqua Ike Plushie
Aqua Justin Plushie
Aqua Kaala Plushie
Aqua Kronk Plushie
Aqua Kujo Plushie
Aqua Lati Plushie
Aqua Limax Plushie
Aqua Mordo Plushie
Aqua Nino Plushie
Aqua Phanty Plushie
Aqua Pucu Plushie
Aqua Quell Plushie
Aqua Reese Plushie
Aqua Rofling Plushie
Aqua Rusty Plushie
Aqua Sindi Plushie
Aqua Sybri Plushie
Aqua Troit Plushie
Aqua Vixen Plushie
Aqua Yuni Plushie
Aqua Zola Plushie
Aqua Zoosh Plushie

Arcade Willa Plushie
Arcade Zetlian Plushie
Autumn Doyle Plushie
Autumn Kujo Plushie
Autumn Sindi Plushie

Baby Fasoro Plushie
Baby Nino Plushie
Batsy Plushie
Beckoning Chibs Plushie
Bee Echlin Plushie
Bee Willa Plushie
Beige Arinya Plushie
Beige Astro Plushie
Beige Basil Plushie
Beige Dakota Plushie
Beige Ercuw Plushie
Beige Eyru Plushie
Beige Figaro Plushie
Beige Hump Plushie
Beige Huthiq Plushie
Beige Ike Plushie
Beige Justin Plushie
Beige Limax Plushie
Beige Lorius Plushie
Beige Nino Plushie
Beige Oglue Plushie
Beige Phanty Plushie
Beige Quell Plushie
Beige Raulf Plushie
Beige Rofling Plushie
Beige Rusty Plushie
Beige Sindi Plushie
Beige Snookle Plushie
Beige Sybri Plushie
Beige Troit Plushie
Beige Ushunda Plushie
Beige Vixen Plushie
Beige Vlad Plushie
Beige Willa Plushie
Beige Yuni Plushie
Beige Zoosh Plushie

Black Astro Plushie
Black Basil Plushie
Black Crikey Plushie
Black Dakota Plushie
Black Echlin Plushie
Black Eyru Plushie
Black Gobble Plushie
Black Ike Plushie
Black Kronk Plushie
Black Limax Plushie
Black Mordo Plushie
Black Poera Plushie
Black Quell Plushie
Black Raulf Plushie
Black Rofling Plushie
Black Sindi Egg Plushie
Black Sindi Plushie
Black Sybri Plushie
Black Tasi Plushie
Black Ushunda Plushie
Black Willa Plushie
Black Yuni Plushie

Blitzen Chibs Plushie

Blue Astro Plushie
Blue Candycane Plushie
Blue Chubs Plushie
Blue Crikey Plushie
Blue Dakota Plushie
Blue Echlin Plushie
Blue Eyru Plushie
Blue Gobble Plushie
Blue Ike Plushie
Blue Justin Plushie
Blue Limax Plushie
Blue Mordo Plushie
Blue Raulf Plushie
Blue Rusty Plushie
Blue Sindi Egg Plushie
Blue Sybri Plushie
Blue Tasi Plushie
Blue Ushunda Plushie
Blue Vlad Plushie
Blue Willa Plushie
Blue Yuni Plushie
Blue Zoink Plushie

Breeze Kaala Plushie
Breeze Sybri Plushie

British Echlin Plushie

Bronze Basil Plushie
Bronze Crikey Plushie
Bronze Rusty Plushie
Bronze Yuni Plushie

Brown Astro Plushie
Brown Basil Plushie
Brown Chibs Plushie
Brown Crikey Plushie
Brown Equilor Plushie
Brown Ercuw Plushie
Brown Figaro Plushie
Brown Gizmo Plushie
Brown Huthiq Plushie
Brown Ike Plushie
Brown Kujo Plushie
Brown Lati Plushie
Brown Limax Plushie
Brown Lorius Plushie
Brown Phanty Plushie
Brown Raulf Plushie
Brown Rusty Plushie
Brown Sindi Plushie
Brown Snookle Plushie
Brown Sybri Plushie
Brown Tasi Plushie
Brown Troit Plushie
Brown Ushunda Plushie
Brown Vixen Plushie
Brown Vlad Plushie
Brown Xoi Plushie
Brown Yuni Plushie
Brown Zola Plushie
Brown Zoosh Plushie

