More Stuff About Me

14 years, 1 month & 3 days ago
8th Feb 2011 18:18Hi ! If your reading this, my info was getting long so I left some stuff out if you are curious. I am married, and I love my husband dearly. I do play World of Warcraft and yes I am a woman for those who believe we dont play, I have an 85 Druid that doesnt mess around

..If you play Ild love to hear about it, with the server and all, maybe we can meet up. my family consists of mostly horde but me and my husband play both factions. I enjoy pet trading however I have recently become attached to these pets -maybe it is because they are mostly gothic sindis..

...-but I do try to take care of them and I am trying to stat Assured to be even better in olympics so Ill have a figaro to bargan with..My latest funds consist of something for Neyala's color and lpodnano's name. donations are loved. I do like to get involed in giveaways but only if I want the pet so if I applied chances are I want it for keeps. I have been given gifts courtesy of a good friend on mara; those gifts were 3 le potions that are now my pets..Gilmore I recieved as a gothic tantua-my first pet- My friend gave me a sindi potion, because a Gothic Sindi was my dream pet so I vowed to make her a gothic sindi one day, so upon recieving the potion I used it on her immediately. Now look at her, shes worth more thhan 5 times as much! I have traded her to get a gothic sindi long before I got her costume but that was a regret, I will not trade her again. The second gift was Sabatino. Sabatino was my grandfathers name who passed away 5 years ago. I created the pet to hold on to the name in his memory, my friend knew him very well and would agree that the hobo chibs would suit the goofyness of his personallity, as funny as that sounds. No he was not a hobo just the look of the hobo chibs fit. My friend had the potion and gave it to me to use on Sabatino. He will never be for trade. The third and last gift was Belshazzar. I liked the cowboy costume especially on latis and my friend just happened to have one cowboy lati potion and 2 love lati potions so she gave me the potion and the idea for the name

. For this reason he will not be for trade. Again this person is a close friend of mine and to avoid you mobbing the player with mails I will not mention the user unless it deals with an le giveaway and you would like someone to testify that when I say I wont trade I wont trade, and dont try to fool my I keep track of what I applied for. My latest pet goals besides what Ive mentioned in here already is to give Garrosh a new look. I do like to look at offers on my pets, I currently do not wish to trade. Sindis are amazing and yes I am biased towards sindis. Also I love to role play (yes on world of warcraft as well as otherwise as my 85 is not a fulltime rollplay but I do have toons that are) however I am a very slow typer and a usually a semi aweful speller so if you can deal with that I am otherwise literate and enjoy one on ones as well as groups. I dont really do graphics but I wish I did, people seem to make a lot on that market, however I may do wow gold lol..ok but on a more serious note, if yould like a graphic I will try, tips loved if you do

..I do get on here everyday but not constantly so if I dont respond to you right away I will soon.. Lots of love to all my friends on mara!

Thanks for Reading