Gabi_Sparta (R.I.P.)

15 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
24th May 2009 07:24Anyone wondering why Gabi_Sparta is my only N/W/N pet, and why I won't accept ANY offer for her? It's pretty simple: she is in honor of my cat, Gabi Sparta. Gabi was my baby girl, who climbed over my head to dump Froot Loops on the both of us and would steal my fruit bars. She slept on my pillow every night, and would follow me all around the house. It broke my heart to put her to sleep on February 16, 2009 at about 2:27 PM; she was 23 years old (and I am NOT kidding about that age, either). Gabi wasn't necessarily the nicest cat in the world; she wouldn't hesitate to fight with the other cats, and randomly attack people. That's where she got her middle name -- Sparta. I was the only person who she didn't try to kill all the time, and the only one who could pick her up and carry her around the house for hours without her even TRYING to get away.
Gabi was my BABY girl, even though she wasn't really all that nice -- that's why her memorial pet on Marapets is a Punk Sindi; Sindi's are kind of evil, and she was definitely a feisty little "punk."
Gabi_Sparta is NEVER for trade -- not even for a Rofling.
In honor of Gabi, I am collecting blue roses, because she loved to stick her face into any flower she could and loved blue froot loops. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!