"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
My online status is deceptive! I'm a forgetful little cookie sometimes, so I've lately been forgetting to log out. I NEVER PURPOSEFULLY IGNORE MARAMAILS, TRADE OFFERS, MARATALKS, OR ANYTHING!!! Please know that if I take a while to get back to you, I'm not actually online. I would never purposefully ignore anyone, as that is incredibly rude and my Mother did not raise an animal. :PFOR STAFF: I use my laptop most of the time but have recently started using my phone while away from my home.
BTW: If you're looking to buy/trade anything from my gallery or shop, I'd prefer you would MaraMail me instead of using MaraTalk, that way I know you're a legitimate customer and not someone just wanting to talk.
Seriously, I'll accept just about any friend requests. I'm on this site to have fun and make cyber friends, so send a request and MaraTalk me sometime!
I reeeeeally like people, so feel free to mt me if I'm on! Always willing to talk to nearly anyone!
Player for 6 years, 10 months & 22 daysJoined 19th Apr 2018 19:44
Club: You can try. Maramail: Sure! MaraTalk: I might be a little distracted, but I'm in! Friend Requests: Please do! Pet Lending: Check out my blog for fees! Pet Trade: You can offer. Gallery: Offer.
Player for 6 years, 10 months & 22 daysJoined 19th Apr 2018 19:44