Bug Quell Plushie

Burnt Chibs Plushie
Burnt Pucu Plushie

Buzzy Plushie

Cake Slice Plushie

Calico Echlin Plushie
Calico Rusty Plushie

Camero Plushie

Camouflage Doyle Plushie
Camouflage Reese Plushie
Camouflage Tasi Plushie

Candy Azul Plushie
Candy Willa Plushie

Candycorn Patchwork Daisy Plushie
Candycorn Plushie

Card Raider Black Card Plushie
Checkered Addow Plushie
Checkered Echlin Plushie

Cheese Limax Plushie

Chibi Chibs Plushie
Chibi Daisy Plushie
Chibi Jessup Plushie
Chibi Quell Plushie

Christmas Chibs Plushie
Christmas Tree Leido Plushie
Christmas Tree Limax Plushie

roach Plushie

Coral Dakota Plushie
Coral Decadal Plushie
Coral Echlin Plushie
Coral Ercuw Plushie
Coral Eyru Plushie
Coral Fasoro Plushie
Coral Figaro Plushie
Coral Gizmo Plushie
Coral Gobble Plushie
Coral Huthiq Plushie
Coral Ike Plushie
Coral Justin Plushie
Coral Kronk Plushie
Coral Kujo Plushie
Coral Lati Plushie
Coral Leido Plushie
Coral Limax Plushie
Coral Lorius Plushie
Coral Mordo Plushie
Coral Nino Plushie
Coral Oglue Plushie
Coral Phanty Plushie
Coral Poera Plushie
Coral Pucu Plushie
Coral Quell Plushie
Coral Raulf Plushie
Coral Rofling Plushie
Coral Rusty Plushie
Coral Sindi Plushie
Coral Tasi Plushie
Coral Troit Plushie
Coral Ushunda Plushie
Coral Vixen Plushie
Coral Zoink Plushie
Coral Zola Plushie

Cracked Easter Egg Plushie
Creepy Bunny Plushie
Creepy Cat Plushie
Creepy Dog Plushie
Creepy Teddy Plushie
Cricket Plushie
Dalmatian Yuni Plushie
Daylight Decadal Plushie
Daylight Kidlet Plushie
Daylight Quell Plushie
Defective Arinya Plushie
Defective Azul Plushie
Defective Crikey Plushie
Defective Equilor Plushie
Defective Fasoro Plushie
Defective Gizmo Plushie
Defective Gonk Plushie
Defective Kronk Plushie
Defective Leido Plushie
Defective Newth Plushie
Defective Poera Plushie
Defective Pucu Plushie
Defective Reese Plushie
Defective Renat Plushie
Defective Rusty Plushie
Defective Sindi Plushie
Defective Speiro Plushie
Defective Sybri Plushie
Defective Tantua Plushie
Defective Xoi Plushie
Defective Zoink Plushie
Desert Kidlet Plushie
Desert Mordo Plushie
Desert Quell Plushie
Devil Chibs Plushie
Devil Echlin Plushie
Devil Plushie
Dew Plushie
Digital Addow Plushie
Digital Arinya Plushie
Digital Astro Plushie
Digital Azul Plushie
Digital Basil Plushie
Digital Bolimo Plushie
Digital Candycane Plushie
Digital Chibs Plushie
Digital Crikey Plushie
Digital Crindol Plushie
Digital Daisy Plushie
Digital Dakota Plushie
Digital Decadal Plushie
Digital Doyle Plushie
Digital Echlin Plushie
Digital Ercuw Plushie
Digital Eyru Plushie
Digital Fasoro Plushie
Digital Feliz Plushie
Digital Figaro Plushie
Digital Gizmo Plushie
Digital Gonk Plushie
Digital Grint Plushie
Digital Hump Plushie
Digital Ideus Plushie
Digital Ike Plushie
Digital Jessup Plushie
Digital Justin Plushie
Digital Kaala Plushie
Digital Kidlet Plushie
Digital Knutt Plushie
Digital Kronk Plushie
Digital Kujo Plushie
Digital Lati Plushie
Digital Leido Plushie
Digital Limax Plushie
Digital Lorius Plushie
Digital Mordo Plushie
Digital Murfin Plushie
Digital Newth Plushie
Digital Nino Plushie
Digital Oglue Plushie
Digital Osafo Plushie
Digital Paffuto Plushie
Digital Phanty Plushie
Digital Poera Plushie
Digital Pucu Plushie
Digital Quell Plushie
Digital Reese Plushie
Digital Renat Plushie
Digital Rofling Plushie
Digital Rusty Plushie
Digital Sindi Plushie
Digital Snookle Plushie
Digital Speiro Plushie
Digital Sybri Plushie
Digital Tantua Plushie
Digital Tasi Plushie
Digital Troit Plushie
Digital Ushunda Plushie
Digital Viotto Plushie
Digital Vixen Plushie
Digital Vlad Plushie
Digital Walee Plushie
Digital Willa Plushie
Digital Xoi Plushie
Digital Yuni Plushie
Digital Zetlian Plushie
Digital Zoink Plushie
Digital Zola Plushie
Digital Zoosh Plushie
Distraught Turkey Plushie
Doll Echlin Plushie
Doll Gobble Plushie
Doll Kaala Plushie
Dolphin Plushie
Dopey Plushie
Dragon Gonk Plushie
Dragon Quell Plushie
Dragon Raulf Plushie
Drowsy Plushie
Drumstick Plushie
Dumpling Plushie
Earth Fairy Nino Plushie
Earth Fairy Tantua Plushie
Earwig Plushie
Easter Basket Plushie
Easter Beelzebub Plushie
Easter Fasoro Plushie
Easter Kaala Plushie
Easter Lati Plushie
Easter Xoi Plushie
Egg Plushie
Eleka Snookle Plushie
Elephant Moth Plushie
Emo Quell Plushie
Error Quell Plushie
Evil Clown Plushie
Extraterrestrial Girl Plushie
Fancy Dakota Plushie
Fancy Equilor Plushie
Fat Snowman Plushie
Festive Banana Plushie
Festive Green Bow Plushie
Festive Peach Plushie
Festive Strawberry Plushie
Festive White Bow Plushie
Fire Gonk Plushie
Fire Snookle Plushie
Firework Doyle Plushie
Firework Sindi Plushie
Flea Plushie
Flin Plushie
Free Cell Plushie
Friends Snookle Plushie
Frolic Plushie
Frostfire Knutt Plushie
Frozen Candycane Plushie
Galaxy Chibs Plushie
Galaxy Yuni Plushie
Galaxy Zoink Plushie
Genie Chibs Plushie
Ghost Patchwork Daisy Plushie
Ghost Plushie
Giant Newth Plushie
Giant Worm Plushie
Gingerbread Kujo Plushie
Gingerbread Plushie
Glass Astro Plushie
Glass Basil Plushie
Glass Rusty Plushie
Glass Yuni Plushie
Gnome Chibs Plushie
Goblin Yakubi Plushie
Gold Astro Plushie
Gold Crikey Plushie
Gold Oglue Plushie
Gold Zoosh Plushie
Gothic Jessup Plushie
Gothic Willa Plushie

