My pets

13 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
29th Aug 2011 06:35Scottybomb-was the first pet i ever made on marapets and therefore i will never get rid of him.
Sockista,Tigwigs,Bogalogs,Tubsta,Moodymoooo-These pets are the nicknames i have for my cats therefore i will never get rid of them.
Lafrez-is my dream pet and was given to me by a very nice person,who i will never forget.Never giving away.
Cheateh-is a leprechaun pet which represents my dad cos he was irish.
All my other pets have meanings too,and i may trade them,depending on the offer.
Blueberry63735-is a pirate pet which represents my partner,the only reason i would trade it,is if i was to get a offer of another pirate pet with a better name.
Toireasa-is the first pet i made with a real name,and will soon be a echlin.I may trade her once she is a echlin if i like the offer
Somnambulist-is a real word meaning sleepwalker,may trade one day,if i like the offer.