
13 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
30th Jun 2011 04:46The dream continued. Flames, tourcher, hatred. She hated the look she saw in his eyes. So much fire, so much hate then her dream wandered into a life now with her parents. She watched the house go up in flames and Tobias attacked her and blamed her for it. She heard him say "I hate you! You lied to me!" And all she could reply with was, "It wasn't a lie, I swear I am sorry." She felt trapped in thins dream hoping to soon wake up, with only the hope that it were a nightmare. "Tobias please." The fire reflected in his eyes and the house behind her was burned to the gound. Nothing was left, not even a splinter or a pebble. To this she finally awoke and began to pant. She began to wonder if she would have been a better protector if she were dead and could not hurt him anymore. She then retracted her fur and allowed herself back into her human form. She walked into the house and sat down on the kitchen chair. She looked over at the note she originally left for Tobias in case he returned while she had been looking after him, so that he would know she was out but would be back soon. If she followed him in he would have only been more mad, so she gave another reason rather than looking after him. She then picked up a ball point pen and gripped it tightly in her hand. Was it worth it? The dream showed he wanted her dead, but did he really? The ball of the pen hit a sheet of blank paper that had been sitting there. She practially lived to care for her loved ones, but what if she died to do the same? Would Tobias be happy? the tip of the pen began to glide just over the paper as she began to wonder what would happen if she went and got herself killed, and if it would make Tobias happy.
"Me? Well resting," Jenn chuckled as she watched his eyes and followed his stare to the children playing ball. "You?" She looked at him now wondering if he picked up on the fact that her body had no been resting when they bumped into each other, but Jenn had not been controling and therefore was not lying. She looked over and attepted to identify those that Riley focused on. Not able to recognise any of them, she watched to see what entriged Riley so much. She began creating more fire snakes as she waited for Riley's reply. She planned to have fun with this group, it was just to temping. These snakes she kept in her hands circling slowly giving the appearence of a fire ball, only she would know they were snakes, and could break them apart into the snakes as easily as she put a ball together.
Rein fist on her physical body clenched. She did not even realize any bodily movement. She had to wake up, what would happen to Zafi. Her heard just faintly beating and now her single fist clenched. Her hear beat was no stronger, and no other vitals showed enough to say she was not brain dead. Little did anyone know she was trapped in this unconsious state. The bullet just appearing to have stopped her breathing and should have stopped her heart. Something was out of place or a few facts had been missing, but how could anyone tell that? No one knew how she did her 'magic tricks' and no one knew about her gifts.
And Kerbecs replied with the message RE:Roleplay....
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Pet Trades
[29th Jun 2011 02:16 PM] [Reply] [Save] [Block] [Delete] [Forward]
"We just need a ref for this game," the boy then spoke as he looked at Tobias as if he where trying to dominate him but Tobias didn't look away, causing the boy just to smile. "If that's okay with you," he then finished as he walked over to the nets, Tobias watching his every move.
" is fine," he then said gently, not smiling but it took him a long while to adapt to others. The only person he did trust was Cathrine. 'Did' trust. Was he being too hard on her? After all she has done for him? Taking care of him? Putting a roof over his head? Making him breakfast? Making him smile when he was upset or going through a dificult time? And that was how he repayed her? Should he turn back? He was about too until the ball hit his knee, causing him to jerk as he watched the two girls running over to the ball. He smiled gently as he heard them laughing, the pink dressed girl dribbling the ball towards him, trying to score. After a while, the pink dressed girl was winning by two, but the girl with the blue dress was still determand. Tobias still looked tense and timid, his head down towards the ground, floppy, black emo syled hair well cared for looking as he smiled slightly to himself, but nobody could see he was seeing that his head was down.
"Are you laughing at me Mister?" the blue dressed girl asked with a laugh as she tugged his sleeve, a soft chuckle escaping Tobias's nicley sculpted lips, the boy running right over to him, giving him a rugby tackle. Tobias landed on his back, still smiling as the girls sat on top of him, playing with him. Their faces. Look so happy.
"Resting?" Riley then asked gently, still keeping his eyes on the three children and the older guy. "Intresting..." he then said as he walked closer to the fence, eyes intrested and focused looking as he kept his eyes on them. The sound of the children's laughter was faint, but it made Riley wince slightly for some odd reason. He didn't answer until a good while, not turning around to look at Jenn who was cerating more fire snakes. "Me...?" he then asked as he watched the boy jumping on top of Tobias who just caught him and laughed gently. "...I don't know..." he then said slowly, trailing off, loosing intrest in Jenn for some reason.
Zafi continued to walk to where he called home. For a living being, he did have a vast amount of knowledge. He could crack every code, solve every problem, speak in many lanagages... lets test on how good he was with the medical treatment. He didn't notice Rein's hand's making movement as he continued to walk until he came to a medium sized house that looked hidden. He entered before closing the door behind him, heading upstairs to help Rein.
Catherine stared at the paper with great intent to write. She made a single stroke with the pen and her hand began to shake. Her hands rose quickly to her head, thowing her pen across the room. What if he sees this as some form of betrail? She could not just fake it, he would be hurt by the lie. Her hair hung over her hands and her face. Sitting in wait and now in pain she shook her head violently. What was she supposed to do? Would killing herself help him? She would not be able to hurt him anymore. But would he be happy? Why wouldn't he? These quesions she suffered to think she had never thought before. She hated the idea of leaving Tobias and killing herself was never an option, until now.. Or was it? Her mind was so confused and was torchered by the contradicting ideas. What would killing really do? Help? Hurt? Perhaps he would follow her in death? But what are the chances it would hurt him? She would no longer be able to hurt him, but she feared what he would think. Would he hate her more for dying at such a time? She sat there, eyes shut tightly, her head still in her hand, searching for truth in her own head, becoming so unstable, hoping to see Tobias soon before she would want to pull through with death.
Jenn smirked as she let down her snakes that slithered though the field burning a trail of only single grass blades yet hiding beneath the grass, almost invisible to those watching. "You don't know them, do you?" She asked this after sending the snake out in that direction. She was waiting for just the right moment to set them off, whether Riley knew the kids or not. At this point she did not care if he were friends with them. She was going to have some fun and cause some torcher, no one was going to stop her.
Rein struggled to flinch and could not even do that much to express that she was alive. Her body so still and lifeless. Yet her spirit fighting off death. She fought for her life. Here it goes, the best magic trick, overcoming death. Now was the time for the greatest act. Perhaps if she could do it now, she could do it again? Hell, it was worth a shot. Must wake up..Must wake up.. Her body not getting any better, though she tried so hard.
The children begun to calm down, Tobias slowly getting up as he sorted his hair and just smiled down at them, not really saying much, but he grew a bond with the trio of children, what looked like brothers and sisters.
"Will you play with us again?" the boy asked, seeing that Tobias was beggining to part from the group.
"Maybe," Tobias answered quietly and simply. "I...will see you later," he then smiled as they all said goodbye to him as he then headed towards home. His smile began to get smaller as he walked towards the building, wondering if he should just move out or see if Catherine was in or not. He found himself opining the door anyway. He entered but kept his jacket on as he got himself a glass of water before seeing Catherine with a peice of paper in front of her but he didn't dare say a thing. He just poured the water into the clear glass, his back turned to her. His eyes where still as calm as ever but they never did display his true emotions. It was like he was stuck with the calm and elegant look on his face all of the time. Or maybe because he saw the good in everyone... but right now, he was finding it hard to.
"I don't know them," Riley then replied, aware of the fire snakes being on the grass but yet still not do a thing. He managed to tear his eyes away, seeing the older person was taking a leave as he watched Jenn, raising a brow slightly at her. "What are you doing?" he then asked. He didn't do things when he felt like it. He did things without thinking. When he felt... hyper. Power hungry. In need of power over things. And when did that happen? If he stopped taking his medication.
Zafi entered a spare room and gently sat Rein down, not caring if there was blood everywhere. He treated her as if she where a thin layer of ice. Easy to break. So he was very gentle with her. She saved him. Risked her life for his and they barley knew each other. He walked into the kitchen, got some supplies and that sat down in front of Rein, wondering if the bullet was still in her. If so, he was ready to take it out.
Catherine shook as the door shut and her hand dropped to the table. Her eyes grew wide but staired only at the paper in front of her. "Tobias, can I ask you something?" Her voice was faint but loud enough in the silence of the house for Tobias to hear. Her facial expression filled with fear and pain. Her heart beating on her ribs caused her to sweat thinking it might jump out. She planned to ask whether he said yes or no so she did not give him time to answer at all, she needed to know. "Would you be happier, if, I were gone?" Not specifically refering to death, but protecting him was what she lived for and if he would want her gone perhaps death was the best option. Her hands shook gently on the table top and her eyes did not leave the paper. She feared his answer and feared her own next move. If he were to say yes, would death be worth it? She would be likely to feel that that was her only option. She then listened for an answer, without looking up and with no less fear in her face.
Jenn half smirked at Riley. "Having a little fun is all, You said you liked to cause havoc, didn't you?" Suddenly the fire snakes grew into a fire that set the field ablaze. As they did Jenn turned away. "Something the matter?" She looked at Riley and after hearing a scream looked back at the group that had been playing where the fire now was. Her smirk turned into a half smile and her eyes seemed to glare adding a sinister effect. "Too bad that other kid left." She sounded almost disapointed but she was having too much fun to care. The entire field and trees began to burn as the fire spread quickly and soon became wild. Satisfied with it she watched it burn and listened to the fire crackle loudly and Rawr. She would not put it out, that was Jessica's job, but Jessica was not coming out. Someone would have to do it for her, but she was in no rush, she was enjoying it.
The bullet still in her chest felt like it had been falling farther in though it had not moved at all. She still could not move, only hope she would awake. She fought so hard in an attept to wake up but yet nothing worked, or so she thought. Subconiously, she spoke, outloud. "Zaf-fi, no." Her voice was faint and raspey almost bearly noticable. But if someone were to hear it she sounded worried, almost paniced for him. She herself did not know her body could flinch let alone speak and she did not hear this, she heard nothing. Have to wake up, now.. Still nothing, still fighting.
And Kerbecs replied with the message RE:Roleplay....
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Pet Trades
[1st Jul 2011 05:42 AM] [Reply] [Save] [Block] [Delete] [Forward]
Tobias didn't turn around as he watched the ice cubes in the clear glass, looking like some fancy screen shot for your mobile or desktop. He picked up the cold glass, listining to the ice cubes clatter gently against the glass. "Would I be happy if you where gone?" he then asked as he took a drink, back still turned to Catherine, his mouth feeling cool and refreshed. He put the glass down and slowly turned around to look at her, his soft blue eyes mellow for a moment until they returned to that normal sad texture. "No," he replied after as he then sat himself on the counter, just watching her as if she where some detailed paining in a famous hall that everyone admired.
Riley jerked back suddenly as the fire blazed up, seeing the park on fire. All of the children froze on the spot, their parents begginging to panic as they then ran over into the park to try and get them. The three children that Tobias had been playing with where still there. The two girls where around a ring of fire that the boy seemed to be trapped in. They where screaming, beckoning him to just run through but where ever he turned, the large flames burst out at him, the ring slowly closing in on the young boy. Riley continued to watch, the fire reflecting off his golden brown eyes as he saw that the boys arm caught alight, causing him to yell. His small body tossed and turned, looking for a way out, the fire crawling up his arm as he continued to yell, the girls outside the ring continuing to scream and cry. They kept telling him to just run but he then fell onto his knees, fire spreading around him until his whole body caught on fire.
The bullet was still in there. It must be. Zafi focused down at Rein before pulling on a pair of latex gloves, taking many different tools as he moved closer to her. He could hear her speaking weakly but didn't seem to reply to her. She was still fighting. Good. Hang in there. Zafi got to work. A long, thin tweezer like tool was now in his hands as he put it gently into her wound, his fingers already covered with blood, but he had to find that bullet. He was not put off by the sight of anything, as he continued to look for the silver bullet and hopefully get it out.
Shocked by the answer she seemed to jump out of her skin. "Ah." She then looked up at him, the fear still in her eyes, but her face appeared a bit less paniced but pale. The dark complection from her panther form did not even show. Her complection returned as she saw his eyes and face looking back at her. This relaxed her quite a bit but her eyes still held fear. She would leave, if he wanted her to, and let him stay there. Perhaps death was not an option? "I don't want to hurt you," She swallowed hard so hard it was audiable. "Are you sure you don't want me to leave?" Her eyes did not leave his. She was curious as to what he he did after she left him. She was also curious ad to how he felt about the situation, about her being his sister. She could hear them both breathing. The silence coated her as a chill ran down her spine. Did he really want her to stay?
Jenn was happy, enjoying the view but she would not fight Jessica's kind nature. Jessica pushed though and spoke. "You idiot you set a kid on fire!" "Do you think I care? Get down, this is my fun," Jenn followed up. Neither one of them spoke loudly, but they did not realies they spoke just loud enough for Riley to hear. "I am not letting you just sit here!" "I said get down and shut up!" But sure enough Jessica pulled though and was able to ice over half the field before Jenn pulled back around. Jenn looked over the field like it had been her own work, most of it was until her eyes hit the ice. "Stupid little.." She trailed off as she saw the kid still on fire, "Well she did not spoil everything," She muttered. Then she caught herself and looked at Riley. "Oh, I am sorry you had to see that."
Rein felt something probe into the wound. Both cold and warm. The warm felt thick and the cold one was thinner like a cold metal wire. The feeling made her sick, but it did not show on her body. Wake up. Her heart thobed as though it had been trying to force the bullet out. Her heart ached, and her puntured lung lightly filled with blood. Her heart began to pump the blood into her lung, seeing as they were both punctured with the same bullet. Her body caughed as the blood lightly filtered in, trying to push it out. The caughing stopped as she waited for the probing tools to leave her chest.