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Marapets is mobile friendly
    22nd Oct 2010 15:17
    14 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
  2. My Top 3 Dream Pets .
    7th Aug 2010 01:36
    14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  3. - Snookiex3's Application . -
    30th Jul 2010 19:33
    14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
14 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
22nd Oct 2010 15:17

Some were given to me so some will be hard to get .

RULES [ Read them or you fail. ]

1. Don't apply or ask for anything else, I am quitting .
2. No BS. eg. Sob stories, Lies , saying " I will take good care of he/she! "
3. Don't call my pets an ' it ' in your application, just plain rude.
4. If I delete your application because I don't like it, or it's breaking the rules , i'll put you on a list so you won't be able to sneak it in again. No second chances, I have better things to do.
5. DON'T ASK ME WHEN IM PICKING, I'll pick when I pick probably when I get home .
6. Learn to use grammar , if you don't know how to spell something , don't bother trying.
7. I don't want a biography about yourself, make it simple but with still something to identify who you are.
8. Pretty easy ? ; ) write - dinosaur - anywhere I can see it , so I know you read the rules. If you don't have this, your disqualified.




My Top 3 Dream Pets .
14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
7th Aug 2010 01:36

1.) Chib
2.) Rofling
3.) Yuni

Costumes :

1.) Old Chib
2.) Minipet Rofling
3.) Toddler Yuni

- Snookiex3's Application . -
14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
30th Jul 2010 19:33

Voted # 189 .

Well, to start off, anything I say & will write on this blog is 100% honesty , no lies or fake information .

Hello there, I'm Amanda aka Snookie . I'm very strict with friends, I don't usually like to be friends with people who are in need of any items, or the proper definition 'Fake Friends.' Therefore I don't have much friends on this game, but I do have my true few and some people on this site is extremely well knowledge and just completely kind , those are my kind of friends .

My personality is fairly friendly , but I do speak my mind when I want to, I HATE when people call someone's doll pretty when deep inside they are thinking 'WTF ?' I tell the truth , but I'm not an ignorant type, I just don't go around saying " Eh, you're ugly . " I'm very full of life, or I say 'High on Life'. I love every single day that I have to live, & Marapets is a big part of my life . Yeah, I know you're probably thinking I have no life, but to be honest, I do . But still Marapets is a major thing I love to do as a hobby and it also helps me to be more responsible , and learn to work hard to reach the goals I'm are trying to achieve .

Now that you know a little about me, I'll explain my skills and things related more to taking care of your pet . I've just joined Marapets recently, but as I am a quick learner, I know mostly everything important and needed to know about Marapets . I'm just going to STATE the OBVIOUS, that of course I won't put the pet through the portal , nor trade it or ever give it away . Also,I'm not planning on quitting for a fairly long time, so you know the pet you've been watching over for a long long time , will be in excellent caring and responsible hands for a long span of time.

I do respect that you've worked so hard to make this pet the best it can be, for probably many of years , but I will continue the pets training on being above and beyond, and no matter what offer people give me, the pet will never be unattached to me . I have a feeling in my gut that this pet will be the most amazing and well pixel friend or more like a child. He'll always be by my side & I'm not just saying this cause everyone does, I'm saying it from my heart and my beliefs.

By saying that, you can always receive it back under any reason or circumstance because it truly is still yours, but I'm willing to take care of it for a life time, eternal . If you do choose to give Taphe in my hands, I will keep you updated in everything I do to Taphe, which will probably just be feeding, taking care of it, training it and of course giving it love. It's like a partnership thing , you're the birth mother, I'm the God Mother . That is only if you do want to be updated.

Note : I'm not blabbing about random stuff above this sentence, it's just everything you basically need to know or possibly want to .
Here is a free verse poem , I wrote for Taphe .
I lurk in the sky, when all is asleep .
When your child's eyes are fast asleep.
I sneak around , without being seen for I
blend in the sky with discrete .
I enchant a spell of hope and will as everyone
prays for relief . For who am I ? I'm Taphe.
The protector of human kind .
As well as a story ( Nothing related to Marapets ) :
Nick sat against a concrete wall, watching the bright sunlight rise . Warm tears flowed and I think I Smellled down his cheek as bad memories flowed into his mind . It was just like in the movies when gray scale memories flashed inside your head, but for Nick it was complete reality . He started seeing his mother slowly climb on the other side of the bridge as he jumped out of the car and tried to stop her, as his mother jumped , Nick woke up with a shudder . He looked up and wondered ' What did I do to deserve this .. ' As he looked up a woman with chestnut coloured hair , hazel eyes and a soft smile approached him . "What on earth are you doing on a freeway?" Nick just looked down and continued to sob . "Well, you better come with me, it's unsafe ." Nick finally spoke. "Two months ago, my mom jumped off this bridge and I was left alone , no one even attempted to get me a home ..." The women froze and looked with concern . "In that case , you better come with me now, it's not that great to stop on the freeway ." Nick just realized she stopped in the middle of the freeway while hundreds of cars were filled with angry people. "I'm not going to leave without you." The women said softly. Nick thought she was insane, but got in the car and drove off.

The moment he closed his eyes , he fell in a deep sleep . When he woke up he saw them drive up a long pathway in front of a enormous beige house . He exited the car and walked up to the doorway . "Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Amy , Amy Maddison." Nick shook her hand, but she went ahead and hugged him . He laughed with joy " I'm Nick. " They then entered the house and Nick froze . Inside of the house was completely elegant and amazing . It was like a model home as he was looking around a boy around the age of 10-13 stood on the staircase. Amy walked forward and spoke "John, this is Nick, he'll be staying here for a little while." John walked down the staircase and hid behind his mom . Amy laughed "Say Hi, he doesn't bite." He whispered "Hi" and ran off before Nick could reply.

"Sorry,he's a tad shy , well there is a guest room upstairs to the right, make your self at home." Nick smiled and went straight to bed . The next morning Nick was woken up by a wince , he quickly went downstairs to find Amy crying. Nick walked slowly "Are you okay?" he whispered. Amy looked up "Ha, it's kind of funny, I found you crying, now you find me .." Nick was going to reply when she spoke again. "Well, I have to tell you something .." Nick looked at her with no idea what so ever. "Years ago, I had a boy when I was a teenager , he was the cutest, but I couldn't take care of him, so I gave him up for adoption, but before I did I named him ..." Nick was still confused, but she kept talking. "Then two months ago, I heard the adopted mother died ." Nick froze "What was the child's name .. " She began to cry . "It was .. N-Nick ." she stuttered. Nick was confused with so many emotions . "But , how did you know I was on the streets?" Amy spoke "My friends,they spotted you , but I told your adopted mother to never talk of me, but she secretly sent me pictures of you and I was hoping to God that you were still on that bridge, it's fate ... and , now I can take care of you ." Nick cried "Really? ... Thank-you .. mom ."

John heard everything and yelled " BROTHER !" They all hugged and was filled with extreme joy.

& A short song .
I lose control, when the sun goes down,
when everything is out of mind and my heart
is on the ground. I transform from a geek
to a freak , with every touch I rush , this
isn't just a party, its a dream where I'm the
star with a stunnin' crown.

I dance on the floor all night and rock all day,
cause I'm a star , can't stop me now, cause I'm
a drug , that you can't put down . Would you dare
to try ? Cause I'm a rebelling teenager, what now?
Would you call your parents, or stay all night.

I'll never wake up, from this dream, i'll party hard
Eternally .

So what do you choose, it's all your choice, but once
your caught in the dream, it's like a coma that would
last forever, and ever, no cure only death , would you
die of dance ?

So we'll dance, eternally , until we all fall down ,
until the skies are gone and the earth falls down,
lets party now, and make it last forever .

Thank-you for your time , I've enjoyed writing the song, the story & the poem as well as this application, I tried as hard as I could and put complete honesty and hard work into my application , I hope you see it . I really hope the permanent home will be mine , I really want to take care of
Taphe, well obviously I do that's why I'm applying, but this has to be the most tough application , but it was worth it because I'm really determined to take good care of Taphe and receive him . & again to state it, that I told everything with honesty and promises . & again you are ALWAYS welcome to keep checking up on Taphe , every time you need to do to feel safe to send off your dearly friend .

Sorry if this is like h*ll to you , for reading all this long applications, but I hope it's worth it for you after all this .

& here is a siggy I made..

Thank-you .

" Quality over Quantity . "

    22nd Oct 2010 15:17
    14 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
  2. My Top 3 Dream Pets .
    7th Aug 2010 01:36
    14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  3. - Snookiex3's Application . -
    30th Jul 2010 19:33
    14 years, 7 months & 13 days ago