"I Already Miss You"- In Memory of my Best Friends

16 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
18th Jun 2008 19:41MOVED TO BLOG

???We???ve gone through tough times together, Happy times together, We???ve experienced each others feelings, personalities, but it???s just never the same when we have to be so far away.???
May 29, 2009
Like I said on my profile, I am EXTREMELY BUSY and hardly have much time to come on now. I'm kinda feeling sad though now. Some of my old friends kinda drifted away from me for not talking to them in awhile (+ being transfer), and the result is disappointing.
Another thing I'm kinda sad about is that since you guys "quit", there's technically no point in writing this stuff anymore. Especially since when I ask you to read it, then now when I hear your responses, I know there actually /is/ no point in writing it. But I'm still writing anyways, since I know deep down I still care, and my wish to mail this or send it to you is still alive.
It's getting closer and closer to the end of the school year. It feels like it just started, doesn't it? But no worries, this is only the beginning of our friendship.
Signing off once more,
-May 1, 2009
Wow! I haven't updated in exactly a month. I apologize SO much. I haven't had hardly any time to come on much anymore and update. I'm keeping a journal of all of this though, so no worries

Perhaps one day I'll mail it to you... Like a time capsule.
I can't believe it's already almost the end of the year! I can't believe I survived a whole year without one of my best friends in the whole world. I thought I'd never get through it. but still keeping in touch with you, that's what kept me going.
I hope to see you next year, and maybe go to the same school this time, but who knows. I'm praying though that the 3 of us could just be together again. I miss it more than words can explain.
Don't worry though. How could I ever forget such great friends? Never.
<3 and <3 Always,
-April 1, 2009
New holiday already! YOU GUYS ARE ALL MEANYS!!!...Heheheheh... Lol, JK. APRIL FOOLS!!! (:
So,.. T,-Dog, G-Dog's gonna tell me later if we're gonna visit MH again tomorrow. A bit late notice *cough! cough!* Lol, but it's alright. I'll try to get in contact with both of you ASAP.
See ya' for now! =P

-March 17, 2009~
You guys know what today is, right? HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!

Hopefully, you're all wearing green, or I'd have to call the leprechauns to come and pinch you!
Oh- and by the way, perhaps next week (not this one, but the /next/), we can visit M.H. again on Thursday! It was so much fun last week, I want to do it again. (And T-dog,... you didn't say bye-bye to me last time

!! lol- That's okay though.)
Find a 4-leaf clover? If I do, I'll let you know if I ever do. My lucky wish would be that all three of us could always be together and friends forever.
<3 As always,
-March 12, 2009
This morning was SO MUCH FUN!!! It was great to see M.H. and both of you guys! (Excluding what happened of the confusion of the morning and where to meet, LOL) I wished that we could've stayed longer though. We'll discuss more of it soon if we can perhaps go again next week! GLad all of us had gone!

-March 2, 2009

We we looking so much forward to seeing you on Thursday. It's okay though. Maybe G-dog and I could go again next time you're better and we can see each other. Anyways, hope you're feeling better soon!

-February 28, 2009
Hi! Okay, I unfortunately left G-dog hanging and couldn't go to visit M.H. cause I was sick, but we're pretty sure it's going to happen this week on Thursday. Cutie, you MUST come. We haven't seen you in like almost 2 months! Call me soon, kay?

Miss you lots,

-February 23, 2009

!! I truley mean it. I think about you every day, wishing that I could see you soon. Speaking of that, Xx and I may stop by for a visit on Thursday! Stay tuned and we'll tell you more.

-February 13, 2009
I know it's not till tomorrow, but I might not be able to get on tomorrow, so I'm going it now! (:
G-Dog, I think I've gotten your rose for you!^

LOL, short, but Lots of Love inside and brought,
-February 10, 2009
Hellos once more! It seems and feels so different now without you guys. T-Dog, only having a little time to go on since her project and things, and G-Dog, you MUST come back. It's just not the same without you or T-Dog.
T-Dog: I know that you're sorry and it's alright. I just miss you and you must call me back sometime when you're free

G-Dog: Im not sure if you'll read this soon or ever even read it, but I'll always write to you no matter what.
Happy Valentine's day both of you!

Lots of Love <3,
-January 30, 2009
Hiya! Sorry it's been another long while of updates. I've been so busy lately- and probably will be for awhile.
I miss you guys a lot. Xx, don't quit.^^
Cutie, you said you'd call me back, but you didn't

That's okay though. Call be soon though, I wanna talk to you! Xx, you can call me too, but I can talk to you at school though too (: [Sorry cutie]
Well, I hope to hear from both of you soon! Happy end of 2nd Quarter!
<3 Gummmmmyy
-January 9, 2009
Hello again, guys!

And Happy Birthday, Xx! (: Glad we could celebrate your special day with you. I already miss you though!
I hope we can have another fun day together, I really enjoyed it. Didn't you too, Cutie?

Well, talk to you soon!
-December 31, 2008
Another quick update, but unfortunately, I'm still sick. I do hope though that I can still go to G-Dog's! I better get better soon,...
Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR! It'll be midnight in about two hours, so get ready to PARTY! LOL.. Welcome 2009!! [And BTW, the last entry was for 2 days.. today it's only one.]YAY!! Okay, well, hope to talk to you two soon. BYE!!! (: See you next year!