Green 10 Year Plushie
Green 9th Birthday Plushie
Green Arinya Plushie
Green Astro Plushie
Green Basil Plushie
Green Crikey Plushie
Green Decadal Plushie
Green Eyru Plushie
Green Gobble Plushie
Green Ike Plushie
Green Justin Plushie
Green Kaala Plushie
Green Kronk Plushie
Green Limax Plushie
Green Mordo Plushie
Green Pucu Plushie
Green Tasi Plushie
Green Ushunda Plushie
Green Zoink Plushie
Green Zola Plushie
Green Zoosh Plushie

Grey Astro Plushie
Grey Chubs Plushie
Grey Crikey Plushie
Grey Daisy Plushie
Grey Dakota Plushie
Grey Decadal Plushie
Grey Echlin Plushie
Grey Ercuw Plushie
Grey Figaro Plushie
Grey Gobble Plushie
Grey Huthiq Plushie
Grey Ike Plushie
Grey Justin Plushie
Grey Kronk Plushie
Grey Limax Plushie
Grey Mordo Plushie
Grey Raulf Plushie
Grey Rofling Plushie
Grey Sindi Plushie
Grey Tasi Plushie
Grey Ushunda Plushie
Grey Vixen Plushie
Grey Vlad Plushie
Grey Willa Plushie
Grey Zoink Plushie
Grey Zola Plushie
Grey Zoosh Plushie

Hairy Chibs Plushie

Halloween Chibs Plushie
Halloween Easter Bunny Plushie
Halloween Patchwork Daisy Plushie

Hand Made Brown Bunny Plushie
Hand Made White Bunny Plushie

Handmade Seasonal Chibs Plushie

Harvest Patchwork Daisy Plushie

Headless Basil Plushie
Headless Chibs Plushie
Headless Crindol Plushie
Headless Pucu Plushie

Holly Plushie

Ian Plushie

Ice Astro Plushie
Ice Basil Plushie
Ice Cream Decadal Plushie
Ice Cream Mordo Plushie
Ice Cream Quell Plushie
Ice Cream Walee Plushie
Ice Crikey Plushie
Ice Cube Plushie
Ice Fairy Chibs Plushie
Ice Fairy Echlin Plushie
Ice Rusty Plushie
Ice Yuni Plushie

Insideout Tantua Plushie
Insideout Vlad Plushie

Invisible Arinya Plushie
Invisible Astro Plushie
Invisible Basil Plushie
Invisible Gizmo Plushie
Invisible Kronk Plushie

