My "friend"

17 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
9th Jun 2007 12:00I have met many wonderful and kind people. I have met people who have become great friends. Yes I know people make mistakes, we're humans. But why can't everybody be like these people? Why are people nasty to each other? One of my so-called friends backstabbed me, and yes it was on Mara. This person goes in and out. One second shes the sweetest person on Mara, and the next shes the meanest on here. Why? What makes her change? And then after shes mean, the next day maybe, she'll come back say shes sorry, says she hopes we'll forgive her. The first time she did this we ofcourse forgave her. But what did she do next? The same thing she did before. She hadn't changed, she hadn't done one word she said she would do. If anything she got worse. And then, she brought her whole family on here (2 brothers 1 sister) who "knew" what she had done and thought WE were overreacting not her. The whole family "dissed" us and attacked us, digged us. And if we ever said a word in our defence? We were defending ourselves for no reason, because they "weren't attacking [us]". This person lies and every turn, she lied that she was: hacked, 10,12,18,20,32, and many more things that I have fogotten or will not mention.
And what does she have to say to me? "you're not 24" I'm always laughing when she says that.
But "It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else."
See you all next week!