My only BIG Goal...

15 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
20th Dec 2009 05:20Heyy I'm Fims,
Changed this blog now...other goal...too hard... :S
You don't have to read this...
Anyway, if I had to have an L.E - These would be the colours...
If some L.Es aren't mentioned, its because I dont like them...
Zoink - Black or Purple
Sindi - White [x]
Mordo - Purple/Pink or Angel (Preferably Purple/Pink)
Chibs - Brown, Orange or Chocolate (preferably Chocolate)
Yuni - Vampire
Figaro - Grey
Viotto - Starry or Seasonal
Lati - Zombie or Ghost
Phanty - Seasonal
Snookle - Pixie, Grey or Angel
Tasi - Grey or Anime
Wish me luck for some of these... (:
(Not likely to happen)