Kamilah Chibs Plushie

Key Plushie

Killer Feliz Plushie
Killer Kujo Plushie

Knutt Knight Plushie

Krampus Plushie

Kwazikujo Plushie

Lark Plushie

Leprechaun Knutt Plushie
Leprechaun Lorius Plushie
Leprechaun Plushie

Lightning Pucu Plushie

Lilac Addow Plushie
Lilac Arinya Plushie
Lilac Astro Plushie
Lilac Chibs Plushie
Lilac Dakota Plushie
Lilac Decadal Plushie
Lilac Echlin Plushie
Lilac Ercuw Plushie
Lilac Eyru Plushie
Lilac Figaro Plushie
Lilac Gizmo Plushie
Lilac Huthiq Plushie
Lilac Ike Plushie
Lilac Justin Plushie
Lilac Kujo Plushie
Lilac Lati Plushie
Lilac Limax Plushie
Lilac Lorius Plushie
Lilac Mordo Plushie
Lilac Nino Plushie
Lilac Phanty Plushie
Lilac Pucu Plushie
Lilac Quell Plushie
Lilac Raulf Plushie
Lilac Rofling Plushie
Lilac Rusty Plushie
Lilac Sindi Plushie
Lilac Snookle Plushie
Lilac Straya Plushie
Lilac Sybri Plushie
Lilac Tasi Plushie
Lilac Ushunda Plushie
Lilac Viotto Plushie
Lilac Vixen Plushie
Lilac Vlad Plushie
Lilac Willa Plushie
Lilac Yuni Plushie
Lilac Zola Plushie
Lilac Zoosh Plushie

Lishon Plushie

Love Echlin Plushie
Love Poera Plushie

Lucky Chibs Plushie

Mad Scientist Chibs Plushie

Magenta Astro Plushie
Magenta Basil Plushie
Magenta Crikey Plushie
Magenta Dakota Plushie
Magenta Decadal Plushie
Magenta Ercuw Plushie
Magenta Eyru Plushie
Magenta Figaro Plushie
Magenta Gizmo Plushie
Magenta Hump Plushie
Magenta Huthiq Plushie
Magenta Ike Plushie
Magenta Justin Plushie
Magenta Kronk Plushie
Magenta Kujo Plushie
Magenta Lati Plushie
Magenta Limax Plushie
Magenta Lorius Plushie
Magenta Mordo Plushie
Magenta Nino Plushie
Magenta Phanty Plushie
Magenta Quell Plushie
Magenta Raulf Plushie
Magenta Rofling Plushie
Magenta Rusty Plushie
Magenta Sindi Plushie
Magenta Sybri Plushie
Magenta Tasi Plushie
Magenta Troit Plushie
Magenta Ushunda Plushie
Magenta Vixen Plushie
Magenta Vlad Plushie
Magenta Willa Plushie
Magenta Yuni Plushie
Magenta Zola Plushie
Magenta Zoosh Plushie

Marapals Plushie

Marapets Supporter Plushie
Marasite Fasoro Plushie
Marie Plushie
Maroon Dakota Plushie
Maroon Decadal Plushie
Maroon Ercuw Plushie
Maroon Eyru Plushie
Maroon Fasoro Plushie
Maroon Figaro Plushie
Maroon Gizmo Plushie
Maroon Gobble Plushie
Maroon Hump Plushie
Maroon Huthiq Plushie
Maroon Ike Plushie
Maroon Justin Plushie
Maroon Kaala Plushie
Maroon Kronk Plushie
Maroon Kujo Plushie
Maroon Lati Plushie
Maroon Lorius Plushie
Maroon Mordo Plushie
Maroon Phanty Plushie
Maroon Poera Plushie
Maroon Pucu Plushie
Maroon Quell Plushie
Maroon Raulf Plushie
Maroon Renat Plushie
Maroon Rofling Plushie
Maroon Rusty Plushie
Maroon Sindi Plushie
Maroon Snookle Plushie
Maroon Sybri Plushie
Maroon Tasi Plushie
Maroon Ushunda Plushie
Maroon Viotto Plushie
Maroon Vixen Plushie
Maroon Vlad Plushie
Maroon Willa Plushie
Maroon Yuni Plushie
Maroon Zoink Plushie
Maroon Zola Plushie
Maroon Zoosh Plushie
Mato Plushie
Mermaid Jessup Plushie
Mermaid Newth Plushie

