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16:40:55 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Staff: There is other in household that are playing, Bombshel, Ramself, and lemonb33.. same ip at times, Also I do log on with other devices and forget to log off a lot of the times..
20210819-195338.png ~I'm a mother, and now a grandmother.. I'm an adult player... From the US, the beautiful desert AZ. I'm on and off most days... and sometimes gone for days.. Please understand I go through chemo treatments every other week... ~
~I'm not always sociable, but I don't mind making new friends.. Just don't beg for stuff... I've worked hard for my stuff, unless it was gifted to me by a friend... ~
~*~MT and MM are open~*~
~*~If ya want to know more about me just asked...~*~
Player for 4 years, 1 month & 6 daysJoined 4th Feb 2021 15:15
I do lend my pet.. Just ask
~Dear Person,
The world is a better place with you in it.
Remember that!~
~*~I don't have ducks in a row,
I have Squirrels and they are everywhere!~*~
Player for 4 years, 1 month & 6 days Joined 4th Feb 2021 15:15

Vampie has pets