15 years, 5 months & 20 days ago

21st Sep 2009 15:19
take this quiz and post it on ur blog and something good will happen 2 u within a month. post on here when something good happens 2 u, i wanna hear all bout it!

1. if u heard that ur crush got really bad grades would u,
a. ask him if its true
b. be totally astonished
c. wouldnt be surprised at all, hes not that smart
d. get over it, everyone gets bad grades every once in a while.
2. if ur crush knew u liked him/her but they didnt like u would u,
a. stop liking him/her
b. pretend u didnt like him/her anymore
c. tell him/her how u really feal about them
d. run to the bathroom and start bawling and never come out until he/she likes u.
3. how many kids do u want?
a. 2
b. 6
c. more than ur crush wants
d. less than ur crush wants
4. if u heard that ur boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on u would u,
a. ask him/her if it was true
b. u knew it wasnt true, they would never do such a thing
c. smack him/her and storm out fiercely
d. still be deeply in love with him/her
5. if the world were to end and u were stuck on the planet all by urself but u could have one other person with you, who would it be?
a. ur mom
b. ur dad
c. ur bff
d. the luv of ur life
ok now that u have done my quiz, post ur answers on my blog. and also post this quiz on ur blog.