Millionaire Addow Plushie
Millionaire Arinya Plushie
Millionaire Astro Plushie
Millionaire Azul Plushie
Millionaire Basil Plushie
Millionaire Bolimo Plushie
Millionaire Chibs Plushie
Millionaire Crikey Plushie
Millionaire Daisy Plushie
Millionaire Dakota Plushie
Millionaire Decadal Plushie
Millionaire Doyle Plushie
Millionaire Echlin Plushie
Millionaire Equilor Plushie
Millionaire Eyru Plushie
Millionaire Fasoro Plushie
Millionaire Feliz Plushie
Millionaire Flab Plushie
Millionaire Gonk Plushie
Millionaire Huthiq Plushie
Millionaire Ideus Plushie
Millionaire Ike Plushie
Millionaire Jessup Plushie
Millionaire Kaala Plushie
Millionaire Kidlet Plushie
Millionaire Lati Plushie
Millionaire Leido Plushie
Millionaire Murfin Plushie
Millionaire Nino Plushie
Millionaire Oglue Plushie
Millionaire Osafo Plushie
Millionaire Paffuto Plushie
Millionaire Phanty Plushie
Millionaire Quell Plushie
Millionaire Renat Plushie
Millionaire Rofling Plushie
Millionaire Rusty Plushie
Millionaire Sindi Plushie
Millionaire Snookle Plushie
Millionaire Speiro Plushie
Millionaire Sybri Plushie
Millionaire Tantua Plushie
Millionaire Tasi Plushie
Millionaire Ushunda Plushie
Millionaire Viotto Plushie
Millionaire Vlad Plushie
Millionaire Walee Plushie
Millionaire Willa Plushie
Millionaire Xoi Plushie
Millionaire Yakubi Plushie
Millionaire Yuni Plushie
Millionaire Zoink Plushie
Millionaire Zola Plushie
Millionaire Zoosh Plushie

Minipet Azul Plushie
Minipet Basil Plushie
Minipet Dakota Plushie
Minipet Decadal Plushie
Minipet Echlin Plushie
Minipet Fasoro Plushie
Minipet Gizmo Plushie
Minipet Kronk Plushie
Minipet Lati Plushie
Minipet Limax Plushie
Minipet Lorius Plushie
Minipet Pucu Plushie
Minipet Quell Plushie
Minipet Reese Plushie
Minipet Rofling Plushie
Minipet Stocking Plushie
Minipet Viotto Plushie
Minipet Zoink Plushie
Minipet Zola Plushie

Monster Decadal Plushie
Moonlight Decadal Plushie
Moonlight Quell Plushie
Moonlight Walee Plushie
Mosquito Plushie
Mummy Plushie
Mutant Echlin Plushie
Naia Plushie
Native Decadal Plushie

Navy Arinya Plushie
Navy Daisy Plushie
Navy Echlin Plushie
Navy Eyru Plushie
Navy Figaro Plushie
Navy Gizmo Plushie
Navy Hump Plushie
Navy Huthiq Plushie
Navy Ike Plushie
Navy Kronk Plushie
Navy Kujo Plushie
Navy Lati Plushie
Navy Limax Plushie
Navy Lorius Plushie
Navy Mordo Plushie
Navy Nino Plushie
Navy Phanty Plushie
Navy Poera Plushie
Navy Pucu Plushie
Navy Quell Plushie
Navy Raulf Plushie
Navy Rofling Plushie
Navy Rusty Plushie
Navy Sindi Plushie
Navy Snookle Plushie
Navy Sybri Plushie
Navy Tasi Plushie
Navy Troit Plushie
Navy Ushunda Plushie
Navy Vixen Plushie
Navy Vlad Plushie
Navy Willa Plushie
Navy Yuni Plushie
Navy Zoink Plushie
Navy Zola Plushie
Navy Zoosh Plushie

Nefarious Echlin Plushie

Nightmare Ike Plushie
Nightmare Snowman Plushie

Nimbus Limax Plushie

Olive Dakota Plushie
Olive Echlin Plushie
Olive Ercuw Plushie
Olive Figaro Plushie
Olive Gizmo Plushie
Olive Gobble Plushie
Olive Hump Plushie
Olive Ideus Plushie
Olive Jessup Plushie
Olive Justin Plushie
Olive Kronk Plushie
Olive Kujo Plushie
Olive Lati Plushie
Olive Limax Plushie
Olive Mordo Plushie
Olive Nino Plushie
Olive Oglue Plushie
Olive Phanty Plushie
Olive Poera Plushie
Olive Pucu Plushie
Olive Quell Plushie
Olive Raulf Plushie
Olive Sindi Plushie
Olive Snookle Plushie
Olive Straya Plushie
Olive Sybri Plushie
Olive Tasi Plushie
Olive Troit Plushie
Olive Ushunda Plushie
Olive Viotto Plushie
Olive Vixen Plushie
Olive Vlad Plushie
Olive Willa Plushie
Olive Xoi Plushie
Olive Yuni Plushie
Olive Zoink Plushie

Orange Arinya Plushie
Orange Astro Plushie
Orange Basil Plushie
Orange Candycane Plushie
Orange Daisy Plushie
Orange Decadal Plushie
Orange Echlin Plushie
Orange Gobble Plushie
Orange Kujo Plushie
Orange Limax Plushie
Orange Lorius Plushie
Orange Maple Leaf Plushie
Orange Mordo Plushie
Orange Phanty Plushie
Orange Poera Plushie
Orange Pucu Plushie
Orange Quell Plushie
Orange Rofling Plushie
Orange Sindi Plushie
Orange Tasi Plushie
Orange Ushunda Plushie
Orange Vixen Plushie
Orange Vlad Plushie
Orange Zoink Plushie
Orange Zola Plushie
Orange Zoosh Plushie

