Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
10 years, 6 months & 6 days ago

6th Sep 2014 07:59
You were well prepared for this I see. Let me see how I can work with that.
Name: Jury Arkaidia
Age: 21
Looks: He stands at a five foot seven inches. His hair is always worn pin strait and falls to his shoulders, and often covers his face. His hair is a black that in some lights almost appears to have a blue tint. His eyes are grey but vibrant, as thought the color was stolen from them. Jury usually displays himself in a careful manor. He often wears suits to impress but from time to time he will wear a casual outfit designated for fighting. His close are often coated with the sent of vanilla.
Personality: Jury was mocked as a young child for his feminine like appearance and size. Also he had grown rather fond of a particular doll which only added to the ridicule. He often was called "Princess" and many were insensitive with their comments about his stature for a prince. Sometime, kids would beat up on him knowing he was not strong enough to fight back.
As he grew older, Jury began to fight his battles and regain his rightful title of "prince." He refused to let this continue as heir to the throne. He self trained to become a knight before he became of age to be sure he was ready and had the upper hand on his attackers. However this training, all of his fighting and his work to become more masculine and stronger seemed pointless to many as to this day he has been seen conversing and "playing" with the doll he grew so fond of.
Name: Vanilla
Looks: Vanilla is a sweet smelling doll emitting the lovely aroma of vanilla. She often is dressed in her blue dress garnished with white, blue gloves and matching parasol. She owns few other outfits but this dress was Jury's favorite. Her hair is a mousey brown that falls to her shoulders. With Jury's favorite dress she pulls her hair back in pig tails and wears her blue bonnet.
Personality: Vanilla is a loyal friend and companion. She loves to be around Jury and hate it when he leaves her behind. She is fun loving and sometimes too carefree. She was a rare collectable doll created as the only one of her kind some years back. (in case you have not realized by now) Vanilla, however, is not just any old doll. Her maker was known as the puppet master who died about a year after creating the fragrance line of dolls. This doll maker was famous for his work but many never truly knew why. Vanilla if ever seen in her true forum would stand about 4 feet and could move and act (though somewhat more mechanically) like a human and can also converse with them. Vanilla only speaks to Jury, however, and hides in a form of a 1 foot tall doll form when they are with others. She is fearful around humans so she takes the smaller form to cuddle up to Jury and hide away. Vanilla does put her owners priorities first though and can be an outstanding fighter when needed.
Name: Mia
Age: 18
Looks: Mia is young beautiful and thin. She doesn't like to dress up, in fact any chance she gets she slips out of a dress and into combat clothing or something more comfortable. Her hair falls strait, right down to her waist and is as white as fresh fallen snow. Her eyes are a light grey tinted blue around the edge of the iris.
Personality: Mia is Jury's little sister and as such spends much time with him. She loves her big brother and any chance she can will be at his side. Her brother often told her and only her about Vanilla and she loved the stories. She would train with her brother for his knighthood as she wanted to be the same. Her love for her brother on the outside appeared natural, however (for your notes) she herself loved her brother more than anyone else could realize. Jury doesn't exactly feel any less and some times embraces these feeling to feel more masculine. Mia can not stand the idea of her brother marrying someone else especially with the way she feels for him. She is a very jealous being and possessive when it comes to her brother.
(I'll add the king and others later)
Little metal feet could be heard throughout the room tapping against the wooden dresser as the doll kicked her legs watching her owner lie in bed. She began hitting the dresser harder with her heals and the sound began to echo in attempts to wake up the sleeping prince. The sun peered into the window which was planted just over the canopy that hung over the bed. Seeing it, the small brunette hit the heal of her shoe into the dresser harder leaving little dents and scratches in the wood.
The suns warm light flooded the bed for just a moment before a lard cloud peered over it. "Thanks Vanilla," the prince uttered, thinking she had covered the window. In response the doll sighed and pushed herself foward off the dresser landing loudly on the floor with a clack. Prince Jury turned over, pulling the covers over him in disgust. "Seems a storm is approaching, your 'highness,'" Vanilla replied, sarcastic but with her sweet tone.
Jury sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. He turned to face the dresser to see Vanilla much closer now leaning over with her hands on her. Startled he jumped back and chucked. "Vanilla, don't do that." Vanilla stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know part of the reason they pick on you is because of how long it takes you to get ready?" She asked tapping her foot.
