FaShIoN ShOw^^**^^**^^**

15 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
13th Oct 2009 18:42Round 1 stripes
Round 2 polka dots
Round 3 red
Round 4 holiday (which one)
Round 5 goth
Round 6 wedding day
Round 7 celeb
Round 8 formal prom
Round 9 school girl
ROund 10 hobo
You will earn 5 pts for each of the rounds that u win. The top three ppl with the most points will get a prize. No copying and no costumes. and plz no unentering unless u absolutely have to get off of ur computer. So...i think that covers anything...just mm me for more ?s. oh yeah, u will have 2 minutes exactly for each round. remember, im counting!
oh and i am sorry, but i know that i said 10 ppl can enter, but only 5 ppl can so sorry....