Pampered Quell Plushie
Party Hat Plushie
Party Pooper Plushie
Party Quell Plushie
Patchwork Drumstick Plushie
Patchwork Heart Plushie
Patchwork Hot Dog Plushie
Peak Plushie
Pebbles Plushie
Phantom Knutt Plushie
Phantom Sindi Plushie
Pinata Murfin Plushie
Pinata Vixen Plushie
Pink Arinya Plushie
Pink Astro Plushie
Pink Basil Plushie
Pink Candycane Plushie
Pink Chubs Plushie
Pink Crikey Plushie
Pink Daisy Plushie
Pink Dakota Plushie
Pink Decadal Plushie
Pink Echlin Plushie
Pink Ercuw Plushie
Pink Eyru Plushie
Pink Gobble Plushie
Pink Huthiq Plushie
Pink Ike Plushie
Pink Limax Plushie
Pink Lorius Plushie
Pink Mordo Plushie
Pink Poera Plushie
Pink Quell Plushie
Pink Raulf Plushie
Pink Rofling Plushie
Pink Rusty Plushie
Pink Sindi Plushie
Pink Sybri Plushie
Pink Tasi Plushie
Pink Ushunda Plushie
Pink Vlad Plushie
Pink Willa Plushie
Pink Zoink Plushie
Pink Zola Plushie
Pink Zoosh Plushie

Pixie Lati Plushie
Pixie Murfin Plushie

Pluff Plushie

Plushie Costume Plushie
Plushie Feliz Plushie

Polar Echlin Plushie

Poop Plushie

Princess Phanty Plushie

Prison Arinya Plushie
Prison Echlin Plushie
Prison Phanty Plushie
Prison Pucu Plushie

Proud Kujo Plushie

Puchalla Village Goals Plushie

Purple Basil Plushie
Purple Candycane Plushie
Purple Chubs Plushie
Purple Crikey Plushie
Purple Echlin Plushie
Purple Eyru Plushie
Purple Gobble Plushie
Purple Justin Plushie
Purple Lorius Plushie
Purple Mordo Plushie
Purple Phanty Plushie
Purple Poera Plushie
Purple Quell Plushie
Purple Raulf Plushie
Purple Rofling Plushie
Purple Rusty Plushie
Purple Tasi Plushie
Purple Vixen Plushie
Purple Vlad Plushie
Purple Willa Plushie
Purple Yuni Plushie
Purple Zoink Plushie
Purple Zoosh Plushie

Queen Bee Plushie

Ra Plushie

Radioactive Arinya Plushie
Radioactive Astro Plushie
Radioactive Basil Plushie
Radioactive Crikey Plushie
Radioactive Kronk Plushie
Radioactive Oglue Plushie
Radioactive Rusty Plushie
Radioactive Yuni Plushie

Rainbow Chibs Plushie
Rainbow Ercuw Plushie
Rainbow Feliz Plushie
Rainbow Speiro Plushie

Recycled Duck Plushie
Red Basil Plushie
Red Candycane Plushie
Red Crikey Plushie
Red Daisy Plushie
Red Decadal Plushie
Red Echlin Plushie
Red Gobble Plushie
Red Ike Plushie
Red Justin Plushie
Red Limax Plushie
Red Mordo Plushie
Red Phanty Plushie
Red Raulf Plushie
Red Tasi Plushie
Red Ushunda Plushie
Red Vixen Plushie
Red Vlad Plushie
Red Willa Plushie
Red Yuni Plushie
Red Zoink Plushie
Red Zola Plushie
Red Zoosh Plushie

Retro Beelzebub Plushie

Robot Quell Plushie
Robot Speiro Plushie

Rotten Echlin Plushie

Royal Echlin Plushie

Sad Pumpkin Plushie

Safari Camp Jessup Plushie
Safari Camp Poera Plushie
Safari Camp Sybri Plushie
Safari Limax Plushie
Safari Tantua Plushie

Santa Plushie

School Jessup Plushie

Scout Chibs Plushie

Seasonal Beelzebub Plushie
Seasonal Candycane Plushie
Seasonal Lazy Fairy Plushie
Seasonal Mini Fairy Plushie
Seasonal Obese Fairy Plushie
Seasonal Plushie Fairy Plushie
Seasonal Reese Plushie
Seasonal Tangerine Plushie

Selene Plushie

Sewer Struggle Plushie

Silver Arinya Plushie
Silver Astro Plushie
Silver Crikey Plushie
Silver Rusty Plushie
Silver Yuni Plushie

Simeria Goals Plushie

Skater Chibs Plushie
Skater Ercuw Plushie
Skater Gonk Plushie
Sleepy Quell Plushie

