Shop Restock Times

15 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
19th Apr 2009 15:44If the shop number ends in 0 or 5 the shop restocks at the 4 and 9 minutes.
If the shop number ends in 1 or 6 the shop restocks at the 0 and 5 minutes.
If the shop number ends in 2 or 7 the shop restocks at the 1 and 6 minutes.
^^I took the above from spocktari's blog; MM me if you want me to take it down, and I will^^
If the shop number ends in 3 or 8 the shop restocks at the 2 and 7 minutes.
And if the shop number ends in 4 or 9 the shop restocks at the 3 and 8 minutes.