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17:02:50 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Sophie | 21 | England

I play using wifi at home and at university.

If I don't answer MT/MM or trades within 10 minutes, please assume that I am either AFK or offline.

I block all members who publicly express prejudiced & intolerant comments- no, I will NOT unblock you


Friend requests: Sure, but if we haven't even talked before then I may not accept.
MM/MT: Of course, but sometimes MT alerts don't show. If it has been a while, please MM.
Club invites: No thanks.
Pets for sale?: Never. Unless you see me post on the forums or in pet trades.

Hi, I'm Sophie. I've been playing Marapets on and off for 12 years. I lost my first account (from when I was 9 years old!!! lmao), so I rejoined on this account in 2014.

PS: If I blocked you then you either made a ridiculous offer on one of my trades or you annoyed me (or quite possibly both, let's face it).

Player for 10 years, 3 months & 11 daysJoined 1st Dec 2014 09:40
Player for 10 years, 3 months & 11 days Joined 1st Dec 2014 09:40

Sidious has pets