RP Characters

14 years ago
14th Mar 2011 16:56Name:Rein
Appearance: Usually dressed in black somewhat loose clothing. She is a Brunette with short hair and blue eyes. Never leaves home without a dagger.
Gift(only one):Invisibility? if thats ok
Weapon(only one)agger
Personality:Causious but very friendly. She tries to be a friend to all but will defend her friends at all times. She is searching for love (if you do not mind a little romance twist in the plot). She will not give up without a fight and can be very stubborn when it comes to what she wants. She is a swift assassin or rouge like fighter who will never pass up a good spar, or fight in general, though she would never hurt the ones she loves.
Other:Very Adventerous, sometimes too much so
Appearance: Always in casual clothing. Keeps himself maintained to the greatest of extents like he is trying to put on a show for the world.
Gift(only one):Mind Read
Weapon(only one):Scythe
Personality: Tries to be cool, this is a huge weakness of his. He does whatever he can to get the crowds attention. He is always tring to talk to the ladies (again if you dont mind) and tries to be flirty. He always tries to keep his composer regardless of what happens to make himself seem cool.
Other:He likes to be called Reaper because he believes that name fits his weapon better and it sounds "cool."
Name: Shane
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species - Gifted
Power One - Control and creation of fire
Power Two - Control of body heat in himself and others (can cause fevers in himself and others-if others the fever can cause hallucinations and also make the heat in his hands too hot to touch)
Looks - Shane has a full head of brown hair, with somewhat of a red glow to it and bangs that hang over his eyes gently. His eyes were a carmel color but some would say it looks more like amber. He can usually be found wearing a button down shirt with a black suit-like jacket. He does not normally wear a tie unless participating in something formal. He always seems to be wearing pants, even durring the summer months. He wears his own version of combat shoes that do not look like they are made for combat, in fact they look like a normal pair of black dress shoes. He wears no extra accessories but always keeps a pocket knife in his right pocket.
Looks In Image - I did not think I would be able to find this) http://www.deviantart.com/download/138019301/Anime_Guy_by_CannibalTaco34.jpg
Personality - Shane is believed to be insane, however, he is perfectly normal. His insanity is based on the fact that he has a small fire ball that follows him around. Shane calls it his pet and plays with it often, beingable to control the fire prevents most burns. He enjoys the fact people find him insane especially because he cares for his pet. This fire ball has attracted the attention of some girls and he did not want to give that up, and besides, he had that fire ball since he was a kid, he was not going to give it up now. He was an attention gog if he could be. If he could not he would enjoy playing with fire on the nature around him.
Other- The pet fire ball of his does not appear to be controlled by him but most people may believe he does. This fire ball follows him everywhere, even to school and when he goes out.
Name: Jessica
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species - Gifted
Power One - Invisibility
Power Two - Speed (unbeleavable running speed)
Looks - Jessica has long flowing light brown hair. She always wear it down to come around and cover her face and down past her waist, some people say it goes down to her knees. Her eyes are a hazel green and seem to change color in sunlight to blue or green. She always wore a white blouse and either a skirt or pants. When she wore a skirt she would always wear leggings regardless of the legnth of the skirt or the warmth of the weather.
Looks In Image - http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS2QBRq9Q_8iHRUmylmSQ4f_kgRRWFfEZaYbMzJgfKf39plgDVGrQ
Eyes are off in color
Personality - Jessica was a rather shy and quiet person. She did not speak much and when she did it was breif. She is embarrassed easily which prevents her from expressing her emotions. She is always passionate about her beliefs and feelings. When she had become embarrassed or scared she would vanish into she shadows given the gift of invisibility. Jessica also had another ability. Her second gift is an unreasonable speed for the average human to move. This helps her when she needs to escape in fear or embarrassment. She despised these gifts and treasued them at the same time. They may have saved her from a few unwanted issues but they also kick in when she becomes to shy to and scared not allowing her to express herself in anyway shape or form.
Other- Sometimes Jessica's powers activate on thier own but not when she is actually responding to someone. If she starts to like a person her invisibility will kick in if she starts to stare. She can however stop it at any time if she notices that it had kicked in. Some like to say she is shy due to an illness but most just do not understand. No one knows much of her past and this is why they question her shy personality
Name: Lynn
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species - Gifted
Power One - Mind reading
Looks - Lynn has rather fair skin but keeps it well. Her hair only falls to her shoulders and she has bangs that hang just above her eyes. Her eyes are a deep almost purple color. She is always in some type of cute outfit, such as a blouse and a skirt. Sometimes she will wear pants but only on occation or a day off. She appears very young for her age which causes many people to question her about her life style.
Looks In Image - http://bg.hi5bkk.com/images/wallpapers/49949190/CuteAnime/CuteAnime_28.jpg
Personality - Lynn is a very intelegent student. She had always attempted her best in school and went out of her way to make the teachers happy with her. She would sometimes read the mind of teachers but mostly she would read those of students. They were much more interesting. She was very outgoing and read minds to know what people would like before she presented herself. She always tries he best to make friends, however it is hard with her intellegance.
Other- Lynn's IQ Is above the average students which makes older crowds better company at times. However with her young looks as high intelegence she can not usually get the audience she is looking for. Her small talk is usually average. She had practiced it because small talk did not come easy with her IQ. Now she comunicates better and can speak without mumbling.
Elizabeth Stein by the age of twenty had decided to go to school for a degree in biology. She had a great fasination in the human anatomy. She had no care for the chemestry of love but only due to her maintained focus. Durring college years she had let her hair grow long and dark to a deep, dark red. Her hair was once a mousey brown. Experimantation of her own body out in sun had caused her to become less fair skinned, instead it had grown darker. She looked deeply into this and studied it thoroughly. She later leared the sun had also caused the change of color in her hair. As she continued to study herself as a test subject she had noticed these new attributes were following her though life. She did not understand why but the effects became permenent.
She then bagan to test animals for the same effects. She leared nothing from the "useless creatures" as she called anything that was of no use to her. Through many years of studying she had learned nothing. Her focus began to trail from her studies as a few years had passed.
She is now twenty-seven and in search of a job. She had recently discovered the study of these things the government would only disclose as 'DNAs.' How interesting, she thought to herself. A mutated human. This is what she had pictured. What a strang thought. She had been rather short and had a hard time seeing over lab tables without standing on a step stool or stilts but that never stopped her before and it was not about to stop her know. Curiousity filled her eyes as she walked up to a laboratory where she would begin he new studies. She did not know if some one alse would be as interested as she had been. Nor did she know who she would meet in this exploration, but she did know she would enjoy it.
As she entered the lab she sat down on a chair not far from the door. She picked up a book along side of her that read anotomy on the cover and began to flip though it. What and interesting specimen. "DNA." She said under her breath thinking of all the things she would possibly see.
Age:20 (good?)
Gender: Female
Species:Human (not gifted)
Looks: She lookes very young. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes.
Personality: Fights like an assassan. She had studied the moves of every past fighter and perfected each of them with the next. She uses a short Katana and is a hunter of the gifted. She is a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty. She does not kill people with slight signs but those with definate signs she shows absolutely no mercey.