Awesome quotes
12 years, 6 months & 5 days ago

5th Sep 2012 13:10
what better way to show off a nice new blog layout than to quote the fun stuff
Black Butler:
"You see, I am simply one Hell of a butler."
~Sebastian Michaelis
"If I could not do that much for my master, what kind of butler would I be?"
~Sebastian Michaelis
"I am not fond of dogs, to be completely honest, I hate them" "Woof"
~Sebastian Michaelis & Ciel Phantomhive
"As long as there is the contract, I will protect your life. However, if you make a mistake of your own accord, you will possibly suffer a painful experience while alive. You already know that, don't you? Any game becomes boring when it lacks thrills."
~Sebastian Michaelis
"For a king to survive it's good for him to be able to skillfully manipulate the other pieces using both the knight and the queen. Beneath the throne the bodies of your pieces will pile up along with your sins. You must not lose."
"Under one of your orders, I am to be your pawn and your sword. So please, young master, move me into check."
"Yes, children can be quite demanding about their games."
"That ring has seen the demise of its master many times. My grandfather's, my father's, and without fail, this ring will bear witness to my death as well."
(Need more of these, cant think of any right now >.< )
Grell Sutcliff~
"Sebby Sebby where for art though Sebby?"
"You don't have what it takes to wear red."
"I'm a more deadly efficient reaper than I look!"
"I'm a deadly efficient butler."