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You joined Marapets on October 4, 2006, 10:31 am

If you have any questions feel free to mm

If you are waiting for a reply from me please see my info to see how soon to bug me xD Couldn't bear to take down my little profile I've had for years but its getting out dated.I still give kudos to anyone who reads my info. Im over 30 now and have 3 wonderful children who often keep me busy. I'm not always on, though i log on frequently, but when I am I always try to reply quickly, however, sometimes my kids will pull me away after I read a mail and I may not be able to reply right away because of it. If I dont answer after reading it within 24 hours feel free to mail again. If I did not read please consider that I may not have gotten on and give me a little more time or if you could let me know if you find what you're looking for so I can reply accordingly. If you offer on my lot or mm an offer, if I am on/read the mail and dont answer, it is not a no, I am concidering or busy, please be patient and dont withdraw. Thank you

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    7 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    11 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    11 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 10 months & 19 days ago

Before you mail me, Please read this
12 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
13th Jul 2012 15:07

Before you mail me there are some things you should know. Please look at the category regarding your mail before you mail me:

Regarding Chat~

Go for it I love a good conversation.

Regarding Help~

I am always willing to help with anything EXCEPT handouts, I worked hard for what I have, I may do giveaways but do not ask for my stuff, mp or pets.

Regarding Loaning Pets or Items

Just no

Regarding Roleplaying~
Feel free, I would love to but please ask me about my rules and agree to them first <3

Regarding Photos and Plates~

1. I do not to swaps, I need mp, Im sorry but I dont need your photos or plates.

2. No I will not take just enough to cover making the photos/plate, I did that a few times and some of the people were resellers, same with my swaps now I just dont do it.

Regarding Votes~

Do not ask me to vote for you or your friend, I get enough mails, if I see you around trying to get a contest avatar I will drop you a vote.

Regarding Clubs~

Just dont. I am almost always in a club and happy where I am at.

Regarding Trades~

1. If I dont have a price up either I dont know the prices or I am not ready to sell. If you are interested mail me an offer dont ask how much.

2. If I dont say I will haggle chances are its the lowest price I found and thats what I want unless you find it at a different price~

3. I am a price matcher. If you find recent trades ( trades plural so I know its not one person giving a huge discout) I will match it but be prepared to prove it, cause if you arent I will check and if it doesnt show me the proper proof I wont do it.

Regarding my Gallery~

Chances are if its for sale you will know but if you want to be first to know you may mail to ask/offer.

Regarding my Shop~

If I have any Runes or Hieroglyphics, I know how bad those temples can be, I will haggle a little but please dont be ridiculous. Every thing else is lowest on ss or close to it and if not lowest I will go is lowest on ss.

Regarding my Pets~

If its not in trades, check my most recent forums. If the pet is not mentioned in my forums and not in trades, don't offer, as simple as that.

Club Rules
12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
1st Jun 2012 11:49

1. Be Literate, I am not saying you need perfect grammar or spelling or even a big vocabulary, just be able to understand the situation.

2. If someone gives you detail for setting and plot please take note of it. If the setting looks medieval or medieval fantasy, you will find clerics, not doctors. If you are in a school and it is present day you see a school nurse, doctor or a hospital.

3. If someone use detail in their response and it makes a difference to your next move do not skip over it or change it. "Take her to a cleric," is not the same as "Take her to a doctor." This should set the setting if you had questioned it before.

5. Absolutely no chat speak in the roleplay at all! If you are out of character its ok just don't go over board.

6. Please bear with people, not everyone is perfect at spelling or grammar but I do try my best.

7. No "God play," things can happen by chance but do not tell me my characters emotions, thoughts, or actions/reactions. That's my department, I don't limit your imagination, don't limit mine.

8. I am ok with everything but if it is against marapet's rules then its on you, I will allow it all but Marapets does have rules and they need to be followed. If you would like to take the roleplay elsewhere, that is fine as long as those rules are followed as well, I will happily allow anything.

9. I am up for all types of roleplay so if you actually read though this you will know you can just send me a plot, topic, or character and setting (which we will create the plot as we go) and I will start up the roleplay.

10. Don't suddenly stop replying and never reply again.

11. Read Everything! I cannot stress this enough. Details are EVERYTHING.

12. Have fun!

That's it, ok so it looks complicated now, but just follow them, they really are not all that bad.

Thanks for reading!

Not forgetting to save this time...more rp stuff
12 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
31st May 2012 15:29

Name: Alice Valor

Age: Twenty one years Of Age

Gender: Female

Species: Gifted

Power One: Shadows

Power Two: Invisibility

Appearance: Her short blueish black hair falls to her shoulders rounded towards her face. She appears rather young for her age. She wears a suit often which gives more of a masculine look to her. The suit is rather expensive looking as it had been expensive. Her eyes are deep blue.
(sorry having a hard time describing. Going to use images)
better pic for face
minus eye patch

Personality: Alice, as a child, was abandoned at a very young age. Her mother despised her for the fact that she had "no gifts" and was the first in her family line to supposedly have no gifts. Her mother called her worthless and Alice left her home caring nothing for it. She is one of the reasons cops would visit the schools campus every so often. The suit she wore was stolen, most money she had was stolen, but not many people know this due to the gifts she had eventually discovered she had and learned to use. Her mothers insults made her more powerful and more confident subconsciously, however her consious mind is the opposite. She appears friendly and self confident as well but if someone were to insult her she would take it, it would hurt her and she would be upset but she would have no motive to fight it as she believes the comments. Her subconcious may only be able to awaken her senses if someone were to treat her any better but at the moment no one does. She is stead fast in her morals. She steals so she can have what she needs, otherwise she chooses to save a life over taking money from them, as badly as she wants to take the money and run she cannot sell a soul out to death. She is not easily convinced of anything and strong willed, only swayed by hindered emotions, unless she can over come her depression.

Other: She has a strong british accent.

Song: Remember the Name by Fort Minor

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    7 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    11 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    11 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 10 months & 19 days ago