Snow Dakota Plushie
Snow Echlin Plushie
Snow Justin Plushie
Snow Phanty Plushie
Snow Sindi Plushie
Snow Snookle Plushie
Snow Sybri Plushie
Snow Zola Plushie

Snowman Sybri Plushie

Sokoban Yuni Plushie

Space Crindol Plushie
Space Fairy Fasoro Plushie
Space Fairy Snookle Plushie

Space Quell Plushie

Sparkle Chibs Plushie
Sparkle Equilor Plushie
Splatter Quell Plushie
Spring Fasoro Plushie
Starry Addow Plushie
Starry Chibs Plushie
Starry Gobble Plushie
Starry Snookle Plushie

Steady Plushie
Steampunk Dakota Plushie
Steampunk Gonk Plushie
Stocking Plushie
Stoneage Nino Plushie
Stoneage Zetlian Plushie

Strobe Yakubi Plushie

Summer Arinya Plushie
Summer Decadal Plushie
Summer Fasoro Plushie
Summer Hump Plushie
Summer Jessup Plushie
Summer Leido Plushie
Summer Nino Plushie
Summer Pucu Plushie
Summer Sybri Plushie
Summer Troit Plushie
Summer Yuni Plushie
Swamp Ercuw Plushie
Swamp Renat Plushie

Talking Nimble Plushie

Teal Arinya Plushie
Teal Astro Plushie
Teal Crikey Plushie
Teal Decadal Plushie
Teal Echlin Plushie
Teal Ercuw Plushie
Teal Eyru Plushie
Teal Figaro Plushie
Teal Gizmo Plushie
Teal Hump Plushie
Teal Huthiq Plushie
Teal Ike Plushie
Teal Justin Plushie
Teal Kronk Plushie
Teal Kujo Plushie
Teal Lati Plushie
Teal Limax Plushie
Teal Mordo Plushie
Teal Newth Plushie
Teal Nino Plushie
Teal Phanty Plushie
Teal Poera Plushie
Teal Pucu Plushie
Teal Quell Plushie
Teal Raulf Plushie
Teal Rofling Plushie
Teal Sindi Plushie
Teal Snookle Plushie
Teal Sybri Plushie
Teal Tasi Plushie
Teal Troit Plushie
Teal Ushunda Plushie
Teal Vlad Plushie
Teal Willa Plushie
Teal Yuni Plushie
Teal Zoink Plushie
Teal Zola Plushie

Team Acorn Plushie
Team Maple Leaf Plushie
Teddy Plushie
Thoughtful Feliz Plushie
Three Leaf Clover Plushie
Tisha Plushie
Toddler Chibs Plushie
Toddler Reese Plushie
Toddler Vlad Plushie
Totette Plushie
Trash Can Plushie

Trojan Plushie
Tundra Jessup Plushie
Tundra Quell Plushie
Turkiye Plushie
Tweetly Plushie
Underwater Dakota Plushie
Underwater Ushunda Plushie
Underwater Zetlian Plushie
Valentine Chibs Plushie
Valentine Tantua Plushie
Valentine Tasi Plushie
Vampire Sybri Plushie
Verano Plushie
Villain Doyle Plushie
Villain Vlad Plushie
Vintage Murfin Plushie
Vintage Rusty Plushie
Viper Plushie
Vortex Park Goals Plushie
Water Ideus Plushie
Werewolf Plushie
Whale Plushie
White Astro Plushie
White Basil Plushie
White Chibs Plushie
White Chubs Plushie
White Crikey Plushie
White Daisy Plushie
White Equilor Plushie
White Ercuw Plushie
White Eyru Plushie
White Flower Osafo Plushie
White Gobble Plushie
White Huthiq Plushie
White Ike Plushie
White Justin Plushie
White Limax Plushie
White Mordo Plushie
White Phanty Plushie
White Pucu Plushie
White Raulf Plushie
White Rofling Plushie
White Sindi Egg Plushie
White Sybri Plushie
White Ushunda Plushie
White Vlad Plushie
White Xoi Plushie
White Yuni Plushie
White Zoink Plushie
White Zola Plushie
White Zoosh Plushie
Winter Kujo Plushie
Yellow Arinya Plushie
Yellow Astro Plushie
Yellow Candycane Plushie
Yellow Chubs Plushie
Yellow Crikey Plushie
Yellow Daisy Plushie
Yellow Dakota Plushie
Yellow Echlin Plushie
Yellow Eyru Plushie
Yellow Figaro Plushie
Yellow Flower Osafo Plushie
Yellow Gobble Plushie
Yellow Ike Plushie
Yellow Justin Plushie
Yellow Kronk Plushie
Yellow Limax Plushie
Yellow Maple Leaf Plushie
Yellow Mordo Plushie
Yellow Phanty Plushie
Yellow Raulf Plushie
Yellow Sybri Plushie
Yellow Tasi Plushie
Yellow Ushunda Plushie
Yellow Vlad Plushie
Yellow Willa Plushie
Yellow Zoink Plushie
Yellow Zola Plushie
Yellow Zoosh Plushie
You Are Wonderful Fasoro Plushie
Zetzilla Plushie
Zombie Chibs Plushie
Zombie Echlin Plushie