"Yeah, so?" Jury looked back at the window and took a minute to determine the time. The boys eyes widened and panic struck his face as he jumped out of bed just in his shorts pushing Vanilla aside to get to the dresser. "Why didn't you wake me?" He began digging through his clothes for the proper shirt, pulling clothes out and leaving them on the floor behind him. He grabs a ruffled, long sleeved, button down and throws it over his arms, slicking his hair back. "I have to make a good impression. You knew this, you should have woke me sooner." His room sits elevated where the sun shows only hours into the morning over a mountain peak.
Vanilla walks up with a comb and begins combing his hair though the comb just seems to fall right through it. She did this while he buttoned his shirt. "You know i hate to wake you in such a sweet slumber."
when he finished buttoning he goes to remove his shorts then remembers he is not alone, "Vanilla go play with Mia or something, stop watching me! I got to get dressed!"
"You better bring me there, I won't go on my own."
Jury grunts and takes her by the hand walking her across his averagely sized room to his walk-in closet, throwing her in it and slamming the door.
"Hey!" Vanilla exclaimed as she fell to the floor and crossed her legs.
Jury then continued to look for his pants and dress himself rather quickly, returning to the closet for a suit jacket. As he throws the jacket on his hair falls into his face and Vanilla attempts to stop him. "Hey let me fix that!"
"No time remember? What will they say if i miss this? You think they insulted me before, ha! That's nothing." He spoke jokingly of course though he knew it would be true he began to care less and less about his reputation. As a child he was mocked for his feminine appearance and manner. Having a strange relationship with his fragrance doll Vanilla certainly did not help. He began fighting and challenging those who mocked him when he started training in battle before knight school. He wasn't sure he was interested in this matter though. He hated the idea of leaving his home to meet or marry another woman. He knew who he wanted to be with, but also knew it had been forbidden, even more so with his marriage in place. He let out a deep sigh and he grabbed the handle of his wooden door that sat in the stone wall. He turned the handle and pulled the door to find a woman standing in front of him, her arms spread blocking the door.
"You're not really going, are you?"
"You know I have to."
"But you can't, you're my big brother!"
He touched her face gently with the back of his fingers from the corner of her left eye down to her chin letting his hands curl around it to lift her head. His color drained eyes meet her gaze. "I love you. That's not going to change, understand?" His smile is small yet pleasant.
"But how do you know? She's going to steal you away, you can't live anyone else! Promise!"
Jury chuckles as a tear falls down her check. Seeing him still smile she grabs his right wrist, the one by her face, with her right hand. Jury slides his hand from her face to hold her hand.
"Love between us, is that of siblings, and can be no more, no matter how we wish it. Now please my love, I'm going to be late."
"No I won't move. Please who cares what they forbid and think, lets leave. Me and you." Her grey eyes seemed to smile with her as they filed with tears bringing out the underlying blue in them. Her white hair gently swayed as she awaited the prince's reply.
Jury kisses her on her forehead. "Mia, my sweet sister, I love you, that will never change. But this is important to me, I long to meet someone who does not know me. Who can not just mock me with no remorse, and who knows perhaps I can make a friend. Maybe I can marry.."
"No! You can't! You can't love her!" Mia interjected, insulted by the thought
He chuckles again. "Oh Mia. Even if I love another i will still love you."
"It's not the same!"
He could tell he was upsetting her. He stopped and his smile faded and he leaned down to his sister to meet her face to face. He leaned in and kissed her gently taking her top lip between his. "We do not know how things will go." His voice was as soft as a feather tickling her cheek. "But my love for you is unchanging." He then stands up right seeing her smile. He returns the smile as his hair again falls into place covering his right eye. "There, that's it," referring to her smile. He lets her had fall and walks off to her right as it falls to her side.
Mia runs into the room and grabs the doll sitting just outside his closet putting it up to her nose smelling the sweet sent of Vanilla then running with it close to her chest out to her brother in the grand hall. "Don't forget Vanilla!" Mia was a bit more cheerful now. "She will protect you."
Jury chuckled and put his left hand on the back of his head, "Heh right, thanks." He hands Vanilla to his escort who looked at him oddly and with a sense of disgust. But Jury's expression remained stern so the escort nodded in understanding. Both knew the father would not approve, so Vanilla was kept hidden until the moment they left.
In the carriage the prince sat quietly looking out thinking of his sister abs shortly after thinking how he had not eaten as he woke up late. As they arrive at the castle he hopes out of the carriage with a smile on his face, brushing his hair back only for it to fall like soft pins back on to his face. When his escort joined him with Vanilla he began to walk towards the entrance.