My Birthday... <33

15 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
16th Jan 2010 13:25Hey I'm Fims,
It was my birthday on 16th January xD
I just want to say a special thank you for anybody who got me a present this year!! <33
Xip - Well you made me a graphic, and it has Fims on it. Pretty Cool. THANK YOU <33
Tina - You got me a Blooble. What a coincidence... I was going to feed one of Elger's Bloobles. I thought they were so cute. And you say to me: "Happy Birthday!" and hand me a Blooble?!?! Oh and the graphic you made me!! THANK YOU <33
Sabs - Now, about this dear!! A flippin' Sparkly costume!?!?!?!?!?!
WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GET THAT!! THATS WORTH MILLIONS!! After I ask this all you say aswell is: "Happy Birthday!" Hehe ^^ THANK YOU <33