(Rules)! P.S. My New Year's Resolution is to RULE THE WORLD... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
-December 30,2008
Hello again! I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I was/am not feeling well today and the last past days. I have a cold, a headache, and my wrist is hurting again, which causing me to type super slowly. I hope that everything'll get better though by the 3rd of January.
It's New Years Eve tomorrow! HELLO 2009, see ya later 2008! Hope you guys are having a good holiday, and I /still/ can't wait until we can see each other again.

-December 24, 2008
Skipped a day since yesterday was.. not much, Lol, but I'm back again! So, it's finally CHristmas EVE! I'm so excited and happy. Santa's coming so watch out

Hope you enjoy the holidays!

-December 22, 2008
Woot, quick update again! I'm on a role, LOL. Well anyways... TODAY WAS SO MUCH FUN! I wish I could have stayed longer though... It was awesome! T-Dog's lucky... I can't wait till next time though when it's G-Dog's birthday!
Looking forward to that greatly too. And thanks for the Christmas presents, I hope you both like yours that I got for you too. I can't believe Christmas is already in a few days... It's going by so soon. Well anyways, Merry Christmas and I'm again excited to see you guys again soon!
-Gummy ~~ P.S. Our movie was AWESOME.
-December 21, 2008
I'm quick on this update, yay! So,. I know I just posted one yesterday, but I just couldn't help myself from doing another. Since I will see Both of you tomorrow (YAY!! I'm going crazy), I got your guys' present today. Went to the store and everything! Even a little something for G-Dog's parents, LOL. Well anyways, I stayed up so late, just too much filled with excitement to sleep, and probably again tonight. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
- Gummby-Bears

- December 20, 2008
G-Dog: Hi! I know that we still go to the same school and stuff, but it's already winter vacation and I miss you! I'm glad that we both are getting along with new friends, but I know that you and T-Dog could never be replaced.
T-Dog: Hi, too! I miss you, and I haven't seen you since.. October I believe. I'm so glad though that I will soon. Gee Dawg and I have so much to tell you about talk to you about. We need to catch up on everything and just.. have our old fun again like we used to until the next time.
Both: I'M SO EXCITED FOR MONDAY! We finally get to see each other and ALL on the same day, same place and everything with just the three of us. I'm amazed by how fast everything is going. I hope you guys feel the same way I feel about you.
I'm getting your christmas presents (Both Mara and real) and I hope they aren't too bad for your expectations

See you soon, and I'm happy that it is actually soon.

-November 26, 2008
Hi Guys! (Cutie & xx : D )
Sorry I haven't been able to talk much with you! It's been busy.
Cutie, I miss you so much since I hardly ever get to see you most especially, but I'm glad we still maramail each other often and still have random playdates and such. So happy you also attended with me for my birthday. Hope we can see each other soon!
Xx, hehe. New name

It's hard to type the rest. I'm so happy we're contining to be friends and glad I still see you often. I hope you have a fun vacation this week too! Always martian buddies!
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you, and I wish you well. TURKEYS GO GOBBLE GOBBLE!!

-June 19, 2008 ( Summer is here and we are parting

This is to Cutie/Coco-Lover and xxmcr/BANDOBSESSED!!!
Dear Cutie and xxmcr,
I already miss you and it's only been so little. You are my best friends and it's so hard to bear away from you guys. I can't believe it's summer and we're not going to see each other again (Maybe, or at least just a long time!

. You guys are great friends, always there when I need you. I don't know what I'd do without you. I hope to hear from you again soon. Although we are parting, I know you'll all be together with me in my heart.
Your Friend Forever,

P.S. You are so memorable I can't stop thinking about you...
I can't ever forget you..
Some friends are like birds, they fly away, sometimes never coming back. But you guys are like hands, who ever disappear and stay forever in my memories..
Here's a little poem I made up: (Sorry if it sounds cheesy

'Roes are Red,
The Sky is Blue,
How Come I Have to Move On,
Without You?
We've Been Together,
Since the Start,
I'm Longing Still,
About You.
I Miss You Guys Dearly,
I Know You Do Too,
No Matter The Distance,
Nor Far Away,
You're Always Forever in my Heart.'

Friends For Ever- Friendship Love is Eternal..
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???Marapals! (Not in any specific order)
*Red- You can be such a drag at times, but you're always going to be forever my friend.
*Band/xxmcr: You're a fabulous friend. I can always rely on you when I need it. I'm so happy to have you as a friend.
*Cutie/Coco/Flower: You are a great friend. Always sticking up to what you want and forgiving. Thanks for everything! (And I will miss you much next year!

*Shinz: Best Roleplaying Buddies Ever! You're so nice and kind, plus being a great Rper. Thanks for all you've done!-- Sam, Shinzu and Tuki will rule forever!!!

*Bb- Also, one of my best Rp Buddies! You've reccomended great books to me and we've had several great Rp's together too. Thanks for being my friend!
*Linkinpark- I don't know you well yet, but I know you're my friend

You're nice and fun, and I appreciate it!
*Thorsies- We've been Rping for a while now and I'm so happy we are continuing on. You're SO funny and I just thank you for always being my friend! (Ashes too XD)
*Teddy- Teddy, you too. You're definetely funny and I have a good time RPing with you.
*Mikka- Mikka, I just met you, but I know you're already a great friend! I <3 chatting with you and we just have tons of fun together!
-If I may have forgotten you (If I have, I'm sorry

! I can't remember anything today!

, let me know.