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    26th Nov 2017 13:40
    7 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  2. Old price guide
    19th Feb 2013 16:14
    12 years & 22 days ago
  3. No Touchyy
    16th Jul 2011 19:40
    13 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
  4. No Touchy
    15th Jul 2011 21:14
    13 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  5. My FireFairy Ecruw giveaway!
    4th May 2011 19:01
    13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
My FireFairy Ecruw giveaway!
13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
4th May 2011 19:01


You should have read the rules on my fourm. I will know if you didn't.

-Sophie <3

112 years & 11 days ago 2nd Mar 2013 20:56
wered mine go!!!

Ohh i get it............Fine then poo you to
113 years, 10 months & 7 days ago 5th May 2011 20:52
Hello Sophie! I'm Mashberry but feel free to call me what you would like, friends call me Bear so if you'd like you can call me that, Enough about me (even though we all know that we all love me, this app is for someone else)
xxGoldicexx is not a bad name, well maybe, but its not horriable like 'Tuna__Boy3834' I loathe names like that. xxGoldicexx would be my instrument pet, aka: I would give him all the violins and flutes and what not.

Goldy ice, Goldy ice
Oooh, la, la, la,
Goldy Ice.
Bum bum bum bum
Your so awesome like some snotsome,
I wanna eat you up,
your so awesome like cheeze sticks,
your just like my grand,a's wig-gy!


Gold your so sweet,
Gold your so nice,
Gold your so awesome,
Your Remind me of Rice!
Gold your a cutie,
Gold your in line,
Gold your still a baby,
I wish you were mine!


Nice huh? I would be freaking honored if I could provide a home to xxGoldicexx! If I got her I would name the Pink Fatty (that is her minipet currently) Sophie after you because I know you'd like that.. Well I don't 'know' that but I hope that! I would keep the costume since thats my favorite costume on a Ecruw. She has really high levels which is fantabulous!!! I thank you sensitively for giving me this AWESOME chance. Thanks so much and have a great day! G'luck reading all of those great apps!

113 years, 10 months & 7 days ago 5th May 2011 15:29
Buenos noches Seniorita Stevie! :3

Its me Sparky here to app for your Firefairy Ecruw Goldice. I see you got yourself a lightening pucu, I remember you saying was your dream pet, congrats.

Well I'm a fairly normal mara-player, I dabble in graphics (I don't know if you have seen me and my partner, Sneggz' Tickles?) and I love cheese stix, which is funny because I actually do in real life, they are quite good for you and slimming.

I don't want to bore you but I really want to get this right:

My favorite color: Green
My favorite food: Fishsticks
My favorite subject: Choir
My favorite movie: The Secrets of moonacre (You should look it up!

I love all things marapets and have been here for four years. Heres a joke to get you giggling.

Why was the tomato blushing?


Because he saw salad dressing.

Ahur. Hopefully that got you in the giving, mood. Adior aprendidos!
113 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 4th May 2011 23:06
Aloha Sophie!
Its me Ainah but you probably dont remember me. But i surely remembered were on the same club before named Reflection. am'i right? ^^
I hope I'm not wrong.
Well yea Junior (Distinguish) was the club leader. ^^

So anyways. I can with my big blue eyes. Well my eyes are little but anyways this is for my app. xD
Okay. So I can see with my big blue eyes that Glowing Red and Yellow Fairy Dragon your giving.
and I'm honored to be Goldice new owner. :]
To be honest I'm not that fond of the name. But i hope, We all hope that someday I CAN and WILL change Goldice name into a spectacular unique and wonderful name.
I would probably have some plans for Goldice for the FUTURE to tell you. But i will know those plans when I enter the future.
Goldice is a treasure and a pleasure to look after!
Ercuws are not the pets that I'm currently looking for. But Ercuws are the pets that I'm currently trying to win. Yup. Trying to win this giveaway!
I dont deserve Goldice that much but I just want you to know but I would love Godlice to be part of my family. I have worked hard for all my pets and all the things i have now. They are my treasure here and Nothing will be given or traded.
I got sick of trading. So I wont probably be trading Goldice.
I have loss interest in Pet Trading last last last month i guess. xD
I just so love Cheese Sticks that i can eat like millions of them.
Omg. Sorry for drooling.
So anyways this the end of my app. I hope you had fun reading this.
Good Luck choosing and Good luck with your Pucu Hunting! :3

113 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 4th May 2011 21:34
My Poem For Your Ercuw:
I really love ercuws,
Theyre really really cute,
Firefairy is even better,
Cheese Stix start with a letter,
C is the letter,
This is Lame,
It's A Game ,
To Play For Your,
Firefairy Ercuw

Haha, I Hope That That Made You Laugh....
So That's My App.. Here Is Some Info About Me:
My Name Is Rea
I'm 12 Years Old. Almost 13
Been On Mara 2 Weeks

Yeah, Thanks For The Oppourtunity !
113 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 4th May 2011 19:31
Two; If I were to have her, I would happily feed her Cheese stix everyday. <3

Three; I would just love to own her, plain and simple.

Anyways! I don't know any funny jokes, because I'm no comedian, but I'll try.

What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep?
A dinosnore!

^ Just kidding.
But I hope you smiled.

Good luck choosing!
- Cheese St-
I mean;
- Monument. <3
113 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 4th May 2011 19:09
Why, hello there Ms. Sophie.
Do you mind if I call you Sophie?
Am I moving to fast?
We haven't even known each other for that long.

Hello, I go by Monument.
I'm going to try to make this a long app, even though I haven't posted long apps in a long time!

One; I love firefairy ecrews, adoreable. No matter what the name, health, and so on. They're just adorable. <3
113 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 4th May 2011 19:06
  1. -
    26th Nov 2017 13:40
    7 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  2. Old price guide
    19th Feb 2013 16:14
    12 years & 22 days ago
  3. No Touchyy
    16th Jul 2011 19:40
    13 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
  4. No Touchy
    15th Jul 2011 21:14
    13 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  5. My FireFairy Ecruw giveaway!
    4th May 2011 19:01
    13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago