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12:56:03 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
NOTE TO STAFF: (AS REQUESTED by STAFF) My son also uses this computer to play Marapets, and shares my family email due to household rules on email/phones/etc among children. If you suspect something with either account or have any confusion, PLEASE CONTACT ME VIA THAT EMAIL, OR ON-SITE TICKET TO THIS ACCOUNT BEFORE DOING ANYTHING HARSH. Thank you.

I may appear online without BEING online. NOTE TO STAFF: (AS REQUESTED by STAFF) My son also uses this computer to play Marapets, and shares my family email due to household rules on email/phones/etc among children. If you suspect something with either account or have any confusion, PLEASE CONTACT ME VIA THAT EMAIL, OR ON-SITE TICKET TO THIS ACCOUNT BEFORE DOING ANYTHING HARSH. Thank you.

Fellow Mara...whatever we ares: I may show online when I'm not, as I walk away from my computer frequently for real life reasons, and I've noticed that if one family member's been online recently they stay showing online even despite being logged out for the other to log in, so apparently "online" refers to IPs, not accounts.
I'm currently trying to earn AU for a wardrobe giftbox, and enough AU to hold maybe 30 pets, but the second will probably be years away or more. Wish me good luck! ♥
Player for 6 years, 7 months & 15 daysJoined 1st Aug 2018 22:09
Player for 6 years, 7 months & 15 days Joined 1st Aug 2018 22:09

Cokubashi has pets