Minipet Swapping
4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
3rd Jun 2020 17:42

The Lost Templers - Minipet Swapping

Please post what dna mini you're currently looking for in the blog comments and what other colours/minis you have to swap with or if you need help making them.
This is new so I'm only guessing what will work best for everyone for now but please let me know if you have any suggestions Smile

Alcyone - Green Chibimo
Sizzle - waiting
kittycatslover - waiting
Natskiddo - waiting
ruminator - Grey Renuw

Marapets Top 50 statted pets
5 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
17th Nov 2019 18:59

Just for fun I put together a list of top statted pets. Yes we have Slater Park for each individual gym stat which is awesome but I wanted to see the pets with all their stats added up. I added all their level, health, strength, speed, and defence stats and gave them a score of one point for each stat. There are actually 55 pets here because I first went through the Slater Park High Score list looking at the highest level pets, then added on the top fifty highest on the Health High Score list. Because of my method, not to mention all the pumpkins flying at me while counting, I wouldn't be surprised if someone's pet has a wrong score or is simply missing but if you'd like to be added please let me know Smile

Catherine - Catherine - 20, 756
Sanda - Fork - 20,140
AriesAvenger - tvampyer - 18,525
Chip - Jasmine - 18,293
night_king - Sweetdemonicangel -15,227
Adelindria - TannyB - 15,033
Diavolita - Gwylynnsgarden - 14,931
__Boris__ - TheMIL - 14,866
Moloch - Elise - 14,438
Gorgun - Nitewalker - 14,397

AlexanderDark - jofa - 13,555
Blaumaus - wittelsbach - 13,240
zsuzsi - Susi - 12,805
SonyaMichelle - Sonya - 12,790
Breeno - Cappygirl - 12,734
Filat - gennie - 12,478
Lindsey - Mordo - 12,179
Soulslasher - Bethy - 11,840
Melitza - Alcyone - 11,761
Phantasym - xenious - 11,1141
_STUBBORN_ - Agis - 10,875
Shaggy - Sue - 10,851
Cavey - blitzen - 10,706
Aasreal - freemo - 10,651
MengKe - Terry - 10,638
Rebo - Rebo - 10,573
Maralynga - Joanne - 10,412
Rosalina - Kitty - 10,332
kairah - Hunnie - 10,327
little.Syd - StephenE - 10,309
DeeChi - _Dee_ - 10,298
michael2006 - Nicky - 10,292
ShaunPaul - Ultimate - 10,238
ApexPredator - DarkRealm52 - 10,171
Reesiery - nicecat2 - 9,981
Chastick - Panda - 9,969
Xoigle - Malware - 9,663
peepsqually - ellen44dugas - 9,925
Ash - Night - 9,594
hoozlephlaffen - Spice - 9,491
Disand - waterlogged - 9,227
Trantor - _DragonLady_ - 9,117
_Addie - Toshiyori63 - 9,010
Fifiloo - kittycatslover - 8,766
SirWilfred - AngelicGal - 8,560
Myrkul - SoulCorruptor - 8,454
GhostUnicorn - Shizuhu - 8,338
Loggerhead - Nataku - 7,955
UNIBROW - Olympics - 7,936
Birdygot - Nanny_of_16 - 6,741
Amiliha - AJ - 6,591
Yelawolf - Yelawolf - 5,251

I wish there was a way to incorporate magic stats somehow as they are arguably as important as health and level stats but that's getting too complicated. Congrats everyone on your hard work and keep training everybody. It all starts at the beginning and really adds up quick as you play Smile

  1. Missing Photos - Apr 29 2020
    30th Apr 2019 12:54
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  2. Missing Plates March 2020
    30th Apr 2019 13:14
    5 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  3. Missing Stamps - Apr 21 2020
    4th Apr 2019 15:15
    5 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  4. Missing CDs - May 2020
    6th Dec 2016 09:52
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  5. Missing Glowing Eggs - Apr 21 2020
    22nd Feb 2019 19:35
    6 years & 20 days ago
  6. Missing DVDs - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:12
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. Missing Books - Apr 21 2020
    6th Dec 2016 10:27
    8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  8. Missing Plushies - Sep 2019
    25th Apr 2019 22:19
    5 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  9. Minipet Swapping
    3rd Jun 2020 17:42
    4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  10. Marapets Top 50 statted pets
    17th Nov 2019 18:59
    5 years, 3 months & 25 days ago