After a LONG hiatus....

17 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
18th Sep 2007 23:57Wow, it's been awhile since I updated this......more than a few months actually.....One of the reasons is the password on this account went wonky...twice....I'm positive I had the right password, but it kept saying wrong password....So finally I got this back, and here I am now.
So, whats been going on? well I just finished my 20page essay for college on the Amish.....which is another reason I've been busy. Work and school don't go together with Marapets.... lol. It's amazing how much I've missed, the new clothes....(which I've restocked some of them)....The character updates.....everything!
I've reaolly only had time to read the news, get a few restocks and be on my way....not nearly enough time t write a blog

Hmmm...... I think thats all I have to say for today! hope to be able to write another blog by next week!