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  1. -
    26th Nov 2017 13:40
    7 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  2. Old price guide
    19th Feb 2013 16:14
    12 years & 22 days ago
  3. No Touchyy
    16th Jul 2011 19:40
    13 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
  4. No Touchy
    15th Jul 2011 21:14
    13 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  5. My FireFairy Ecruw giveaway!
    4th May 2011 19:01
    13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
7 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
26th Nov 2017 13:40

Can’t figure out how to delete this lol

Old price guide
12 years & 22 days ago
19th Feb 2013 16:14

Credit to GiveItBack

Pet: Arinya
Price: 1.5mil-1.8mil
Where From: Penitentiary
Trading Value: Not very easy to trade as a low-le.
Cheapest Aquisition: Buying potion. The mission can be sneaky expensive with rare photos needed.


Pet: Basil
Price: 30mil-35mil
Where From: Sewer Cleaner
Trading Value: Very high people will probably have to offer more than potion worth as the mission is so difficult.
Cheapest Aquisition: buying the potion/temple, the mission is long-winded due to rare bugs needed from ultra traps.


Pet: Chibs
Price: 5mil-6.5mil
Where From: [Retired] New Rsable Potions
Trading Value: Way more than potion value, one of the most popular LEs. **Recently potions came out in AUs**
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Crikey
Price: 1.5milish
Where From: Hospice
Trading Value: Very low, hard to trade. Not very popular.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Daisy
Price: Est. Value 500K No potion
Where From: Undying Festival
Trading Value: Very low
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Dakota
Price: 3mil-3.5mil
Where From: [Retired] New potions Rsable
Trading Value: Reasonable, higher costumed dakotas may be harder to trade for equal worth.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Echlin
Price: 18milish
Where From: Slate Pyramid
Trading Value: Variable, some people love and will offer fair, sometimes people get desperate and just ask for anything
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Ercuw
Price: 5mil
Where From: AUs currently.
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Figaro
Price: 25mil-30mil
Where From: Olympic Shop
Trading Value: Very high. Usually goes for millions above it's actual worth
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Gizmo
Price: 1.5milish
Where From: Bumpkin
Trading Value: Very low, hard to trade. Not very popular.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Gobble - Restricted
Price: 2mil-2.5mil
Where From: [Retired]
Trading Value: Very low, very unpopular pet. Not many around as few potions used.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Hump - Restricted
Price: 25mil
Where From: Code Pyramid
Trading Value: Again depends on the trader, some people love them and will offer very fairly. Commonly disliked and gets underoffers
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Huthiq
Price: 1mil-1.5mil
Where From: Ublish
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Ike
Price: 1.6mil-2mil
Where From: Hector Collector
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Justin
Price: 40mil+???
Where From: 1mil in Spy quest
Trading Value: Very High
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Kronk
Price: 1mil-1.5mil
Where From: Clam
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Kujo
Price: 5mil
Where From: [Retired]
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Lati
Price: 4mil-4.5mil
Where From: Rare from the plushie machine
Trading Value: For some reason not very popular many people don't like latis much. Very hard to trade in rare costumes like dark.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Mordo
Price: 3mil-3.5mil
Where From: [Retired] New Rsable Potions
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Nino
Price: 5mil-6.5mil
Where From: rare from the plushie machine
Trading Value: Very few around actually, so they are desirable.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Olgue
Price: 1mil-1.5mil
Where From: Troll
Trading Value: Due to the new revamp they've become a little more popular.
Cheapest Aquisition: Buying a potion, the mission tends to cost more due to the lodge instruments


Pet: Phanty
Price: 700K-1mil
Where From: Theatre
Trading Value: Very low, not many people like these. Good for new starter traders though.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Poera
Price: 600K-1mil
Where From: Tarquin
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Pucu
Price: 6mil-8mil
Where From: Mafia
Trading Value: Very popular can probably trade for more than it's price value.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Quell
Price: 5mil
Where From: [Retired AU Potions] - Refferals
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Rofling
Price: 40mil-50mil
Where From: Referals
Trading Value: Very high, due to the difficulty of getting this LE people tend to over-offer as they are in competition with others when trading.
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Rusty
Price: 1.2mil-1.6mil
Where From: Rubbish Dump
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Sindi
Price: 4milish
Where From: [Retired]
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Snookle
Price: 4mil-5mil
Where From: Rare from the plushie machine
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Sybri
Price: 4milish
Where From: Rare from the plushie machine
Trading Value: Very popular can be hard to trade for as people attach themselves to these
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Tasi
Price: 3.5mil-4.5mil
Where From: [Retired] New Rsable Potions
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Troit
Price: 1.2mil-1.6mil
Where From: Fugunzel
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Viotto
Price: 3.5mil-4.5mil
Where From: Blitzen
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Vixen - Restricted
Price: 3mil-3.5mil
Where From: [Retired]
Trading Value: Very high, almost as popular as chibs. Very few people dislike them.
Cheapest Aquisition:

Pet: Willa
Price: 4.5mil-5.5mil
Where From: Aus.
Trading value: Very high
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Yuni
Price: 4mil-5mil
Where From: Fates
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Zoink
Price: 700K-1.2mil
Where From: Trotters
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:


Pet: Zoosh
Price: 700K-1.2mil
Where From: Circus
Trading Value:
Cheapest Aquisition:

Credit to GiveItBack

No Touchyy
13 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
16th Jul 2011 19:40

I bought these, DO NOT STEAL! If you do, you will not get a warning from me,I will just report you

Okay! I ran out of room in my info lies this blog! I did NOT make these, I am NOT taking credit! These are from many differnt people so it is hard to remember all of thier names but if you see your graphic here, please do mention that they are yours and go ahead and advertise!


Also, I am always buying cute graphics soo MM/MT me! I don't check comments much, sorry..


My FireFairy Ecruw giveaway!
13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
4th May 2011 19:01


You should have read the rules on my fourm. I will know if you didn't.

-Sophie <3

  1. -
    26th Nov 2017 13:40
    7 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  2. Old price guide
    19th Feb 2013 16:14
    12 years & 22 days ago
  3. No Touchyy
    16th Jul 2011 19:40
    13 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
  4. No Touchy
    15th Jul 2011 21:14
    13 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  5. My FireFairy Ecruw giveaway!
    4th May 2011 19:01
    13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago