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Marada was accidentally discovered in August 2004 when a British student used a telephone box that was in fact a Time Machine - or H.O.M.E.R (History of Marada Extra-dimensional Replicator). Since then, over 9,080,509 people have visited at different times and have missed out on many items from the past. Every Saturday, 30 items are randomly selected from the Time Machine List.

You can use the Time Machine once every 48 hours with a Time Machine Token. Each ride will take you back in time and you'll carry back 4 items. You'll receive a random retired item from the current Prize List plus a time-based Booster, Wand and Mystery Bag. It is against the rules to use the Time Machine for another player.

Fashion Frenzy

Fashion Frenzy Special Promotion

From now until March 16th, 2025 you can choose between the current prize list or a special Wardrobe Only Prize List whenever you use the Time Machine. This feature works the same as usual but you can select to win a random, retired prize from the Prize List instead of the normal prize list below. Promotion ends in 2 days, 6 hours and 57 minutes

Fashion Frenzy

Account Upgrades Credit
Purchase Account Upgrade Credit
Bronze Promo Earn 30% extra credit FREE with every transaction
Promotion ends in 1 day, 6 hours and 57 minutes

10 Years Book
10 Years Stamp
1000 Easter Egg Recipes
101 Summer Bucket List Ideas
10th Birthday Plushie
10th Birthday Potato
12th Birthday Stamp
13 Wishes
14th Birthday Stamp
15 Cake Recipe Book
15 Years
15th Birthday Stamp
5000th Century Tales
8bit Music
9th Birthday Costume
9th Birthday Luxury Cake
9th Birthday Pearl
9th Birthday Songs
Account Upgrades Stamp
Acne Trading Card
Acorn Stamp
Addow Necklace
Adorab Summoning Stone
Advent Candle Hat
Advent Echlin Plushie
Advent Tree Book
Advent Tree Costume
Advent Tree Lolly
Advent Tree Music
Advent Tree Stamp
Advent Tree Whip
After Party Wig
Agent Trading Card
Alice Wig
Alien Blaster
Alien Eye Glowing Egg
Alien Gumball
Alien Intruder
Alien Invasion
American Potato Chips
Ancient Writing Book
Angel Wings
Angel Wings Stamp
Angelic Costume
Angelic Wig
Angelic Wings
Anime Chibs Balloon
Anime Pearl
Anime Potato
Anime Stamp
Antique Jumper
Antler Crown
Apple Juice Box
Arabic Songs
Arcade Pearl
Arcade Potato
Arcade Strategy Guide Book
Archangel Costume
Aries Top
Arinya Ears
Attack of the Vampire
Autumn Booster
Autumn Boots
Autumn Dress
Autumn Jacket
Autumn Leaves Skirt
Autumn Pants
Autumn Pearl
Autumn Potato
Autumn Scythe
Autumn Shoes
Autumn Sunglasses
Autumn Wig
Avalon Summoning Stone
Azul Ears
Azul Necklace
Azul Rag Doll
Baby Angel Wings
Baby Bird Songs
Back Skirt
Bad Chocolate Trading Card
Bad Egg Trading Card
Bae Candy Heart
Bag of Chocolate Coins
Baggy Sweatpants
Bah Humbug Sweater
Baking Gingerbread Book

If you add the Time Machine Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Time Machine every 24 hours instead of every 48 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect