My new years Mara Resolutions

13 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
1st Jan 2012 15:081)Make Scottybomb a Intermediate Pet [x]
2)Complete these quests till i reach my goal.
1 - Candy Tree = 300 or more [x]
2 - Knutt Knight = 50 or more [x]
3 - Leprechaun = 200 or more [ ]
4 - Puchalla Inn = 75 or more [x]
5 - Farm = 250 or more [ ]
3)Complete these missions till i reach my goal.
1 - Tarquins Library = 1 time or more [ ]
2 - Fugunzel Tower = 1 time or more [x]
3 - Circus = 1 time or more [ ]
4 - Trotters movies = 1 time or more [x]
4)Need to have won 250 - 300 battles [x]