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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
    22nd Oct 2010 15:17
    14 years, 4 months & 22 days ago
  2. My Top 3 Dream Pets .
    7th Aug 2010 01:36
    14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  3. - Snookiex3's Application . -
    30th Jul 2010 19:33
    14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
14 years, 4 months & 22 days ago
22nd Oct 2010 15:17

Some were given to me so some will be hard to get .

RULES [ Read them or you fail. ]

1. Don't apply or ask for anything else, I am quitting .
2. No BS. eg. Sob stories, Lies , saying " I will take good care of he/she! "
3. Don't call my pets an ' it ' in your application, just plain rude.
4. If I delete your application because I don't like it, or it's breaking the rules , i'll put you on a list so you won't be able to sneak it in again. No second chances, I have better things to do.
5. DON'T ASK ME WHEN IM PICKING, I'll pick when I pick probably when I get home .
6. Learn to use grammar , if you don't know how to spell something , don't bother trying.
7. I don't want a biography about yourself, make it simple but with still something to identify who you are.
8. Pretty easy ? ; ) write - dinosaur - anywhere I can see it , so I know you read the rules. If you don't have this, your disqualified.




114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 23rd Oct 2010 19:44
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 23rd Oct 2010 19:42
Hiya! The names Cindy!
So I'm eating chips in my house alone in Australia. I've palyed marapets for nearly two years. And so far this game is quite addictive because now i go on everyday.
Seeing your pets made my heart skip a beat. Especially For your two pets Eleaina and Lewbed! Oh and what can i say, they are beautiful names!
So for a while now i have been searching for a Dakota, and wow i've come to the right place!
A punk costume? HELL YEAH!
So I'm probably boring you out!
But your pets are amazing, even lewbed the detective mordo, hahs so adorable.
Right now I'm trying to extend my le pets so this would be a great opportunity.
Oh yeah I'm sorry to hear that your quitting!
So many people are leaving these days

Anyways i hope your pets find a great home!
Oh and my favorite DINOSAUR is a T-rex! RAHHH!


Oh well, cya
xx Cindy
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 23rd Oct 2010 19:15
Hey, I am applying for Eleaina.
Dinosaur <3
I have always had a love for dakotas, and I used to have an army. (But I have an earth fairy army now, as you can see! )
I want Eleaina to give to my little sister, she has just started out on mara, after watching me play it for 3 years C:
her username is Amazement. Its her birthday in 22 days, so It would be a nice thing to give her an awesome present. Normally I would apply for Eleaina to keep myself, because she is just so darn cute... but my sister does really love dakotas.
My sister has a new account but shes not a newbie, she knows what shes doing xD
If I won: Before I give it to her, I would either temple it, or stat it.

This is hard, so many other people want Eleaina
and I really dont know what else to say. I should though, I have given 15 Les in the past. And read hundreds of apps lol.

Just so you know, I had an old account for 3 years, but I self banned it to get a better username x]

Good luck choosing!
114 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 23rd Oct 2010 19:05
Sorry to hear you are quitting. Too many good members have been quitting lately. D:
Anyway just to let you know I'm May.
I've been playing Mara for almost 3 years. I'm 16 now. :]
I also love Dinosaurs. <3
They are pretty sexy.
I would love to have Eleaina. First off, I love her name. Pretty gorgeous if you ask me. I've always liked Dakotas, but honestly I would probably change her White. I've worked hard for everything I own, so she would be in good hands. :]
Good Luck in real life. Thank you for reading.
114 years, 4 months & 22 days ago 22nd Oct 2010 16:01
    22nd Oct 2010 15:17
    14 years, 4 months & 22 days ago
  2. My Top 3 Dream Pets .
    7th Aug 2010 01:36
    14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  3. - Snookiex3's Application . -
    30th Jul 2010 19:33
    14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago