Not forgetting to save this time...more rp stuff

12 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
31st May 2012 15:29Name: Alice Valor
Age: Twenty one years Of Age
Gender: Female
Species: Gifted
Power One: Shadows
Power Two: Invisibility
Appearance: Her short blueish black hair falls to her shoulders rounded towards her face. She appears rather young for her age. She wears a suit often which gives more of a masculine look to her. The suit is rather expensive looking as it had been expensive. Her eyes are deep blue.
(sorry having a hard time describing. Going to use images)
better pic for face
minus eye patch
Personality: Alice, as a child, was abandoned at a very young age. Her mother despised her for the fact that she had "no gifts" and was the first in her family line to supposedly have no gifts. Her mother called her worthless and Alice left her home caring nothing for it. She is one of the reasons cops would visit the schools campus every so often. The suit she wore was stolen, most money she had was stolen, but not many people know this due to the gifts she had eventually discovered she had and learned to use. Her mothers insults made her more powerful and more confident subconsciously, however her consious mind is the opposite. She appears friendly and self confident as well but if someone were to insult her she would take it, it would hurt her and she would be upset but she would have no motive to fight it as she believes the comments. Her subconcious may only be able to awaken her senses if someone were to treat her any better but at the moment no one does. She is stead fast in her morals. She steals so she can have what she needs, otherwise she chooses to save a life over taking money from them, as badly as she wants to take the money and run she cannot sell a soul out to death. She is not easily convinced of anything and strong willed, only swayed by hindered emotions, unless she can over come her depression.
Other: She has a strong british accent.
Song: Remember the Name by Fort Minor